Introducing AFA

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Four teenagers were sitting on the edge of the school's roof. Their legs dangling over the edge while chatting with each other and watching the other students down on the ground.
At first sight, one would never guess they were friends. They looked completely different, and they were. But it worked, somehow.

On the far left was a boy with brown curls glasses, he was curled up on himself a little, and smiling shyly at the jokes the others made. Sometimes he made a soft comment that would make the others roar with laughter. His name was Bruce Banner.
And he had an asshole father. It had been two years now since his father killed his mother. And the teenager was still trying to cope, living with his aunt and uncle, but his friends helped.

Next to him was a boy with brown messy hair and a smug grin, he was telling funny stories to make his friends laugh, and flirt with his boyfriend. The stories were mostly about things he did while drunk before meeting his friends. He was filthy rich and his name was Anthony Edward Stark.
And he had an asshole father. His father rarily talked to him. And when he did, it was to tell him what a failure he was, and what a mistake. He avoided his father now, and his friends helped him see the words weren't true.

On the brunette's left was his boyfriend. Broad shoulders, a warm smile, and blond hair always perfectly combed. He blushed whenever Tony made a flirting remark, and made sure no one did anything to get them into trouble. Unless it was fun of course. He wasn't a boyscout, even though his boyfriend insisted he must be. His name was Steven Grant Rogers.
And he had an asshole father. Although not as bad as his friend by far, that's what he always said. His father had left when Steve was just a kid. Now his mother had to work two jobs to pay the bills, and Steve made sure to help wherever he could. His friends help him as much as they can. Or, as much as Steve will accept. He doesn't want to become a charity case.

Finally on the far left, was another blond. A guy with muscular arms and a bow slung over his shoulder. He grinned at the jokes, made crude comments to try and make Steve blush, and threw everything within hand reach against Tony's head. His name was Clinton Francis Barton.
And he had an asshole father. His father was in jail. But the skin on Clint his arms and back still wore the evidence of his youth.
After his father was arrested, he and his mother lived a pretty peaceful life. Only the boy thought he needed physical pain whenever he made a mistake. The perfectly straight lines on his wrists were evidence of that. Luckily he got his friends, and help. And just last month they celebrated a year cutting free. It was a huge party, courtesy of Tony as usual.

The four friends met two years ago.
Tony and Bruce got paired together with science. Since both were geniuses, they got four patents and two dozen working contracts out of the project. Bruce got into school with an academic scholarship, and Tony decided they were to become friends now. Issues be dammed.

Steve was the first one to go to the school councilor. Originally he went to Coulson to switch scholarships. He went from sport to art. He was good at sports, but he didn't like it as much as art. So as soon as a spot was free for him, he switched. Phil quickly figured out there were some minor issues at home, and wrote him down for a weekly meeting.
While waiting for one of those meetings to start, Steve met Clint. Clint was at school with a scholarship for his archery. But he was at the councilor at order of the director of the school, Fury.
Clint had gotten into trouble so many times, he was forced to meet with Phil twice a week. So once a week he talked to Steve on the hall before the office, they quickly became friends.

It was Natasha who brought the four together, she was the adopted daughter of the principal. After one abusive home after the other, she ended up with him. It worked out.
And she also had weekly meetings with Coulson.
She knew Banner from Maths class and, through her, the four met. Eventually that lead to both Stark and Banner getting meetings with Phil as well, making his schedule rather full.

Now they all had one day a week to talk to Phil, and the invitation to walk in whenever they needed a safe place to vent. Natasha was dating Clint, Steve was dating Tony, and Bruce had full control of his anger issues.

The four guys were sitting on the roof as they did every Monday, cherishing the moment before another week to fight through. Natasha appeared beside Clint, scaring the shit out of Tony.
"You know, normal people actually make a sound when they walk." He whined annoyed, then ducked to avoid being hit with a shoe.
His reply was cut short by Bruce pointing down at the ground below. "Guys, look." He mumbled while pointing to two figures walking through the gates.

The others almost groaned.

Thor was a blond football jock, with less braincells than a goldfish. He and Steve used to hang out when they still both played the same sport. And even though Steve didn't actually like Thor, be was too kind to tell him that. Besides, Thor was so clueless he didn't notice the hints everyone dropped.
It wasn't his lack of intelligence perse, but more the way he moved and talked. You see, Thor was really big. A tall guy with broad shoulders and an equally big voice. Over all, whenever he talked it brought back bad memories from everyone around. And she he forgot to watch his words, he sometimes triggered panic attacks with the others.

Two months ago, his little brother came to school as well. Horrible grades and absolutely not athletic, it was obvious the younger Odinson got in on money alone. He always drove to school with Thor, walked on the school grounds together, and then they parted ways. Thor would come bother them, and the small kid would disappear.

Only this time it was different. Bruce pointed just as Thor stopped walking and turned around to his brother. The younger one, his name was something with an L... Liam? Lary?, he shrunk in on himself and kept his eyes firmly down on the floor. Thor was looking pissed off and started talking. Luckily they had their own spy. Bruce and Tony had developed hearing aids for Clint that could pick up sounds very far away. So they kept silent while Clint listened to what Thor was saying...
"...disgusting. It's all your fault Loki. You're only trouble, father never should have taken you in. Useless, and now you're ruining my weekend. You can walk home. I don't want to see your worthless face again today."
As soon as Thor finished his rant he turned around and walked towards the college building. Everyone knew he was coming their way. But they were watching Loki far down. The raven haired boy was still standing in exactly the same position.
Bruce saw him tug his bag closer to himself. And the squad watched the boy hurry away a few minutes later.
As Clint told the others what he heard, Thor could be heard walking up the stairs noisily. It was already making Clint and Bruce nervous.

The door flew open and almost all of them flinched. "My friends I have grievous news!" His booming voice was horrible to listen to for the damaged teenagers. "I cannot go to the festival this weekend. My brother got us both grounded with his horrible ways and his filthy lies."
Ah... Thor again with how his brother always lied. Apparently no one should believe anything the young student said.
"What did he do?" Steve asked more out of curiosity than politeness.
"I do not know. But father said-"
"Hang on." Tony immediately interfered. "You don't know what's wrong, you're just believing your father, and haven't even given Loki a chance to speak?"
Thor looked insulted and sounded like it as well. "Stark, mind your words. My father is an honourable man. And I shall not have you insult him as such. His word is truth."
Oh and how that fell wrong. Clint stumbled to his feet and ran off, followed by Natasha who sent Thor a deadly glare at her way inside. Bruce followed later, stuttering some apology before speeding away.
Telling a group of people abused by their fathers that father's words were always the truth... Not a good idea.
Steve got up, and gave Tony a hand, helping him up as well. With only a few disappointed glares they left a confused Thor behind.
They had their demons to fight.

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