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It was strange to home again. The big house seemed deserted but his mind was full of memories and unanswered questions.

However, as he soon discovered, he was not alone.

Sydney was in the living room and she made her presence felt as soon as she saw him standing there.

"You...." she was edging towards him, her eyes cold and furious. "You left me when I needed you. You abandoned me in me in my hour of need. Then you waltz in here like you own the place."

Anger overcame her and she launched herself at him. He let her pummel him. Just to prove that it was different now.

She touched him and he was real. She heard his voice saying, "I know," oh so softly and she knew for certain was that her brother was back.

Some things were different.

Clare and Kerry tried a different tactic. They were much more quiet and calm. He listened to their tale with interest. When the story came to an end, he asked gently.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sisters?"

"Oh they're coming back on a later plane. They wouldn't let us put coffins on a commercial flight." Kerry explained.

Clare laughed at this. Her sister took her tea with milk now, but her humour was as black as ever.

Some things never change

Louis could barely manage to meet the eyes of his parents, he was so deeply ashamed of his actions.

Eventually, his mother murmured. "Speak to us!"

Finally, he whispered. "I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused."

His mother looked at him, her eyes brimming over with salty tears which made their way gracefully down her lined face. She enveloped him in a hug.

"Pain is part and parcel of joy!"

Prodigal son or not, he was her child and he was back. That was all that mattered now.

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