"I saw this happen a long time ago when this guy killed someone they started seeing the the person they killed and they were in shock and they were scared and couldn't do anything". I said and Louis pulled out his phone and search something.

"It says that back in the 1400's there was a spell that dark witches would cast spells on people that when that person is killed will basically haunt the person that killed them". Louis said putting his phone away and then looking at me.

"So what you're saying is that Micheal's dad is gonna haunt Niall because of this spell"? I asked making sure I heard right and he nodded.

"But who put the spell on him"? Luke asked.

"I did". Perrie said.

"Why did you do that"? Micheal asked.

"Because he said that of I didn't do it then he would kill me and everyone that I loved". She looking down. "I didn't want to do it I was forced". She added.

I looked back at Niall who was still freaking out.

"Niall can you look at me"? I asked but he kept staring at the wall. "Niall"? I asked again and when he looked at me his eyes were black but then they went back to blue.

"You guys saw that right"? I asked looking at them and they nodded. Niall's eyes flashed from black to blue. "Zayn there should be a book hidden somewhere in the bookshelf its gonna have blurred words on the side and its gonna look really old". I said and he nodded and looked for the book. Niall's eyes kept flashing back and forth from black to blue and we didn't know why.

Zayn came back with the book and he handed it to me. I flipped through a bunch of pages until I found what I was looking for and I read this out loud:

Dark Spells and Vampire Hunters

There are a lot of dark spells but there is one that can make a vampire go insane: The spell is called Live On. Any Vampire that is upon this spell can die but can come back to haunt the person that killed them. They will make that person see things that they don't want to see, freak them out, and sometimes make them accidentally kill someone.(A/N: Like your friend is there but instead you see the person you killed). When the person is so scared their eyes can flash from black to their original color meaning they are in between anger and fear.

Vampire Hunters are born with the Live On power. They have invisible tattoos that only other vampire hunters can see. Vampire Hunters originated back in the 1400's back when the first vampires were discovered. They show no mercy for vampires they despise them and will do anything to destroy all of them.

I finished reading and then we all looked at Niall whose eyes were still flashing between black and blue and he was still shaking.

"Guys what do we do"? Luke asked.

"I don't know guys". I said. Then all of a sudden Niall stopped shaking and his eyes stopped flashing and he started looking around the room and looking at all of us.

"Where did he go if we don't find him he's gonna kill us we gotta find him". Niall said getting scared again.

"Niall listen to me". I said and he looked at me. "Micheal's dad is gone he is not really here you are just imagining that he's here". I said and he looked really confused.

"What are you talking about you guys seen him too right"? He asked looking at all of us and we shook our heads. "I'm losing my mind". he said running his hands through hair.

"No Niall you're not losing your mind it's just that when you killed him there was this spell that was on him that when the person who killed him he would kinda haunt them". I explained to him and his eyes got wide.

"So I'm being haunted by his ghost or something"? He asked starting to freak out and we nodded. "And you guys can't see him"? He asked and we nodded again.

Niall's POV

I'm being haunted right now and I'm the only one that can see him I must have looked stupid staring at a wall freaking out. I mean what would you do if you saw they guy you killed standing in the same room as you. I looked at the place where I saw him before and he was there again and my eyes got wide and I started shaking again.

He was walking up behind Luke and he was a knife in his hand and I felt like my eyes were gonna pop out of my head. He held the knife to looks stomach I was shaking my head no but he just looked at me and smiled and plugged the knife into Luke stomach and Luke fell the the floor holding his stomach and blood on his hand.

Everyone rushed to Luke I was too in shock to move. I wanted to move but I couldn't. They got Luke up and put him on the couch.

"What happened no one touched him". Calum said holding Luke's hand. We knew he was gonna be fine because he is a vampire it would heal quickly.

"I-it was Micheal's dad h-he came up behind him and he stabbed him I was telling him not to do it but he just smiled at me and stabbed him". I said starting to hyperventilate.

"Niall he can't touch him he's a ghost or something". Liam said.

"But I saw him he did it he was basically laughing in my face because he knows that I can't do anything about it. H-he's making me suffer and I can't take it". I said starting to break down in tears.

"Wait a minute Liam hand me that book". Zayn said and Liam handed him the book and Zayn searched through it. "It says The spell Live on is a spell that dark witches use but once that person is dead only the person that killed them can see them and that the person that is dead can still make physically contact with the living and the dead". Zayn said looking up from the book.

"See I told you guys how else do thing Luke got stabbed". I said.

"Niall since you're the only one that can see him you gotta tell us when he's about to do something harmful". Calum said and I nodded and my eyes got wide.

"Um Ashton". I said and he looked at me.

"Yeah"? He asked.

"Um move". I said he just looked ta me in pure confusion. "Ashton move". He still stood there looking at me and so were the others. "ASHTON IF YOU DON'T MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY YOU'RE GONNA DIE". I yelled and he jumped and moved out the way before Micheal's dad could ax him in the back of the head and I sighed in relief. "Ashton the next time I tell you to move. Move". I said and he nodded.

I couldn't see Micheal's dad anymore so I figured that he was gone for a while and I was sitting on the floor and I leaned my back against the couch and all of a sudden I felt something puncture my heart and I looked down to see blood and that's when everything went black.


1934 words

Ha I left you hanging.

Do you think Niall will live or not?

Will Micheal's dad leave them alone or continue to make Niall suffer for killing him?

What about the others? How do you think they are gonna react seeing Niall not moving or breathing? Especially Liam.

Find out in the next chapter until then.

Later peoples

My Nightmare Begins (Niam fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now