Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!

Start from the beginning

"Kai I know it is you but what you have just done is unconscionable, I am to be Queen soon and if you are seen around here your death will come." I said shaking at the though of Aku putting his hands on Kai but I no longer longed to be with Kai everything inside of me for him has passed away. 

"I have came back to get you, I promised to take you to your homeland and so I shall." He smiled reaching out for my hand more 

"I am not going anywhere with you, I gave birth to my children and I love them very dearly. I would not live at the idea of being away from them. " I said holding on to Lillith for support as my hand still shook

"Are those your daughter's" He pointed to the carriage, I quickly looked back as the carriage remained untouched.

"Yes One is my blood daughter and One is my heart daughter." I said proudly as Lillith jumped sharply. 

"Have you accepted him as your lover now ?" Kai asked as if his heart was breaking in front of us 

"No I haven't , I don't love him but for our children sake I have accepted my position as his wife and as the Queen of his people." I said bowing my head as if I was ashamed at what I just said. I felt ashamed at how Kai glared at me evilly. 

"Bring me both children." He said to his men as they moved to the carriage Lillith ran to it as I did, I felt something pull me back it gave me a head pain and I screamed but Lillith didn't stop she kept running. They reached the door and opened it and the girls started screaming and Lillith had been knocked back on her behind. The two men held both of our daughters and carried them to Kai, he pulled my hair again and tossed me to the ground. 

"You will be his slave, whore and Queen because of baster children forced upon you." he said walking up to our daughter. I watched as he looked at Lillith's daughter then mines "I can see this one is your's and our dear king Aku's daughter." He said rubbing her hair as she wined 

"Please release my daughter's " I cried as Kai seemed lost in his own anger 

"Maybe if they were dead you wouldn't feel obligated to stay and come with me." he said as he grabbed my daughter from the man

I looked at the dead guard and seen his sword laying next to him, I looked at my daughter and she looked at me and her dark brown eyes connected to mines 

Eerika cried harder and she yelled "MAMA." 

Before I was sure of what happen I grabbed the sword and with all my might I lifted it up and I swung at everything in view sight. My mind had seemed to black out at the panic of my children being hurt, I open my eyes and looked right into Kai's eyes the sword was in his stomach my daughter was not in sight. Kai was so surprise he held onto me and gasped

"Look at the monster, you have become my sweet Neania you have killed the only person that has done only whats best for you." He whispered as he kissed my head and laid back falling off the sword Lillith yelped and I felt her hands on my shoulder. 

"Neania we must go please come on." she said I looked behind her as our daughter cried holding each other

I had turned into a monster but as much as Kai loved me and has been nothing but kind to me my own child meant more to me then him. I lifted myself up and walked back to the Kon who was still breathing

'Help me get him into the carriage." I said to Lillith

She ran around to him and lifted up one side of him as I did the other, once we loaded him in I looked at her. "Get in" Lillith jumped in and I walked around to the horse that one of the guards were riding, I grabbed the horse hair and lifted myself up onto it. 

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