Violet Eyes Chapter 6

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We were approaching the beach to go to the carnival.  We were walking down the sidewalk from the parking, down the road. I hooked arms with Toni and talked to everyone.  Dad came over and wrapped an arm over my shoulders and kissed my head.

“I’m glad you’re getting along with Anthony. Lily is relieved too.” I felt his nose touch the side of my head. “I can see you like him a little more though. That’s okay though. I thought you might. He is a good kid. I can see he likes you too.”

I wrapped my arm around my dad’s waist, hugging him tight. 

“I guess I should confirm that I am okay with you… dating,” He coughed, “but tonight just don’t excommunicate Teagan just yet. He is still your friend.”

I nodded with a giggle and he waved Toni back over to his other side and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and then gave him a noogie. Toni tried to duck out under of Dads arm but can to no avail. I smiled and then saw Lorena, a shy girl from school, sitting under a close by tree with a book.

I stopped.

“Lorena?” I called with a smile.

“Oh, hi, Blakeney. What up?”

“We’re just heading to the carnival. Do you want to come?” I asked as I noticed her looking at Teagan dreamily.

“Sure, if I’m not imposing.”

“Not at all, it’s just friends and family that are coming, and last time I checked you’re my friend.” I smiled. She smiled brightly as if I just made her day. She stood up and we hooked arms and walked to catch up with the group that had stopped to wait for me.

We caught up with them and Toni came to take my other arm.

We continued on to the festival and suddenly we were all split up. Adam and Sarah went over to the fun houses.  Molly and Frank along with Dad and Lily went to browse around. Lorena had to go call her dad to tell him where she was and she assured us to go and she would catch up later. Teagan disappeared and that, of course, left Toni and me.

We walked around and went into a few fun houses, bumping into Sarah and Adam a few times. I noticed that both of them were having the time of their lives and both looked at each other lovingly when the other wasn’t looking.

I smiled at this and sighed. Toni looked down at me curiously. I looked up at him and then looked back at Adam and Sarah sharing a stick of cotton candy. We turned around and walked away while I explained.

“Adam had been in love with Sarah ever since he met her in kindergarten. Sarah was always the one who was crowded around by other kids and Adam… wasn’t. He preferred to be humble and find real friends. Don’t get me wrong, Sarah didn’t like being crowded and wanted real friends but she didn’t know how to make the crowd go away. I hung with Adam while she hung with the crowd.  Even though were twin, fraternal twin that is, I was the weird one because of my blindness but high school came. Gosh, high school.  She was never one of those people to push someone away though but when she couldn’t, some of her so called ‘friends’ would do it in the most harsh way possible, especially me. Sarah hated that, she realized it but she still had ­no idea how to make them go. Once our mom… died, she stayed with me and that seemed to make them go away.  I don’t care that it was me that was the antidote of the crowd; I got my sister back, didn’t I? And now she is completely happy with real friends and Adam.” I smiled.

“Mmmm.” Toni hummed in understanding. We walked through the crowd. We stopped for Cotton Candy, played a few carnival games and browsed the pretty things the craftsman had made.

I spotted Teagan alone. I suddenly felt horrible for practically abandoning him. I looked at Toni and he understood.

“I know. I understand. He is still your friend. Call him over; we’ll go on a roller coaster together, the four of us. Lorena is just around the corner.”

I hugged him and kissed his cheek and walked over to him.

“Teagan?” I called. He turned around, surprised.

“Blakeney, are you crazy? What are you doing walking around by yourself? You could have been swept away by the crowd again.” He said and then hugged me.

“I’m fine, Teagan. I’m a big girl.” I laughed, returning the hug.

“I know.”

“Come on the Ferris Wheel us, you, me, Anthony and Lorena.”

He thought but then nodded and we went back to where Lorena and Toni stood. We got in line and waited. Once we got to the gate and realized that it was only to per seat. I decided that I would ride with Teagan.

Toni was good with leading Lorena into the seat before us without any suspicion. Teagan and I hopped on next and we sat in silence, until we reached the top.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He didn’t speak at first but soon let the beams spill.

“I like you a lot, Blakeney. I have for a while.  I have tried to get you to see me the same way I see you but ever since Anthony came along I feel my chances slip away. I feel you being pulled away from me. I can’t help but to be angry and frustrated.”

I bowed my head, feeling so sorry about how I have to reply. “I’m sorry, Teagan, but I don’t feel the same.  I’m really sorry but I really only want you to be my best friend.”

“I guess that would be nice too, but one question. How was Anthony able to sweep you off your feet so quickly?” He asked with a grin.

“To tell you the truth, I have no idea at all but I know, like you, he is a great human being and that if you let him you two could be good friends.”

He smiled and hugged me. The Ferris Wheel went a few turns and then we got off an went on some roller coasters with the rest of the gang. By late night we slowed things down. Everyone split up and I am glad to say Lorena and Teagan hit it off pretty great.

I wanted to get away from the brightness because my fresh sight was giving me a bit of a head ache. We walked hand in hand on the sand. I found a nice spot and plopped down. I looked up at the stars and smiled.

“See that large bright star there next to the moon. If you look at the other few stars around it, you found one of the dippers. And then see those right there. That’s Pegasus.” He said.

“I see them.” I smiled. “That’s amazing.”

“It is. A lot of people take things on Earth and out there for granted. Everyone wants more. I like what we have and we’re destroying it all. It’s terrible.”

“I know. I haven’t seen it all but I definitely know it’s there.”

“You’ll see with your own eyes soon.”

I nodded and we laid in silence looking at the stars.

A shooting star rushed by in the sky.

“Make a wish.”

I thought about what I wanted. When I figured it out, I closed my eyes and wish with all my power.

And that is a lot of power.

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