Chapter Four

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Louis POV


I grabbed the pizza and Coke off the delivery boy who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else than on my porch in the freezing autumn night. I gave him the money, with a generous tip and shut the door.

I turned around to see Zayn sprawled out on the lounge and looking around the room through his thick rimmed glasses. I walked over and placed our meal on the coffee table while Zayn sat up with his legs folded and tucked under him. I smiled and walked around to the back of the lounge towards the kitchen; ruffling his raven hair in the process. He let out a disapproving grunt and glared at me playfully. I grinned and walked into the kitchen

"I'm just getting a couple glasses for the Coke, be back in a sec!' I called out. I heard him yell something in reply as I reached up to grab the glasses. After grabbing them I walked over to the freezer and put a couple of ice cubes in each glass.

I walk back in and set the glasses on the coffee table. "So have you decided on a movie?" I ask the now quiet lad who was staring at the pizza with a distracted look on his face. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"No, not yet. Was waiting for you" He's cheeks darkened and he looked down at his lap. I grinned at his shyness and collapsed on the couch next to him.

"Well I'm 'ere now! Let's pick a movie!" I reached forward and pulled open one of the draws in the coffee table where I kept my movies. Weird place I know, but that's just who I am. Weird. I scanned over the movies and my eyes fell on an all time favourite of mine. Grease! I picked it up and turned to him excitedly. Everyone's gotta love a bit of Grease! I acted Danny in a school play once, I was pretty amazing if I do say myself.

"How about Grease?" I asked, my voice slightly high pitched. I silently cursed myself, I sound like a freaking girl! He looks at me weirdly, almost as if he thought I was mentally challenged. But then he smiles and bites his lip cutely, wait no. It's not cute, not at all. It's uh... manly?

I look up from his lips to see him staring at me expectantly with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. I blush madly and quickly look down at my hands to see the movie still clasped in them.

"Oh! uh, yeah. So do you want to watch it or...?" My cheeks still feel rather hot and I can tell they're still tinted with a blush. "Yeah, I'd love to"

I lift my head to look at him and jump up, startling him a little. "Great! I'll pop it in!"


Half way through the movie we had finished our meal and I could tell he was getting tired, he was leaning over slightly with his elbow propped on the armrest and his head rested in his hand and he's eyelids were drooping. It was around 11 o'clock and after finding him walking the street in the pouring rain I could tell he'd had a long day.

"You can lay down and put your feet on my lap if you want" I said to him softly, feeling the need to be quiet as if talking any louder would ruin the peace. He lifted his head slightly to look at me through half closed eyes.

"M'not tired" he mumbled. I chuckled lightly at his stubbornness. I grabbed his ankles that were laying near me and yanked them towards me gently. He let out a small squeak as his legs shot out from under him and his head slipped off his hand and hit the cushion with a soft thump.

He looked at me with a slight frown but I just grinned and held his ankles firmly in my lap so he couldn't take them back. He sighed in defeat and turned back to watch the rest of the movie. I continued studying him as he silently watched the movie. His head was rested on the cushion with his two hands clasped together shoved under it. He's mouth was hanging open slightly as his eyes were set intently on the screen in front of him. The glow from the TV lit up his face, shadowing his sharp cheek bones and making his features look child-like. With this in mind I realised I didn't know how old this lad was. Judging from his looks I would say he is still in high school which poses another problem. If he decides to stay, where will he go to school?

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