Reasons & Revelations

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Grace released her daughter from her embrace and shortly after that she released her back into the world. She recognised that the best thing she could do at that moment would be to give her space. She needed a chance to adjust. It would not do to overwhelm her.

Space was one thing but answers were another. The only way to get them would be to meet with her mother once more. Questions needed to be asked and they needed to be asked soon. Sydney felt that if she didn't do it now she would never do it.

So, they arranged to meet. The meeting place of choice was the hospital cafeteria. It was a public place; sterile and clinical in nature. The white walls were devoid of emotion and that was exactly what Sydney felt she needed in order to stay focused.

Though Grace herself was also somewhat overwhelmed she understood her daughter's need to be around people who could help fill in the blanks for her. In fact, they were in a similar situation.

Grace had no need of space.

Grace had need of company.

That is why she did not come to the cafeteria alone that evening. She brought someone with her. Someone who could help fill in the blanks.

Sydney did not see her mother approach. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that it could have started raining gumdrops and she wouldn't have batted an eyelid. It was only when Grace spoke that she glanced up.

"Hi." She spoke to Sydney while simultaneously giving her parents a nod of greeting. There was a beat of awkward silence. Sydney tried to pretend that she wasn't startled but she couldn't quite pull it off. Her face gave her away but she tried to keep her voice as steady as possible.

"Hello." Grace gestured to the hard plastic chairs. "Do you mind if we sit down?" It was only then that Sydney spotted him. Her mother was not alone. Just behind her stood a man in a white coat. He stood at over six feet. His face was tanned and somewhat weather-beaten. Grace exchanged a look with him before turning back to her.

"There is someone I'd like you to meet. This is Dr. Nick Vernon." She was referring to the gentleman with hair the colour of honey and cobalt blue eyes. Nick.

At the sound of his name a memory surfaced. Nicky would be so proud of you.

Sydney 's heart was racing with excitement? Was he....?

Dumbly Sydney reached to take his outstretched hand. She felt the warmth of his fingers in hers as they clasped hands. He did not smile but she saw the sincerity in his eyes. He spoke every word slowly and this seemed to make it mean more.

"Hi. It's really great to finally meet you."

He sat himself down and Grace followed suit. Sydney found herself blushing. "Sorry... but what do you mean by finally?" Heather stepped in to explain.

"We've been sending pictures and information about you on a yearly basis." Grace gave Heather a grateful smile. As she did so she pulled a folded photograph from the inside of her pocket. She passed it over. Sydney saw her own smiling face looking back at her. It was a snapshot of her sitting on the swing in the backyard. It had been taken last summer.

"You know about me?" Sydney was startled. The words came out more high-pitched than she would have liked. They knew everything that happened to her over the last twelve years and she hadn't even known that they existed? Her eyes swiveled towards her mother.

"Did you do that to the others?" Feelings surfaced from deep inside her at the thought of Louis, Kerry & Clare being subjected to the same treatment.

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