11. " Girls Day Out "

Start from the beginning

"Toushiro-kun, Rangiku-san can I talk to you for a second?", Orihime whispered. "Excuse us Yuuki-chan I just want to ask them about something for a moment.", she said to Yuuki.

Yuuki looks at them with a puzzled expression on her face and nods. Orihime pulls Toushiro and Rangiku away so she can't hear.

"What is it Orihime-chan?", Rangiku whispered.

"It's about Yuuki-chan, she seems different now."

"Different? What do you mean?", Toushiro asked.

"Well... different as in a good thing.", Orihime whispered.

"Orihime-chan, don't keep us hanging. What is it?", Rangiku whispered.

"This is the first time I've seen Yuuki-chan smile so lively. She wasn't like this before so I just wanted to thank you. She seems to open up to you.", Orihime whispered as she smiled happily.

"No, no, no, I think it's all because of the captain. I noticed that every time she's with you, she seems so lively."

"Thank you, Toushiro-kun."

"N-No, I really didn't do anything.", he said as he blushess.

They finally finished their conversation and went back to where Yuuki was.

"Yuuki-chan! Sorry for the wait.", Orihime said.

~It's fine, can I ask what it was about?~

"It's a secret, hehehe. Ahhh!... you guys come on in."

"No thanks, we'll just drop Yuuki off here, she said she wants to talk to you so I'll come back later. Matsumoto, I'll leave them to you, if something happens contact me right away." , Toushiro said.

Toushiro leaves and the three girls enters the house. Orihime went to get some snacks, they intend to eat while talking.

"Yuuki-chan, have you talked to Kurosaki-kun?"

~No, I haven't gone to see him yet. He might hate me after all the things that happened.~

Yuuki is writes her reply this time instead of using sign language since Rangiku can't understand it and can join in their conversation.

"That's not true. Kuchiki-san kept me updated on you, it wasn't your fault. I'm sure Kurosaki-kun feels the same, he'll understand so just talk to him....", Orihime said.

~There's something you still don't know.~

"What is it?"

~About the person who killed them, his name is Haru.~

"So you know him?"

~More than that, he's actually my brother.~

"What!? But how did you know that?"

~My childhood memories are slowly returning. I've also seen what my parents looked like.~

"Do you know where they are and what happened to them?"

Yuuki shakes her head no with a sad look on her face.

~Even if I wanted to go and look for them, I don't know where to begin. Shiro said nothing was left to the house near the place where they found me.~

"Toushiro-kun? I thought Isshin-san was the one who found you?"

~It's a long story.~

"Orihime-chan, let me tell you about the things that happened recently.", Rangiku said.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now