"God G hasn't dumped you yet?", he said insultingly.

"No why would he? He likes me", I said.

"Yeahhh that's what they all think", he slurs.

He started walking off but I caught up to him.

"What are you talking about?", I asked, wanting an answer.

"He hasn't told you yet?", he just laughed.

"I bet him 100$ that he couldn't string you along, get what he wants, and then dump you. Guess he's still working on the getting what he wants part or he just owes me 100", he chuckled winking, slightly losing balance.

My heart dropped with what he just told me. Could it be true? Did he lie to me this whole time, about his feelings?

Was everything he said to me a lie?

My blood boiled and tears appeared in my eyes but I refused to let them out. I needed answers.


The Jack's set had ended and I saw him coming over to me.

{Gilinsky's Pov}

"Did you like the set?", I asked her giving her a hug.

She didn't hug back which was odd, and she looked as if she wanted to cry.

"What's wrong", I say pulling her to the side, pulling a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Is it true", she said jaw clenched, tears coming out one by one.

I gave her a confused look. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Is it true the you bet 100$ that you could string me along, have sex wish me, then dump me ??!", she yelled stern.

Everyone started getting quiet.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?", I asked softly.

"It's true isn't it", she scoffed.

"Lydia", I spoke.

"What Jack?! You don't want everyone to know what a deceiving ass you are?? I thought you were going for the fuckboy rep.", she shouted not caring who heard.

I looked around silently.

She glanced realizing everyone was listening.

"Great. And now I'm the one who's the idiot embarrassing herself.", she scoffed again walking off, tears in her eyes.

It hurt my heart to see her like this. I truly had feelings for her, I just needed to explain.

"Lydia, let me explain, please", I shouted running in front of her.

We were outside the house and the party resumed.

"You've done enough. Ya know. a part of me said don't trust you, but the other half fell for you and thought you were worth the risk of heartbreak. That half consumed me leaving me vulnerable to you.And now I regret ever feeling what I did for you", she said softly wiping her tears.

"Everything I feel, everything I said, was real. I made that bet before I got to know you, before I had feelings for you", I said grabbing her hands.

My eyes were watering up. I was hurt and didn't want to lose her.

"I-i love you", I spoke softly. I struggled to say those 3 words. But once I did I knew thats how I truly felt. I loved her.

"I love you", I said again, but this time I kissed her to hopefully remind her of the spark and bond we had. She couldn't just give that up.

"As much as I love you, and as much as I want to say it back to you, I can't. You hurt me Jack and I don't know if I can trust you to not hurt me again", she spoke soft, trailing off.

"I won't hurt you again, I promise. Can't you see I'm hurting right now because you're hurting. I hate seeing you this way. I hate knowing I caused it. I was stupid for making that bet and I regret it. Just give me another chance. I don't want to lose you. I love you. I love you", I expressed to her.

"I love you Jack, but I can't say it back truly meaning it right now. I just need time. At least give me that", she said kissing my cheek walking off.

And in that moment, I knew we would never be the same.

{oooohhh drama drama drama
idk if she over reacted or under reacted enough, let me know what you guys think :)

wow i keep updating early. Like when i start writing I just get on a role. But once school starts I probably won't update as much as I've said before.



maybe we'll have 300 reads soon !?

this chapter was pretty intense btw but I hope it wasn't too crappy or too cheesy.

fun fact: jack and jack are lomls

vote if you agreeeeee

ok thanks for reading this far cutie, you rock !}

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