Chapter 7

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As we pull up to the clinic I saw three people walk out. The oldest looked like she was 77, the second oldest looked about thirty, and the youngest looked like she was about 13. She looked like she was a little bigger in stomach size than the others and she looked like she was crying. "Sam wait I know them the oldest is my great aunt charlet, the middle is my cousin hannah, and the youngest jacey is my cousin" I say in a panic. He parks the car and I run to them " why are you guys here" I ask. "Grandma can you take jacey to the car so we can talk alone please" hannah asked. She nods in agreement and takes a crying jacey to the car "listen Ryland don't freak out but jacey was raped by my ex boyfriend 6 weeks ago and she's pregnant" hannah said running into my arms bawling. "Shh its okay ,its okay" I said rubbing her back and consoling her. She is my closest cousin and we told her about the situation I was born with. "Ryland why are you here" she sniffed, I just gave her a look that said 'I think I might be pregnant'. "Oh ryry how did this happen" she asked wide eyed. "Listen I'm gonna be late to my appointment don't tell anybody and I will call you later and we will talk about it okay" I say. She nods "okay" she gives me another hug and heads off to her car. I turn around and walk in and Sam is already in there sitting in a chair as I go up to the desk Nancy, who works at the desk, gives me a friendly smile. "Hi Ryland here is your paperwork just fill it out and you should be good to go and by the way we have another patient in here who is just like you i told him about you he told me to direct you over to him he is sitting right over there" she points here pen in the direction of a handsome young man about in his late twenties to early thirties. "Thanks Nancy" I say as I make my way over to him. "Hi I'm Ryland nice to meet you" I say as I put out a hand for him to shake. "Hi I'm Matthew nice to meet you to so you are like me born with both genders" he says shaking and letting go of my hand. "Ya I was I always was afraid of this happening" I say with a sigh. "Hey don't be sad anyways aren't you from Youtube" he asks. "Haha ya Ryland Adams I work for Clevver TV hey aren't you Matthew lush" I ask. "Ya I am but one thing you have to promise not to tell your fans im pregnant if I am okay" he says " okay promise but don't tell your fans either okay" I say. "Loud and clear" he says jokingly just then the nurse calls " Ryland Adams please come to the back the docter will see you now". "Okay I will see you when I get out and tell you the results" I say. "Okay" he says. As I walk to the back i feel cold air rush down my arms god I wish it was warmer in here. We stop in front of a white door and she gives me a dicusted look. "Look you're an unnatural freak" she spat at me "excuse me but I was born this way and I am perfect in my own way" I say. "Whatever freak" she says opening the door and leaving "well she was rude" I say walking in and sitting on the bed. "Hi Ryland nice to see you" says Dr.eagan as he walks in. "Hi docter nice to see you" I say smiling. After I tell him about the party and Shane and everything else he nods slowly. "Listen Ryland we are gonna do an ultrasound on you to determine if you are pregnant or not is that okay with you" he asks. "Yes it is completely fine with me" I say. About an hour later I walk out into the waiting room over to a crying Matthew. "Hey what's wrong Matt" I say sitting down next to him. "Oh nothing its just that i just text broke up with nick and i am pregnant with his child" he says. "That's awful why did you do that" I ask. "Because he cheated on me with another Youtube star but that's not the best part no the best part is that the person he cheated on me with is a woman" he says bawling. "Hey its okay how about you stay at my house until he packs things and leaves" I suggest " really you would do that for me " he sniffs. "Ya what are friend for" I say. "Thanks Ryland" he says "hey no problem but we should probably go get you clothes first" I say. "Ya I will do that hey can I get you address so I know where to go" he asks. After I tell him my info he leaves. I go over to San "hey so guess what Sam" I say. "What" she asks with mock enthusiasm "I'm...... PREGNANT"

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