“Well, I need a hobby and that girl may help me with that” Tasha spoke, “you girls can do what you want, I’m gonna go scout me a new girl friend”

And with that, Tasha had already set up a plan to be-friend the talked about girl at campus. The” trio of goddesses” as most of the population at campus deemed them, had been popular ever since they entered the university and had been stringing guys and a few girls here and there. Most of the female population either envy them or loathed them...some even want to date them! Which makes them even more confident as it is and they pretty much take advantage of that most of the time


Tasha and her two friends decided skip a class and hang out at “Simple Treats”

The trio of goddesses sat at their usual table, chatting about fashion as usual as Tasha looked around the café filled with college students, some of them sending her winks or acting cool but she just gave them the cold shoulder. Her attention was then quickly taken by the guy who just entered who she also happens to know, has a very huge crush on her. She asked Stephen, to “help” her with the book report that is due today so she made his way to him to get the report she asked him to do

“Hey Stephen!” Tasha greeted with a sultry smile as she sat next to the already nervous guy, “I have literature class today and-”

“Y-yeah, the, uh, b-book report, I have it here, just wait a quick sec ” Stephen nervously spoke as he rummaged through his bag

Finally finding the book report, he handed it to Tasha with a huge smile, “So, um, are you free tomorrow, wanna watch a movie together?”

Tasha smirked cutely as she received the report, “I’m sorry Stephen, I can’t go out this week, I’ve been busy with other subjects” she spoke then stood, “thanks for the report!” she gave him a flying kiss and started to walk back to her table.

“It’s so good to have people so things for you, I didn’t even break a sweat!” Tasha thought to herself as she walked towards her table

Her thoughts were quickly stopped as she roughly bumped into someone which turned into an even bigger mess as Tasha loss her balance and knock the cup of latte at a nearby table, spilling some on her fashionista dress and her report

“Oh shit! This is a designer dress!” Tasha exclaimed with annoyance, “and my report!!” she then looked for the suspect who bumped into her “it’s you!”

It turned out to be the girl who ignored her at the dorm building, the girl isn’t too happy to see her as well because the incident also spilled some latte on her pants

“Look at where you’re walking so you don’t cause people trouble!” The girl said with an annoyed expression

Which made Tasha even more annoyed, “Excuse you! You’re the one who bumped into me!”

“You’ll bump into anyone because you walk like you own the place!” Yuri said, controlling her annoyance, “can you just please get out of my way so I can remove this stain you made?”

Yuri was about to walk passed her when Tasha grabbed her arm and pulled her back to her place, “You’re not going anywhere until you re-do my report that you ruined because you freaking walk like a guy!!”

Yuri scoffed, “I’m not obliged to do anything for you. You’re not my boss or the dean or even a professor, you’re just a student here.  And by the way, I saw what you did earlier, That report isn’t even yours, serves you right for making others do your work” then Yuri walked passed her, bumping her shoulder purposely this time, and made her way towards the bathroom

“Why that little-”

Tasha was about to pounce on Yuri and just bitch slap her ‘til her face is swollen but Amber managed to grabbed her wrist

“Calm down girl! You’re in public, people are starting to stare" Amber spoke which somehow lessen Tasha’s anger

“Let’s just get out of here” Tasha spoke and left the café, still filled with sheer annoyance

A while later, Yuri came out of the bathroom and went back to her seat

“Sheesh! Who is that careless girl!” Yuri said

But instead of hearing a response, Yuri heard clapping from her two friends instead

“Bravo! Miss Yuri!” Kristen said, “What you did was a first and may I say that Tasha deserved it”

“You’re definitely the Yuri I know, still headstrong!” Summer commented

Yuri looked at them questioningly, “Did I do something or-”

“You’re the first to ever put the head goddess in her place, congratulations!” Kristen explained

“Goddess? That girl? She may look like one, but her attitude’s the same level of a servant girl” Yuri responded, still pretty much annoyed

“And there you go again, nice!” Summer said seemingly proud

“I will never get girl fights” Toby interjected “it’s too complicated and dirty”

The three girls looked at Toby and snickered. After a while the four friends left the café and went to their classes

And because Tasha’s written report was ruined, she didn’t passed it on time and therefore got a failing mark on that activity.

Her Perfect DistractionWhere stories live. Discover now