Chapter Eighteen:

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Medusa's smile widened as she saw my shock. She started taking off her head scarf and glasses and I quickly shielded my eyes with both hands.
"Calm down tiny, your a mock goddess. Only mortals will turn to stone if they look me in the eye." Not fully believing her, I slowly removed my hands and looked at the dangerously beautiful woman.
"Y-you called yourself my aunt." I accidentally studdered out the statement.
"Indeed. I am. Where do you think you get your good looks from?" She smiled as one of the many small black snakes that made up her hair curled itself behind her ear.
"How?" I found a tad bit more courage but it soon left me afterwords and I felt my shoulders begin to slump. Medusa frowned.
"I'm not so sure I like your tone young lady. After all, is that any way to address an aunt who hasn't seen you in years and then saves your scrawny but from a pervert?" She pointed over to where Casey still laid unconscious.
"Um,actually, he is my fiancé." I held out my left hand to show her the ring. "And no offense, but I've only seen you in fairy tales that my mother used to read to me." 'Auntie' Medusa sighed and swirled her finger. Fog began to swirl with it and took the form of a lounge chair. She plopoed down on it and closed her eyes for a moment.
"So that it what this is about isn't it?" The air in the room grew stale. A lump the size of a football suddenly appeared in my throat and I could only give her a slight nod. She sighed loudly again and sat up straight with a serious face on. "What exactly do you want to know?"
"Who are my parents?"
"Your mother was known as Aphrodite. Or rather that is the name that you would know her by. Your father is some roman god of war or something. Our mother is Jupiter but she also goes by... something else. I'm really not too good at the names. You'll have to ask Zeus about that later."
"Z-zeus?! You mean like the Zeus?!" I was mentally jumping off a five story cliff when she the mock god of all mock gods name.
"Darling he really aint nothing special anymore. Just a big baby with lightning bolts if you ask me." Medusa rolled her eyes as she spoke and blew it off like it was nothing.
"OK. Well what can I do?" I asked her and it took her a few moments to understand what I meant.
"I don't know. You have the power to seduce any man that sees you, you are one of the most powerful mock goddess this young ever, you could probably beat Zeus with a hand behind your back just how you are now." Medusa went on rambling about all the powerful mock gods that I could probably take down while twirling a snake in her fingers.
"Medusa, no offense, again, but aren't you supposed to be dead?" The woman immediately stopped and locked eyes with me.
"Why in Zeus' hevean why I be dead?" "Well the myths all say that you were slaughtered by some guy thousands of years ago."
"Oh him," she smiled again " he was just an ex boyfriend who got mad when I dumped him. He made up that old wives tale so that he could save face." She stood up and walked over to me, placing her hand under my chin and lifting my face up to look at her. "Darling you should never believe everything that you read." She let go of me and walked past going towards where Casey was laying. "Your boy toy is a cutie. Where'd you find him?"
"We met in an ally way. I was running from police and he was fighting with an angel." After ri said it I realized just how crazy it sounded and I thought of how my aunt might respond.
"Interesting." Was all she said and she crouched down next to him.
"You said that mortals will turn to stone right?"
"Well, what will happen if a demon looks at you?" Medusa looked over at me and gave a wicked smile.
"They suffer excursiating pain and some have been to known to fall over dead." Her smile widened at my look of horror and she began to chuckle.
"Stop fretting. Your boy here, he won't be affected by me at all." I looked from him to her in confusion and saw Casey's eyes twitch.
"What is she talking about?" I walked over to him. He was fake sleeping and trying very hard to convince me of such. I leaned over and punched his shoulder.
"OW! What the hell Liz!?" He jumped up and looked at me then Medusa. "Shit."

"Your damn right 'shit'! What the hell is she talking about Case?" Medusa got up slowly and tried sneaking away. "Oh fuck no. Get your bitchy ass right back here!" I subconsciously swirled up some of the fog and it turned into a chain that wrapped up Medusa and pulled her back to the wall.
"Nice work princess. Now let auntie go."
"Shut up." I yelled and her mouth was magically sealed shut. Case watched in udder shock. Which I couldn't blame him for. I felt a power rising up inside me and I was honestly a bit scared if myself. "No more games Casey. What is she talking about? Why won't you be affected? Why do your eyes change colour when your dads dont? Please just tell me, What are you?" He stood there in silence and Medusa freed her mouth from whatever magic held it shut.
"Go on Casey. Tell your fiancée about yourself. How your part angel." I looked over at Medusa and she smiled brighter than before. "Oh tell me that your dearly beloved at least told you that? How mommy was a guardian angel daddy is the current king of wrath. How mommy and Malka were married before daddy came along. How little Jason is our big brother." Her smile grew and grew as she spoke while Casey's eyes grew more and more red. I looked back over at Casey and I saw a tear clean a straight line of dirt and dust off of his face.
"Is all of that true? Are you really an angel?" I took a step backwards and I could automatically see the regret and slight fear that were in Caseys eyes.
"The weird things about angels, is they don't get to choose who they marry. My mother, Araiana, was a guardian angel for some of the holiest and most amazing people that ever lived. Everyone loved her, and when she got paired up with Malka, she didn't complain. She took it and did her job as she was supposed to do. But after a couple of years of being a guardian angel, Malka got sick of the people he was watching over make stupid mistakes. He started getting really mad at everything and he started hitting my mother, calling her names to make her feel worthless. Eventually she got pregnant and Malka became nice again. But after she gave birth, the birth got worse and she had no choice but to run away leaving Lucas with Malka. After a couple years on earth, she found my dad. He was a young demon then and they fell in love. They got married on September 12th, 1756. After she got pregnant. I was born 9 months later. My parents wanted me young for a while so they didn't start feeding me blood until the 1900s. So not too long. But then when they did, Malka found my mother and she killed herself before she let him have the satisfaction." A loud thundering crack let out across the room and the floor opened up with fire. A blinding white light appeared from the corner of the room and a tall shadowy figure appeared. We all recognized the man instantly.
"A mistake I won't allow twice." Malka hissed.

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