The Christmas Invasion

Start from the beginning

"I'm Rose Tyler, and this is Mickey Smith." Rose said. I shook their hands.

"Kodashay, more commonly known as The Legend" I informed. Rose looked behind me at where the other robot Santas were.

"Ummm, Shay?" She said, "the Santas are gone!" I looked behind me, sure enough they were gone.

"They'll be back," I stated. I knew this because I had heard about them, they were pilot fish. I decided to change the subject. "So how's Doc been lately?" Rose looked at me sadly.

"He changed his face, now I don't know who he is! I thought I knew him! Then he goes changing his face like that! I-it hurts!" She Burst out. "You regenerate, do I still know him?"

"Hey, don't worry, I know him, he will always, always, pull through in the end." I smiled at the end to show her that I was being serious. She smiled lightly.

"How long have you known him?" She asked.

"I met him when I was 8."

"I've known him for the past year. So where is your companion, if you have one."

"No I don't have one, but, I was adopted by a family."

"Where are they?"

"They kicked me out and left me here to go back to America."

"That's horrible! What kind of family would do that!?"

"The kind that got the idea in their heads that I was a monster."

"What your not a monster! Say would you like to spend Christmas with us? We would be delighted to have you! It's the least I can do, you did save my life after all!"

I smiled, I would LOVE to spend Christmas with The Doctor and Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith!

"I would love to."

As we were on the cab to Rose's mom's flat I got caught up on the Doctor's travels. It sounded like the man had been busy!

We walked into the flat as Rose's mum, Jackie, opened the door. Rose had phoned ahead to warn her about my coming.

"And you must be Shay! Lovely to meet you!" Jackie happily greeted.

"You must be Jackie. Lovely flat." I smiled as I said, they really did have a nice flat.

"Rose said you were abandoned! Are you hungry?" She stated. She took the rucksack purse I had been living out of and placed it on a hat rack near the door. "Come lets get some food in ya!"

We walked through the hall to a living room when Rose spotted the Christmas tree in their living room.

"Mum," she started "where did you get the tree?"

"I thought you bought it!" Jackie answered.

I turned my back on the tree for a second and I felt something push me from behind. I fell forwards and hit my head on a table. The hit was hard enough to knock me out.

I woke on a TARDIS alone, except for a guy whom I realized was The Doctor. I realized that this must be the Doctor's TARDIS. I was with him on the day he stole her. I smiled fondly at the memory.

"Hello old friend." I said to her. She hummed happily in response.

Suddenly The Doctor woke.

"Who are you?!" He said looking at me.

"I'm The Legend, long time no see." I responded. He looked at me like I was a ghost. We suddenly heard laughter, alien laughter. I got up and went to the doors. Doc got up to and stood behind me. We walked out.

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