I quickly shook it off when she ran inside. I guess to go fix her make-up. I looked back at Grayson who was looking horrified finally noticing that he made his daughter cry.

I coughed to try and get Grayson's attention. He looked back to me and apologized. "Yes, we do. Thank you. But it's a little early and we're not ready." Grayson told him. "Oh, yeah, I know I have to go get gas for Blond- I mean Caroline's car because it ran out of gas and my brothers car died. So I'll pick yall up after that. Some of you will have to ride with Stef and Bar-, um, Caroline. I need to get to school a little early because I have to return my book to the library so I'll take Elena and Jeremy and you and your wife can ride with my brother. Is that good?" Damon asked. "Yes. That's fine. Thank you so much." Grayson said being polite. "Of course. Any time you need a ride we would be more than happy to give you one." Damon told him as he left to go get gas for Blondie's car.

Elena's POV:

I finished touching up my makeup and ran downstairs to figure out how I was supposed to get to school. I spotted my parents in the living room.

"So what's the plan?" I asked scared that my dad was going to yell at me like last time. "You and Jer are going to ride with Damon, and me and your dad are riding with Stefan and his girlfriend." Mom answered.

"What about coming back?" I asked. Dad groaned. "I completely forgot!" He yelled. Resulting in me stepping back a little.

"It's okay. I'm pretty sure that Emily will take us home. And 'Lena and Jer can ride with Damon or Stefan." Mom said cautiously.

"Yeah, you're right and I'll get someone to come fix the car." Dad said calmly. Then mom went over and kissed my father.

I stood there awkwardly until someone knocked and I ran to go get it. Glad to get out of that room. I opened the door and saw Damon standing there wearing a sexy smirk. I couldn't help but smile. He was just so perfect.

I stood there speechless. I finally noticed that he was staring at me also speechless. I gave him a shy smile and invited him in. "Jer, time to leave!" I called. "How?" He asked and then saw Damon. "Oh," was all he said staring at Damon and if looks could kill, Damon would be dead ten times over.

"Y'all ready?" Damon asked. "Yeah," I said happily ready for my first day at school. I went to go get my stuff and when I came down dad told me Damon was driving me home but Jer said that he'd get a friend to take him home but if he couldn't then Damon would bring him.

"Are we still on for dinner tonight?" I asked curiously hoping that it was. I wanted to see the inside of their house. Jeremy glared at me.

"Yes, if y'all still wanna come." Damon replied looking at my mother knowing she'd say yes. "Yes, of course. What will we be having? Jeremy's picky and there's not a lot he'll eat," mom replied. "Um, spaghetti?" Damon supplied. My mom just shook her head saying, "Elena actually is the one who won't eat that," my mother laughed. Damon just chuckled. "How about homemade lasagna?" Damon asked.

"Homemade?" I giggled.

"Yes, my mother taught me how to make it before she died. Stefan doesn't even know how to make it." Damon said proudly. "That would be great. Thank you," my mom told him politely. "Alright see y'all tonight at 6?" Damon asked. My parents nodded and then we left.

Jeremy's POV:

Elena jumped into the front seat of Damon's car leaving me to sit alone in the back. "So Damon," my sister said, "how old are you and Stefan?"

"Stef's 17 and I'm 18."

"How did your parents die?" Elena asked cautiously.

"I didn't know we were playing 21 questions," Damon smiled earning a giggle from my sister who earned a glare from me. It was so easy to tell that she liked him. I didn't want her to get her heart broken like when Matt cheated on her with her best friend. I was determined to make sure nothing like that ever happened to her again.

"Car accident," Damon told her answering her question.

"So now I get two questions. How old are you? And where did y'all move here from?" Damon asked.

"I'm 17 and Jer's 15 and we moved here from Mystic Falls, Virginia. Um, are you a Junior or a Senior?"



"My parents held me back so I could be in the same grade as Stef. Now I get two questions. Why did y'all move here? And were you happy about it?"

"My parents job and yes"

"Why were you happy? Most people your age wouldn't be."

Elena was about to speak when I interrupted yelling "We're here!" Like a 3 year-old. Elena glared at me. I quickly grabbed my stuff and jumped out of the car.

Elena's POV:

"Can we finish our game later?" Damon asked and I nodded smiling. Following Damon to the library.

Barely anyone was here but the people that were here were staring at me and Damon, whispering. Great, a small town where everybody knows everybody. No one is being very welcoming so far.

Then I spotted Jeremy talking with a few guys. He made friends easily. I thought. Damon noticed me being uncomfortable and asked if I was okay. "No. Why is everyone looking at me like I'm an alien? Jeremy made friends easily!" I said exasperated.

He sighed. "It's probably because your with me-" he was cut off when a girl, who was obviously used to being liked by everybody and used to being popular, stepped in front of him and trailed a finger down his shirt. "Hey sexy," she said.

I watched as she leaned up to kiss him and he pushed her away. "Really Rebekah?! You need to stop doing that!" He told her which made me feel better. My eyes widened as she slapped him. "Come find me when you're done being a stupid jerk!" The blonde yelled getting everyone's attention.

They all stared at us as she walked away looking satisfied with herself. I stared at Damon who just kept walking.

"Who was that?!" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"Rebekah," he answered. "She's crazy! Always coming at me like that."

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. I just followed him to the library. I sat at a table while he did whatever he needed to do in here and wrote another entry in my diary.

Dear diary,

Today was supposed to be a good day. I was supposed to go to school make a bunch of friends and have dinner with a hot guy. But instead a tree fell on the family car, I haven't made any friends and the hot guy has a girl who is completely determined to have him.

But school hasn't even started yet maybe it will get better. I mean I am wearing my favorite outfit. But I'm always wearing my favorite outfit so today could be like all the others and be awful. Wish me luck!


I hope u like it. I'd be more inspired if you'd comment!

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