Tricky Love

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 Hello Readers! It’s me again with a one-shot! But not just any one-shot. It’s a NALU ONE-SHOT!!!!!!!! I dedicate this one-shot to Truly_In_Love. I hope you all enjoy this and well...Goodbye! XD


    It was just a normal day in Fairy Tail. Cana’s still drinking like crazy, Elfman’s still shouting about Manliness, Bickslow’s still teasing Evergreen, and Natsu and Gray are still fighting while Erza scares them to death. But two certain white-haired girls and a blue Exceed are at the bar whispering to each other. What could they be planning...?

 “MIRA-SAN!” A blonde-headed beauty yells from across the guild, interrupting the 3 mages secretive talking.

 “Yes Lucy?”

  “Can I talk to you...alone?”

   “Yes Lucy.”

  So they went to the back of the guild. Let’s look into their conversation shall we?

  “What did you want to talk to me about Lucy?”

  “Oh yes.’s about Natsu.”

  “Hmm... I see...” Mira smirks evily.


 “Okay. How about you 2 go in this room. I’ll be back there in a minute alright?”

  “Okay Mira!”

  What Lucy didn’t know was that Mira, Lisanna, and Happy were planning to .... .... .. ... .... ........!

“Natsu! Come here a sec!” Mira calls out to him.


“Natsu. Do you like Lucy?”

“Wha?! Yeah. As a friend.”

“No! I mean more than a friend!”

“Well...Yeah I guess.”

“ HAHA! I KNEW IT!” Mira laughs out loud.

“SHHHHH! Mira!”

“Hai Hai! You sir, are gonna confess to her NOW!”


“NO BUTS! Go in that room over there and confess!”

“Will you leave me alone if I do?”


“Okay fine then!”

Natsu heads to the room Lucy’s in. He sits down right next to her. They here the door shut and a lock slide into place.

“Wha?! What was that?!” Lucy asks frantically.

“It was a lock.” Natsu bluntly says.

“DUH! But Mira-san is supposed to come in here for us all to talk!”

“Luce. I have something to tell you.”

“Eh? What is it?”

The two mages were unaware of the whole guild listening to their conversation.

“I like no...I love you Luce. I have since the day we first met at Hargeon.”



“I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!”

Natsu held her face up to his, and kissed her warm, vanilla-tasting lips. So soft and sweet. Lisanna unlocks the door and Happy yells, “SURPRISE!!”

The whole guild cheers while Natsu and Lucy blush like mad in each other’s arms.

“STALKERS!” They yell in unsion.

They partied all night. Then at midnight, they all passed out, well, not everyone. Natsu and Lucy sitting by the lake, the stars and moon shining, enjoying their 2nd kiss.


So how was it? Good, bad, horrible? Comment below please! :)

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