Part 9

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Luca's mansion in the picture above :D


Aubrey's pov

"What do you mean you're a werewolf?" I was pacing back and forth in my living room. Mia was a werewolf too?!

"You know, Full moon, Grrrrr!, Snout, fur-" I cut her off with my giggling and she started to laugh too.

"No! Mia, I'm serious, I meant how? Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned.

She looked down and picked at her nail before sighing. "Well you tell me, Brey, let's say I came up to you and said 'hey Aubrey, guess what? I'm a werewolf.' What would you say, huh?" She was right my reaction would be similar to the one I had when Luca told me, I would have laughed in her face and thought she was psycho.

I walked over to the couch and sat beside her, I gave her a small smile. "Your right, I would have thought you were a psychopath, sorry I just freaked out on you." She wrapped her arms around me. In the short time I've got to know her I've realized one thing, this girl is an open book, she is so easy to get to know. She is genuinely a sweet and honest person and I am so glad to have her in my life. I knew for a fact that my life was about to change and I accepted it.

"Mia, tell me everything about a werewolf," I spoke.

She began telling me about how a wolf turns into its actual wolf when he or she turns 16. I found out that a pack has a leader called Alpha, a Beta and a third in command. She kept babbling about the rules and what not, but what she said next had my heart skipping a beat.

"W-what" I stuttered I was in shock,

" I said I visited Luca," she repeated. I sat there not able to respond. "Look, Aubrey, I know he is your mate and that's the actual reason I came to talk to you when I went to visit him..."


"Mia what are you doing here" Luca spoke with shock present in his drunk eyes. "I told you we are over, I have a mate." He went to shut the door on me, but I stuck my foot in the door before Luca could shut it fully.

"I don't care about that Luca, I have a mate too, I came to ask you why you were at Aubrey's house the other night?" He sighed and moved out of the way so I could step into his home. The smell that hit me the instance I stepped into his house made me cringe, the reek of alcohol was so strong I could almost taste it.

Luca guided me into the living room and my gaze swept over the mess of broken furniture. I couldn't help but ask what happened. "why does your place look like you threw a Wolfy tantrum?" I asked to get answers and also keep the tension out of the air. One thing I have learned from being with Luca for a short while is that he can be an angry drunk or a giddy, happy drunk depending on his mood, he was quite bipolar. I sure hope for my sake that angry drunk Luca is at bay and won't be making an appearance tonight.

He only replied with a small growl and I looked away not wanting to angry him with my stupid remarks.

While I was looking around I saw a bunch of broken bottles in the corner of his living room close to the fireplace, she walked over to the fireplace to get a better look. What was wrong? why was Luca drinking so much? I thought.

"So who's is the poor lad that got stuck with you for a mate." Luca's joking voice startled me pulling my thought, I didn't reply so Luca continued. "Will you at least tell me if he's from our pack?" I took a deep breath in, I knew that he would find out sooner or later so I decided to speak up and tell him.

"No, His name is Adone Vanni, he is from a different pack which means that I will have to leave the pack at some point," I spoke proudly of my mate, saying or hearing his name just made my heart skip a beat I had never felt so in love with a man in my whole existence, he brought the best out of me

Luca was taken aback when he heard that Adone was mated to someone from his own pack. He smiled and walked over to the bar.

I was curious that Luca hadn't uttered a word about Adone and I's relationship not that anything he says could change my feelings for Adone, all I wanted were answers about what he was doing at Aubrey's house that night. After that, I would leave.

"So would you like to proceed in telling me what happened that day," I asked.

He looked her in my eyes and then spoke. "Just like beloved Adone is your mate, Aubrey is mine, but thanks to you she pushing her feelings away because she can't hurt you, and as for what happened that night after she saw me she passed out. I picked her up and put her in her room and left." Luca was swirling a cup in his hand and I  was beyond angry, he was blaming me for his mate's second thoughts.

"How dare you blame me!" I screamed.

He was merely calm "So you can have a perfect life with your mate and I can't-" I cut him off.

"I never said that-" This time it was my time to be cut off.

"Mia, you listen here, she's human it's easy for her not to fall in love instantly, she doesn't hold the strong bond that a normal werewolf does. My relationship with Aubrey is in a really fragile state right now and if she doesn't give our relationship a shot I will lose her." He hissed.

I took the cup out of his hand and set it down "Look, I'll talk to her and tell her that I am happy and mine and your breakup was actually a good thing," I  felt sorry for Luca and I knew I had to do something about it.

**End of flashback**

I was shocked, but I felt guilty for putting Luca in such a terrible position, I did feel really weird around him, he always brought a heat when he touched me or just looked in my direction.

Mia's voice interrupted my thoughts "Do you understand how important it is for a mate to have their other half. Brey, Luca really needs you and you need to understand that. As for me, thanks to you I found my soul mate. Did you know we both ended up with possessive alphas," I laughed and she joined me and I found myself crying, I messed up and I needed to fix it?

Wiping my eye's, I smile and ask Mia for a favor. "Do you by any chance have his phone number, I need to apologize." She nodded and smiled showing her pearly white teeth.

after she gave me Luca's number she went to walk out but I stopped her with my voice. "Mia, Adone is worried, call or visit him." I urged.

"I will," She left with that and I sat there letting everything sink in. should I call or text him? What should I say?

after about ten minutes of staring at my ceiling, I finally sent him a simple text.


With that, I shut off my phone and checked the clock on my nightstand. 8:32.

I really wasn't in the mood of doing anything so I made some dinner and walked back upstairs, settling for Netflix. I had a long day tomorrow and right now I wanted to do nothing more than just relax


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