Chapter Eleven

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I am so sorry about how long this took me. I've been slightly incapacitated because I broke my foot, I've been traveling, and I'm about to start college so I've been so busy. But I will do my best to start getting updates out again! ;) -LMI

Tony and Bruce looked at each other in confusion. It seemed almost too coincidental. A woman that knew Johann and Johann knew her? Caty on the other hand would have been beaming but this didn't make sense.

Johann's first reaction was to be happy but then he took a step back. He pulled Jennie behind him and looked at the woman suspiciously.

"Abigail?" He asked.

"Abigail? My name is Hilde," the woman said. "You're Johann Schmidt?"

"Hilde!" Johann said excitedly. "You look just like your mother!"

"Why did you never come back?" She asked sadly.

"I sort of got sucked into another universe," he said. "Long story but I did go looking for you. I couldn't find you. But shouldn't you be older?"

"The serum acts as a stabling agent," Bruce pipped up. "So it basically made her younger."

"Yes and I could ask you the same question," Hilde said with annoyance.

"I was injected with a super soldier serum," he explained. "The people who injected you are using a version of the same thing that went wrong."

"Who is that?" Hilde asked pointing at Jennie and Caty.

"My wife and soon-to-be daughter."

"Well, you've been busy haven't you?" Hilde said making reference to Caty's baby bump. Caty blushed.

"You know your name means joy right? What happened to that happy little girl I used to know?"

"Sorry to interrupt but would you mind telling us who she is?" Tony asked.

"My niece," Johann said.

"I'm still angry with you for leaving," Hilde said. "But I suppose you had a good excuse."

"Well, it was at the time," Johann said. "Kind of evil but then again so was Germany."

"Hey! He admits it," Tony laughed. Johann rolled his eyes at him.

"Would anyone happen to know where my daughter is?" Hilde asked.

"Where did you last have her?" Bruce asked.

"She went missing at a young age. I married a Russian-"

"You married a Russian!" Johann asked incredulously.

"Hey, watch it! My wife is Russian," Bruce said winking.

"What was your daughter's name?" Tony asked. "I can probably find her.


All eyes turned to her in shock. Hilde looked confused.

"What's your last name?" Bruce asked.

"Romanoff. Why?"

"Oh good Lord," Bruce said. "I just met my mother-in-law."

"That makes me Natasha's great uncle!" Johann said in shock.

"Oh good gracious!" Caty said. "She has always been an aunt to me and now I'm her great aunt by marriage!"

"So I'm her aunt too?" Jennie asked.

"Our family is so weird," Johann groaned.

"So you know where my daughter is?"

"Yes," Tony said laughing. "This has been such a weird day!"

"We're Avengers," Bruce said. "Of course it has."

"C'mon, Hilde," Johann said. "You can come meet your daughter."

"I haven't seen her since she was four," Hilde said nervously.

"C'mon it'll be fine."


"Natasha," Johann said knocking.

"Yes?" Natasha said poking her head out. "Who is this?"

"Oh my soul you're beautiful," Hilde said quietly.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at her and then made a 'what' face at Johann.

"Natasha, this is my niece Hilde who was made younger by Black Death's serum. We cured her and found out that your her daughter. I'm your great uncle and you aunt isn't even born yet."

Catalina smacked Johann's arm, "you can't just tell her like that!"

"Wait what?" Natasha said. "I'm Russian I-"

"And part German."

"Oh my gosh," Natasha said softly. "I think I'm going to pass out. Would someone mind catching me."

With that she proceeded to pass out. Johann caught her and rolled his eyes.

"You should've let me tell her," Caty groaned. "You just dropped a bomb on her."

"Good going, Uncle," Hilde said smacking his arm.

"Would you two shut up and give me a hand?"

"Bruce!" Caty yelled.

"That's not what I meant."

"Well it's what you're getting," Caty said. "Bruce!"

Bruce came down the hall and stopped at the sight.

"You let him tell her?!" Bruce said with a groan.

"I didn't think he would tell her all at once!" Caty shouted.

"Men!" Hilde said in exasperation.

"I'm surrounded," Johann mumbled.

Father's Enemy My Husband {Third book in the Father's Enemy Series}Where stories live. Discover now