Chapter 2: His

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I rushed home after that; quickly taking a shower and changing into my pajamas. I tried to calm the nerves that were erupting in my tummy, but nothing worked. I just gave up with that whole process and settled upon studying for my Economy exam tomorrow. Yes, the exam that I was SUPPOSED to be studying for with CLAIRE.

Wherever the hell that confusing girl was.

I locked myself in my room, well the room I shared with Miranda, for three hours before I heard our apartment door open. I guessed that Natasha and Miranda were home from the amount of giggling filling the main room. I sighed and stood, abandoning my books for the night and unlocking the bedroom door.

"Hey party pooper!" Miranda giggled as she stumbled through the door and collapsed on her bed. Natasha was close on her heels. I rolled my eyes at them and left the room (and my econ books).

"You and Claire suck!" Natasha called after me as she landed on something with a thud. She was no doubt on my bed. As I made my way through our main room (which was our kitchen, TV room, dining room and office in one because four girls in college couldn't afford much else), I heard our front door rattle around.

The lock clicked open and Claire entered, looking embarrassed and ashamed.

"Oh, Hannah, you're still up." She muttered as she shut the door behind her. I nodded and followed her into the room she shared with Natasha.

"Yes, and drunk and drunker are asleep in my bed, so I am bunking with you tonight." I inform her curtly as I climb into Natasha's bed.

"So, how did it go with Zayn?" She asked as she slid out of her heels and tight dress and into her comfy pajamas.

"Who?" I asked as pulled the blankets over me and watched as she climbed into her own bed and did the same.

"Zayn Malik? The boy who stopped us on the street?" She pressed. I looked at her in confusion.

"The boy with the quiff?" I questioned, receiving a nod in response.

"Oh," I shrugged, "nothing happened." I started to shut my eyes, but she gasped and I was forced to open my eyes. Suddenly she was there, sitting next to me on the bed.

"What do you mean nothing happened?" She whisper-shouted at me.

"I mean, he invited me over to hook up, but I told him 'no'." I said slowly. She widened her eyes.

"Then what happened? You have to tell me EVERYTHING he said, Han, this is important!" She jumped up and began to pace around the room.

"Well, after you left he told me that I don't know how the streets work, so he wanted to show me. Then I told him no thank you." I shrugged, trying to remember what had happened.

"And then...?" She snapped at me. I was taken aback by her attitude, but obliged anyways.

"Then he told me that I don't know who I was dealing with while pressing me up against the wall. He began to kiss my neck, but I pushed him off and told him no." I stated, proud of my own courage.

"You did WHAT?!" She nearly screamed as she stopped pacing all together.

"Then I left." I concluded. She just looked at me completely flabbergasted.

"You l-l-left?" She seemed as though she was hearing the impossible.


"And he let you?"

"What do you mean 'he let me'? Of course he did." I shrugged. Who was this guy?

"Did he say anything?" Claire stood with her brows furrowed and her mouth open.

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