Violet Eyes Chapter 2

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I walked around the lively festival. The smell of carnival food filled the air and the hum of the talking people and the laughter of kids. Sarah was firmly on my arm as was Teagan and Adam I felt was on Sarah’s other arm, from the feeling of her arms tensing to not be pulled in two directions between both of us. Adam was vigorously trying to spot the oh-so-wonderful Vortex, while I have to be lead around since I am blind.

I didn’t need to be lead around, but it was the normal thing since I was blind, didn’t have a cane or in a wheelchair. People would definitely be talking more than they already were. Of course they were already talking about how I got around school alone. People made up stories about how I have sonar, or if I have infrared vision, or how I wasn’t even blind that I was just pretend. They had so many more stories they made up and spread and remember for the rest of their lives yet they can’t just laugh out loud, literally.  Why does the other person need to know your laughing while they deliberately made a joke and knew it was funny?  Why do you need abbreviations for everything? Are teens so lazy they can’t type haha, or in some cases in verbal speech instead of saying LOL? Don’t even get me started on the OMG girls.


 Everything stopped for a second and then the girls, women and even single moms ran to the center of the festival.

I huffed and suggested we try to get away from the dangerous crowd. Suddenly there was a 20 foot wave of girls came crashing on us, separating us and I was alone.  I made my way out to the edge and I was still alone. I didn’t know where any of them were.

I could sense a strong presence in the air above. It was a male; he had the aura of a higher power than a king. I could feel him searching though, like he was looking for something, checking the air.

I knew very well this was the well loved hero everyone was gossiping about.

I sat down on the grass and listened to the hero give a small speech.

“Thank-you for having me here today.” He started. He went on with a few more things and then the mayor and police ordered everyone to give him his desired space.

The festival went back to normal with only the women and their constant awareness of Vortex. I began to move around and I soon found dad, in a tent with some of his close friends.

“Hey Blakeney! You look great!” I heard Molly Grey say as she passed out some cotton candy and pizza.

“Hi Molly. I’d say the same but I can’t see you, but I bet you look like a model.” I smiled.

“You always know how to make my day. Maybe you can teach Frank some skills.” She giggled. Frank was her husband and I could sense he was standing beside her receiving money.

“Oh come on, I got you that wonderful bracelet from Tiffany’s.” He defended making Molly and me laugh.

I felt dad wrap his arm around me and kissed my head, “How do ya doin’ kiddo? Where’s everyone else? They didn’t leave you did they?”

“No, we got separated in the wave of girls when Vortex landed.” I explained.

“Oh. You alright, right?”

I nodded and Molly came over when Jen, her daughter filled in for her.

“How are ya doin’? Better I hope.” She asked. I nodded and she hugged me tight. After she let me go she kissed my head. “Say? Let’s go for a walk? I could use some Vitamin D, if you don’t mind of course.”

“No problem.” 

We walked out of the tent, with our arms link. She slowed us when we approached something that was interesting; there were two long rows of tents that created an aisle she let go of me to pick something up.

She came back and took my wrist and led me to the nearby hill. We trudged to the top and we sat down and basked in the sun.  

“I wanted to talk to you about something and give you something of your mothers. You know your mother and I were so close and we did everything together. But that didn’t start out in Maine exactly as we described. I know you know about your mother and her…abilities and I know about yours because your mother wanted me to help protect you because I have abilities too. I’ll let you the story later. But I want to give this to you now. Before your mom was killed she gave me her bracelet to give to you, but first she needed you mind to be cleared and ready.” Molly grabbed my hand and slipped something onto my wrist. Suddenly I was filled with energy and my senses were heightened. I could hear across the park to the conversation of a young couple. “You feel that? That is the magic that we Specials are filled with, to give us our abilities. It helps us control and heighten our powers when we have one of these. This is your mothers. This magic though, is for you and you only because you are different from all Specials. You are the most powerful. This bracelet has pure magic in it but in its purest form. It is unbreakable and now it’s adjusting to you size. You feel it?” I did. The bracelet was tightening to a comfortable unmovable size.

“How am I more powerful and more special than the others?”  I asked.

“Because your- ” She cut herself off as a couple of kids ran by. “I’ll explain this some other time when we’re alone.” She promised.

I nodded and we got up and walked down the hill.

“Molly, I’m going to walk around, try this out, and see if I can channel my senses.”

She nodded and left me. I walked around focusing in and out. I stopped when I heard Teagans voice all the way across the park.

“Where is she?” He grumbled.

“Don’t worry we’ll find her. We have an hour before dark and my sister is completely capable of handling herself.” I heard Sarah defend.

“Why can’t you guy get it through your heads that she is blind?” He said clearly annoyed.

“Teagan, Sarah is right. Blakeney is strong; she can pull her own weight. Yes, she’s blinds, but she’s not crimpled. If you keep down grading her to a baby’s level she’s going to be angry. Blakeney is strong of a reason. She’s independent.” Adam retorted.

“I know but I want to be there for her all the time.” Teagan whined. 

“Trust me she know your there for her. She isn’t avoiding you but she will be caring her weight for as long as she can.” Sarah laughed.

I was suddenly distracted by the sense of someone very powerful in front of me.

“Hello.” I greeted.

“How did you know I was in front of you?” He asked.

“How did you know that it was possible for me not to know you were there?”

“I figured you were blind because of the boy that you were with before is in frantic looking for you. He was also leading you before, so I just figured… ” He trailed.

Suddenly I came to a halt recognizing the strong presence in front of me.


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