An he called us telling us to come downtown to some restraunt  and pretend we were police and that he had committed some horrible crime that took three police officers to restrain him she said laughing."

Trent and Chris laughed too making me feel left out.

"What about Sean do you still keep in contact with him she asked."

" Yeah actually we're thinking about doing a deal with him Chris said."

" Who's Sean and Presto I finally asked."

"Oh they're just friends from college Sean's been trying to do something with us for years now and we've just now considered it he won't get off our backs about it. An Preston more of the carefree type a ladies man but three years ago he met Oliva and they've been together ever since Trent said explaining."

" Oh so he doesn't own a company I asked."

" No he owns a string of restraunts Trent said."

  I nodded my head "so how's business been going she asked."

Yes finally something on common ground.

"Its doing good we've just closed a deal actually Trent said."

"Oh yeah that reminds me Mr.Phillips wanted to meet with you guys next Thursday I said informing them."

"Alright and our mother said she'd like to cook together this Sunday Chris said."

"Oh really but what about the chef I asked."

"She said she'd give Clarice the night off Chris said in response."

"Oh alright I said smiling in that case give me her number and I'll call her and see what she wants to cook up."

Trent whipped his phone out "you can give it to me tonight when we head back to my place, or did you  guys want to head to your place I asked."

"Nah its cool we'll sleep at your place Chris said."

When I turned back I saw April staring daggers at me. Wow if looks could kill I'd be a dead woman walking. Good thing our food came right at that moment. My burger looked mouthwatering delicious and I just about moaned when I tasted it. I looked over and saw Chris had some type of sauce on the corner of his mouth.

He looked adorible and the sight made me giggle. He looked at me chewing his food. I reached over and wiped the smudge away. He smiled at me in thanks. I shook my head and went back to eating.

"Excuse me I have to goto the bathroom be right back Chris said."

Me and Trent stood letting him out. We sat back down and continued eating until a second or two later Trent's phone started ringing. He looked down at it and answered.

"Sorry I have to take this I'll be right back he said."

My eyes widened no no no don't leave me with your ex that's boyfriend and girlfriend 101. I swear for a smart guy he could be just plain dumb at times. I turned back and saw April eating so I continued. A minute later she started talking. I knew it fml.

"So your their new piece huh she said. You won't last long and your not that much to look at. Huuuuuh the guys are forever trying to replace me, but I have no worries were your concerned. I'm ready now she said flicking her hair."

My eyebrows raised into my hair line excuse me I said.

"You heard me your a pastime she said looking down taking another stab at her food as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Look I don't know what all went down between you three but dont try an think your going to mosey your way back in because those men out there ain't having it.

An I'm not letting them go you stupid bitch. I'm not some dumb bimbo who doesn't know when she's got it good. An if I wasn't in my right mind right now I'd kick your ass! I said "

I hadn't known I'd stood up til Chris.

"What's going on here Chris said."

"Christopher she just started verbally attacking me after I said I hope you guys relationship lasted April said."

"You lyin-" I was cut short  when Chris stepped forward and whispered in my ear.

"Kacey did you take your medicine he asked."

I froze right then and there how dare he. An the fact that  he just assumed without listening to me just hurt me so much. I turned and looked at him, blanking myself.

I picked my bag up and started walking but came back and got my burger I was still hungry but after that I left.When I got out I walked right pass TrentWhat'smater mater  Kacey were are you going he asked grabbing my arm."

"Ask your fucking brother I said yanking my arm back and before I got far enough. I heard him say shit I shook my head and continued walking til I reached a bus stop that led back toward the office since I didn't have my truck."

As I waited a black SUV pulled up in front of the bus stop. The window rolled down and revealed Trent.

"Get in the car Kacey he said."

"Yeah I'm sorry kacey I shouldn't have said that Chris said."

I looked pass them and April was in the car. I shook my head "I'm not getting in that car if she's in there I said." The door to the car opened and they both stepped out.

"Well if your not gonna get in Trent said."

"Then we'll get out and wait with you Chris said."

"Oh come on Trent,Chris you can't be serious if she wants to wait for the bus insteadoif getting in the car let her wait then April said.

"She's our girlfriend Chris said. But you go on we're going back to work we'll talk to you some other time he said."

Once she left I walked up to Chris and slapped him.

"Don't you ever say that bs to me when you haven't found out the whole situation I said tears streaming down my face. "

"I know and I'm sorry kacey I should've gotten down to what happened first before I said that Chris said hugging me."

"I sniffled you don't know how hurt I was when you said that I said."

He stayed quiet and hugged me tighter. After that we waited for the bus in silence well they did I ate my burger , what a girl had to eat. When it arrived I  payed for our fair,we sat and waited until we got off the bud when we did we walk the rest of the way back.

When we got back there was a big pink box on my desk. I went toward it and looked at the card.

To: Kacey

This is a gift from me to you or should I say peace offering. I saw your bag and it looked worn out so I thought I might give you a new one.

Sincerely , April .

I crumbled the card up,that bitch thought she was all that with her back handed two faced comments. An she had the audacity to insult my purse. This bitch had life fucked up, an my purse was in mint condition I hadn't worn this purse but twice.

I sat down my mind in a world wind. This bitch wanted to play games well than let's see who's was gonna win the next time around.

The next time we saw her I was gonna know shit to throw at her she fucked with the wrong one.

Alr ppl sorry I didn't  update soon as I told u on my bio I'm a bit lazy tbh. But I will try to update twice every week if not twice at least once. But this book will be coming to an end sadly but oh yea did y'all notice this bitch get the salad instead of the sushi like bitch you said sum shit about one thing and order something else like if you don't get yo two faced ass on b4 I blow yo fake ass away.

Until next time my lil two for ones✌

Two for one #Wattys2015 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now