That's What Has Been Keeping Me Up At Night

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I let out a small groan as I flop down into my chair. I see my reflection in the black computer screen: dark shadows under my eyes, eyelids drooping in exhaustion; my clothes slightly damp from the rain I had to briefly run through on my way here.

I had seen Kougami on my way in. Why isn't he here yet, I wonder. He had paused for a moment once he had seen me and then immediately hurried off in the other direction.

Yayoi and Ginoza are already working quietly. For a short while, the only sounds in the room are the gentle swooshes from the lazily rotating ceiling fan, and the soft pitter patter of fingers hitting the keyboards.

I give a small jump as I hear soft foot falls behind my chair and a gentle thunk on the computer desk next to me. I look to see Kougami setting down a Styrofoam cup full of steaming brown coffee. He gives me a brief smile as I look up at him before turning away and stepping over to his computer and booting it up.

I lift the cup and take a sip. It's not too hot and sweet with sugar. After a few minutes, I start my computer and begin to finish revising my report from a couple days ago. Chief Kasei wants it submitted by tomorrow. I just barely finish the coffee as a voice comes on over the intercom.

"Area stress level warning. Above regulations. Wanted latent criminal detected..." I let out a sigh as it gave the location. I stand up and followed Ginoza, who is spitting out details about this latent criminal, out the door, Enforcers on our heels.

"And I was just beginning to think today might not be so busy." I mumble to myself as I slide into the driver's seat, wait for Ginoza to shut his door, and step on the gas pedal.


The situation had been easy enough to handle. Despite being a wanted criminal, the guy wasn't too bright. We had closed off the block, and he was found lurking in a dark alley, threatening to detonate a bomb. Of course, he was shot with Lethal Eliminator before he could do anything. Or before I could get there to talk him down to only be hit by Paralyzer... Kagari, and a stubborn Ginoza had gotten there before me.

Now, back at headquarters, I'm simply exhausted as my shift ends. My lack of sleep hasn't been helping matters, and I just want to go home and try to sleep.

I walk down the hall. I pull on my jacket as I look through a door to my left as I walk. I come to a halt as I see Kougami sitting in the room that leads off to a balcony. Where I had once talked with Masaoka. Where he had told me that Ginoza's father was a latent criminal.

It is dark out now, so I can only see him in black and almost white in the moonlight that streams through the sliding doors. Like a negative drawing: the black scratched away to expose the white underneath. The shadows cast over his face make him look fatigued as they curl under his closed eyes. He sits on the couch, leaning back with his head against the wall behind him. A cigarette burns dully in between his fingers.

I hesitate where I stand. Should I just go home, or should I go in and talk to him? I think. I am really tired, after all... I stand for a few more seconds contemplating with myself before I step towards the door. I gently slide it open and step inside.

"Kougami-san?" I say, closing the door behind me. He lets out a breath, and with it a gray plume of smoke as he slowly opens his eyes. There isn't a noise in the room other than any that we might make, and the gentle breeze blowing through the open door to the balcony.

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