Since the weather was pretty hot today; I dressed in a purple sundress with black gladiator sandals, simple stud earrings and my favourite platinum friendship bracelet that Tyler gifted to me for my 21st birthday. I was not one for make up so I only applied some eyeliner and mascara to highlight my bright blue eyes and a little clear lip gloss. I let my chocolate brown hair cascade down to the middle of my back in natural locks while my bangs were pinned out of my face.

As soon as we exited my apartment building I was hit by the noise and restlessness of the Big Apple, suddenly I felt overjoyed at the thought of getting away from it all for a while and found myself thanking Tyler for waking me up so early this morning.

Once were settled in Tyler's car with my spare bag on the back seat all buckled in I could already smell the fresh air and the excitement of having a much needed day out with my best friend.

Tyler and I had been best friends since my first year in varsity.


"Hey pretty lady!"

Oh no not him again! I thought and groaned out loud, "Deep down you know you're as happy to see me as I am to see you."

This guy has been bothering me ever since I lent him a pen in class last week and now I'm really starting to wish I didn't, he seems to have an idea that because I was being a good person and lent him a pen that I am interested in him.

With a bored look on my face I stared at the book in front of me, this guy is impossible he can't seem to be able to take a hint and neither does he understand a straight out 'NO'.

As he rambles on about some party tonight that he really wants me to go with him to I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I turn around to see a devilishly handsome guy next to me, looking down at me with a warm smile as. Before I could question his presence he speaks up "Why are you bothering my little sister Donatello?" He asks the annoying guy in front of us, slightly shocked that he called me his sister I look at him speechless and he just gives me a pleading look telling me to just go with the flow.

"Little sister Avvery? You're and only child and not to mention the fact that you don't even share the same surname." the guy now known and Donatello scoffed, clearly not bothered by the mysterious guy.

"Maybe not sister by blood but close enough, so leave he alone" he said with a fierce glare.

"TYLER ASHTON AVVERY, how dare you? You bastard! Is this the bitch you've been cheating on me with? Is she the reason you haven't answered and of my calls and messages?" an girl screams at the mysterious guy whom I gather to be Tyler while gesturing at me and furiously glaring at both of us, my eyes widened at her statement and my jaw dropped.

Just as I was about to reply, the other three start arguing and yelling over one another, which annoyed me greatly.

"WILL EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?" I yell which successfully makes them stop their incessant arguing and turn towards me with wide eyes.

I let out an exaggerated breath and turned to Donatello, "You, I'm really not interested and you just can't seem to get the message after a whole Damn week. So now, I'm asking you nicely to leave me alone because I don't care for your advances." I said in a stern voice.

Next I turn to the girl, who I assume to be Tyler's girlfriend, "First and foremost I am NOT a bitch and you will never refer to me as one." I said in a calm yet dangerous tone, "Secondly, he-" I gestured to Tyler "is not cheating on you, he was merely helping me out. Now, I don't know why he isn't replying to you but that is none of my business anyway so kindly don't involve me!"

Visibly taken aback by my statement she just stared at me. Lastly I turned to Tyler, "Thank you for the help it really wasn't necessary but I appreciate it anyway. I'm Megan Riley O'Conner first year business management student." I say with a warm smile sticking out my hand for a handshake.

With a smile of his own he takes my hand ,"My name is Tyler Ashton Avvery second year Business and Architecture student, this right here is Melanie Fushier." he gestures to the blonde still looking at me strangely. I opt to shake her hand but she simply glares at my hand and folds her arms over her chest, not even slightly bothered by her attitude since I'm pretty much used to stuck up Bitches by now I shrugged and turned back to Tyler.

"Sorry about her she's not in the best of moods today. It was only a pleasure, I just felt the urge to step in when I saw the look on your face I've always wanted a little sister but God never answered my prayers. I'm sorry that it turned out the way it did though, I never meant for that to happen." He looks down at me apologetically with a sheepish tone. "It's fine Tyler, I don't mind it really. I was a little taken aback by your statement at first but I get where you're coming from." I assure him with a warm smile.

"Well I'll see you around then little sis I've got to deal with this." he winks then gestures to Melanie beside him who has been surprisingly quiet throughout our whole exchange.

"Hahaha good luck Ty, choose your words carefully and yeah I'll see you." with that I smiled and waved at him before walking away to my dorm.

Two days later: Standing in the impossibly long cafeteria line I felt a strong calming presence behind me. I turned around and was greeted with a large smile, "Hey little sis!" Tyler says happily, feeling comfortable in his company I reply with a smile of my own "Hey Ty."

As the day progressed we became better acquainted with one another, I learned that he is originally from California but moved to New York with his mother after the passing of his brother resulting in his parent's divorce eight years ago.

I was never exposed to the world of a broken home or even death of a close family member but for a guy who seems to have had his fair share of pain and suffering, Tyler looks as if he never stops smiling.

After spending all day together we parted to head to our own dorms with promises to see each other next day.

*End of flashback*

Ever since that faithful day in the cafeteria Tyler and I had been inseparable, he's looked out for me since then and has always been my rock no matter what.

I hadn't realised that I'd zoned out until Tyler spoke up, "That megawatt smile has me wondering whether you're the same girl that was glaring at me back then for waking her up. What's got you happy, Sweet Cheeks?" He asked with obvious curiosity.



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