Instincts - Chapter 3

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"Kitty, I'm going to be at yours in 30 minutes. We're going to the new club near mine, so I'll pick you up soon. Bring an overnight bag!" Laura shouted into the phone before hanging up, not giving Kat a chance to respond. Kat snorted, running back to her room and yanking on her underclothes. Laura really wasn't giving her much time to get ready.  25 minutes later, Kat was smoothing her hands over her black bandage dress as she stared at herself critically in the mirror. It wasn't often that she actually dressed up, she didn't usually see the point, but Laura had bought her this dress for her birthday and she didn't want to hurt her feelings by not wearing it. She looked so much different to what she did when she was working. Her hair was lightly curled down to the small over her back, rather than twisted into a tight bun and the dress was figure hugging and revealing, only just covering her bottom, regardless of how much tugging Kat tried. She had pulled on a pair of brown pantyhose, darkening her legs and her feet were encased in a pair of simple black heels. She actually wore make up as well, something she rarely did if she could get away with it, disliking the feeling of the smeared products on her face, but she had to admit, the silver eye shadow around her icy blue eyes made them stand out beautifully. The honking outside her home had her scrambling to grab her clutch and lock her door.  Laura was like a pocket-rocket as she strutted down the road towards the club, loudly reminding Kat the benefits of moving out and living near the center of town. Her hair was pinned on top of her head and her hot-pink dress encased her body like a second skin. As they waked straight into the club, Kat snorted at the catcalls her friend was receiving. She didn't feel jealousy that her friend was getting the attention, happy that she could just go along for the ride, especially being happy to slip straight into the club and skip the queues.  Following Laura straight to the bar, Kat felt her body swaying with the pre-drinks she had already consumed and the intoxicating beat that bounced around the dark, smokey hall. Couples were grinding on each other, swapping saliva and flirting with nothing but their eyes. Kat felt the small smile pick at her mouth, losing herself in the crowd would be the best way to forget about the two gorgeous men who plagued her every thoughts. Or so she assumed. The beat pounded through her body as she swayed to the bar, her head tipped back slightly, her long hair tickling her behind. Her movements were completely in-sync with the music and unbeknown to her, she was the object of many people's attention, especially the two tall men leaning against a dark wall, one with blue eyes, and the other green. They watched the tantalizing female with sleek black locks tip back a small shot glass and then slam it onto the wooden bench in victory. Their teeth grit as they watched her become swarmed by men, jealousy pulsating through them, ignoring the women who basically threw themselves at their feet. With a flick of her gorgeous head though, Kat dismissed them, preferring the attention of her brunette bombshell friend, the short pink dress highlighted by the neon lights.  They watched as the girls moved to the dance floor, oblivious to the gaggle of men that followed them and the death glares that the other women threw at them. Kat and Laura smoothly flowed into dancing, facing each other as they mixed with the other dancers. It was easy to see that the girls had already been drinking, their confidence sky-rocketing. Ryder and Hunter watched as their Kat transformed from the professional woman they saw at work to a sexual work of art. Her movements were fluid and defined, even though the amount of alcohol she had consumed would leave any other person wobbling ungracefully.  It was when the girls decided to go get another drink with a guy that the twins jumped into action, trailing through the crowd to keep an eye on their woman. They stayed at the back, watching from afar, moving with Kat, Laura and the mystery man. The group stayed at the bar for a bit and Laura and the man seemed to be conversing quite a lot, whereas Kat was leaning against the bar ordering more shots. Obviously, she finally got sick of and lightly brushed Laura's arm as she smiled and gave a little wave, pointing to the dance floor. Laura stopped her for a moment and seemed to ask something, but Kat shook her head and walked away quickly, joining the throng of people. She began to dance by herself, ignoring the attention she seemed to be gaining. Men all around her stopped and they began to edge closer to the beautiful girl, but the twins quickly decided it was time to step in.  They sent glares at the men who tried to get too close to Kat, quickly boxing her between them. Their jeans automatically tightened as they paused, watching Kat dance, before they closed in, eliminating any space between them. Ryder slipped in front of her, his hands gripping her hips while Hunter appeared behind, rubbing his palms on her bare arms, delighted when the goose bumps followed his path.  Kat's eyes flew open, unaware that they had appeared in the first place. She was immediately aware of Ryder in front of her, the smirk that played on his lips as he brought her closer, quickly engraving into her mind, searing its presence regardless of the alcoholic faze. Hot lips on her neck had her twisting her head around in shock. Hunter was trailing searing kisses on her skin, his hand wound tightly into her hair and pulling back, bearing her neck to the world. Ryder leaned forward a nibbled her jaw, running his hands down her hips so he could feel the bare skin.  Kat let loose a soft moan at the two men surrounding her. It felt like her body was on fire as all the attraction she had been trying to deny came flooding back into her system. Hunter let go of her hair and took his lips away from her neck, wrapping his arms around her stomach and stepping closer to her, careful not to pull her too far away from his brother. Ryder's hands were settled back on her hips, the ever present smirk just inches away from her face.  Kat looked up at Ryder from under hooded eyes, the long lashes casting slight shadows onto her cheeks. Her sinful lips curled into a sexy smile, her tongue trailing lightly over her bottom lip in a transfixing display of seduction. Hunter felt his excitement at the sex kitten in his arms and his jeans immediately lost any space left in them. Slowly Kat began to move with the new song, her body grinding to the funky beat, her hips moving in Ryder's hands and her stomach tensing with each twist of her body. Her arms were around Hunters neck, but her eyes were focused solely on Ryder as she ground against both of them, satisfaction oozing through her body at their shared groan.  Ryder knew they needed to play it slow if they wanted to make her theirs, but with her looking and acting like a cat in heat he couldn't help himself. He leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly against hers, before taking possession completely. Their tongues battled together in a fierce display of dominance, but Kat couldn't keep up and Ryder took over, pressing himself harder against her so she could clearly feel his bulge. In doing so, he also pressed her back, and she could feel his brother behind her. Breaking the kiss, she twisted away, planting her lips on Hunters, allowing him to take control immediately. Her body had taken over, and with it the music, alcohol and two gorgeous twins grinding up against her, her mind ran around in befuddled loops, simply enjoying the moment.  Hunter and Kat broke apart and she turned back to face Ryder, her body moving to the music as she wound herself around the men. Leaning forward, Ryder and Hunter trailed kisses along her neck, both licking and sucking before they sunk their teeth into the skin, sending thrills of pain through her body. Her head lolled onto Hunters shoulder as she moaned out, not minding that her neck was going to be bruised, purely because of the men issuing the damage. The song ended, and with it Kat's lust filled haze. Her mind became aware of what was happening and fear took over. She shoved Ryder away, eyes wide as the man stumbled back. Not turning to look at the men, she ran towards the bar, grabbing Laura who was lip-locked with the guy from earlier, and sprinting out of the club, ignoring the yelling men following them. Her breath was coming out in quick pants and she still had the alcohol running through her system, but she made it.  "What the fuck Kat?" Laura yelled, stumbling slightly in her heels. 

"Shush, keep running!" She replied, pausing only to take her shoes off and run in bare feet, quickly shredding the tights she had on. They quickly rounded the corner to Laura's apartment and Kat was glad the two girls were fit. Dashing up the steps, Kat and Laura skidded into the elevator and Kat started smashing the button to the floor. The doors closing just in time to see Ryder and Hunter enter the foyer and reach out for her. The elevator shuddered slightly, but luckily it took off, leaving the men behind. 

"Oh god. Oh GOD. I fucked up Laura. Oh god. How am I supposed to go to work? Oh god." Kat paced the confined space, her fingers threaded into her hair.  The elevator dinged and the girls rushed out, hearing the thumping of a pair of feet on the stairs. They sprinted down the hall to Laura's apartment, where she jammed her key into the door with Kat behind her, pushing them against the wood. The door opened and the girls fell in, as they were tumbling though, Kat twisted and kicked the door shut, enjoying the satisfying slam and the lock clicking into place. She exhaled and crawled over to the wood, pressing her ear against the cold surface. Sucking in a breath, she waited for the sound of heavy foot steps to pass, before a muttering of curses and then the ding of an elevator before she let out another breath.   The girls looked at each other and Kat let slip a small giggle before clamping a hand over her mouth, eyes wide. Laura burst out laughing at the gesture and soon the girls were rolling around the tiled floor of Laura's apartment, laughing their arses off as they fell into drunken hysterics.  It was the thought of what just transpired that sobered the girls up and soon Kat was sobbing. 

"They're going to fire me!" She cried, frantically running her fingers through her hair. 

"Sweetie, shush. They won't fire you. Shh." Laura soothed, moving closer to the weeping girl and cradling her, rubbing her back in a soothing motion. Slowly Kat stopped crying, only sniffling occasionally. 

"What's the time?" She asked, and Laura checked the glowing numbers on her microwave. 

"Just after 1 am." She answered. 

"Sleep or movie?" Anna asked, standing from the ground and stretching. Her make-up was messy and her eyes were puffy and red, but she felt better after crying her feelings out. 

"Movie. I'll put it on, you go clean up." She nodded at her and moved into the lounge room, checking her phone as she did.  Kat padded down the hall, peeling off her ruined tights as she walked. Entering Laura's messy bathroom she searched through her cluttered bench for make-up wipes and a wash cloth. She finished cleaning her face and took her dress off, exiting the room and walking to Laura's room, not caring that she was mostly naked. She rummaged through her clothing and slipped on a plain t-shirt and a pair of shorts before joining Laura in the lounge. Laura had changed while she was washing her face and was now sitting on the couch, cleaning the make-up off her face and staring at the load screen of a recent action movie.  "This was good in the cinemas." Kat commented, crashing onto the neighboring couch and pulling the fluffy blanket onto her knees. Laura agreed and pressed play on the remote. They watched the movie in silence, only getting up to get drinks every now and again. At around 3.30 am they finally turned in, climbing into opposite sides of Laura's big bed.  

Thank you for reading up to here!

If you want to finish Kats WHOLE story you can purchase my book from here -

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