I dared to look at myself into the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy, my hair was a mess. I brushed my teeth, and went back to bed, hugging my teddy bear.



After waking up , I had a quick shower, and rushed towards my closet, wore a long-sleeve blouse with a pair of ripped jeans. My hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Where have you been?!" The monster questioned in anger, daring me to answer back with any sassy reply. I was used to this, to the hate and glares, surrounding me whenever I went.

"I'm was busy snoring. Did I miss anything?" I replied, giving him my best ingenious smile.

"I've been waiting for five minutes." He added the so important fact, attempting to sound like an angry old man but failed miserably. Bitch when?


"I need breakfast now. Fucking bitch."

"Do I look like a maid? Don't answer that, I know I do."

I should really take lessons in keeping myself quiet and shutting my mouth in any unnecessary drama.

After making breakfast for the old man, the school bus arrived. It takes fourteen minutes to arrive to school. I immediately placed two fingers on my nose to prevent the ugly smell of eggs, morning breath and people who don't shower. Fucking gross.


"Hey, ugly," were the first two words I was welcomed to. It was normal. But the sound of it still anguished me.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Cat got your tongue?" The same jerk said. His yellow-ish teeth showing, probably caused by the number of cigarettes he smoked.

"Your breath stinks. Do you even brush your teeth?" I replied back, my steps were slow as I tried to remember my first class.

"Your hands can't get even carry a watermelon." He retorted.

Laughing at his stupid comeback, I shrugged,"Did you stay the night searching for the worse insult of the year? If so then I can happily say it was the shittiest insult I've heard of and that speaks volumes*."

With that, I walked to my first class.


"Goodmorning kids." My favourite teacher greeted, her hair styled in a bun.

No, I'm not being sarcastic.

"Goodmorning, Ms.Sunshine."

"How's your day going?" She coughed awkwardly, "Yeah, it's still the first period, anyway let's start with the lesson we took yesterday, alright?"

"I have a question." Never in a million years would I grow to listen to this voice without the urge to spit on him.

"Yes, Blake?"

"Why are we talking this shit if they're dead?"

OK! I might not like History, but this was incredibly rude to the dead who fought for their land and their rights.

"Please, Blake, no swearing in my class."

"We can swear in other classes?" He rose an eyebrow and gave her a wink. Ew.

"Don't put things in my mouth, Blake," Ms.Sunshine replied.

The things I love about this teacher is that she rarely yells, she speaks with us as if speaking to her own kids, repeats everything twice to make sure we understand, never gives detention unless you drove her to the extreme.

She's the only teacher in this whole school who I love.

"Oops, my bad. I'm sorry, continue please." Alex laughed, along with his fangirls, they were giggling, like some young girls, and it sounded annoying especially coming from "grown-up" girls. I think they only bring that act up when he's around other than that he's the gossip of the ladies bathroom usually it included a lot of words along 'arsehole' 'pighead' and 'bullheaded'.

"As I was saying ..."

We started talking notes down, and there's one of the many things I love about this teacher is that her tests were very easy and weren't from the moon.

Imagine after thirty years, I'll get my own history chapter, and let them suffer studying about me. Ha.

'Angel Simths was one of the most gorgeous people alive'

Skipping to lunch, I sat on my usual seat, took out my iPod and played 'Broken Angel'. Oh the irony, I thought as I began eating the Nutella that I had made earlier. The chocolate rolled over my tongue and I think this might top anything that I've ever tasted.

That was my favourite part of the day. That moment--- sitting alone with earphones on and a book in my hand is all I ever have to make my day better. 

[Dear Bully,

Thank you for making me feel worthless and useless.]


WE'RE GONNA PLAY A GAME, I will write scenes from a wattpad or an actual book or movie/show/etc
and you'll guess the title.

And the winner gets a dedication

Just a curious question how old are you?

Hint :movie
scene : What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs, and is fat free?


p.s the main character was our first crush

later babes

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