Violet Eyes Chapter 3

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I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t ever plan on meeting Vortex. I wondered then if he could feel my power. I quickly turned on my heel and walked in the direction of Molly’s tent.

“Please wait. I only want to speak to you.” He pleaded following me.

“About what?” I asked not stopping.

“I don’t know. I guess to be friends. I just want a taste of the normal life.” He confessed.

“You’re coming to the wrong person.” I said before realizing I almost let my secret.

“Just because you blind doesn’t mean you any more or less special than anyone else.” He assured but then he caught the double meaning of this statement. “Wait, that came out wrong!” he said and groaned.

By now I was standing in front of him laughing. I could sense the smile on his face too.

“Do you understand what I am trying to say?”

“Yes, I’ve had this talk with my family many times. My blindness has nothing to do with who I am.” I giggled.

“Oh thank god! I thought you were going to hate me if you didn’t understand.” He chuckled.

“I couldn’t hate anyone, even if I tried.” I smiled.

“That’s good to know.”

I stood in front of him silently. I wondered again if he could sense my power. I didn’t know what else to say and I didn’t know if I should leave or stay to see if he could sense me.

"You don't trust me." He concluded. 

"What?" I asked, thrown off. 

"You don't trust me." 

"Well, I don't trust strangers. Even the superhero ones."

"Well i wanted to be your friend. Not a stanger." 

"And how would you go that with you job?" 

He was silent for a while but before he could open his mouth and answer someone called my name.


I turned toward Molly.  

“Hey Aunt Molly.” I greeted.

“I think you should Teagan, Adam, and Sarah. They’ve been looking for you all day.” She suggested but then she noticed Vortex.

“Oh hello. You must be Vortex.” Molly smiled.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh I’m sorry, never mind me. I’ll just-” She said and started backing away.

“It’s alright, Aunt Molly. I’m coming. Bye Vortex.” I said walking away.

I could hear him let out a disappointed and frustrated huff as I walked away but I didn’t know what to do.

Molly led me to the tent and I was immediately enveloped in a hug by Teagan as I turned to walk to the tent.

“Are you okay?” he asked worried.

“I’m fine.” I said honestly.

“We’re were you? We looked around the entire park for you.”

“I was out and about. I’m fine guys really.” I assured.

They pulled me away asking me question, about where exactly I was and what I wanted to do know, or where I wanted to go, or if I wanted to stay or leave.

I couldn’t answer any of these questions because I was too preoccupied looking back at when I sense Vortex looking after me.

I felt that I needed to go back and help him. I didn’t know why but I felt it.

This was bad, very, very, very bad. If I stared to care for him or any of these people around me, they could all be hurt just to get to me.

That’s my weakness, the pain of my loved ones, literally. I felt there pain to the core. I felt it since I could remember. I could feel it when my dad hit his head on the cabinet walls. I could feel it when Sarah broke her arm. I could feel it when my mom was killed.

All of this hurt me thirty times worse then it hurt them. To them it was only a little cut or a bump but to me it was bone shattering. I guess that was why I cried so much when I was little because I could feel everything.

And now I could feel Vortex’s lost hope, shattered and cutting up inside.

What have I done?

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