A saphire blue dragon came to me and nudged its head against my leg. I looked into its beautiful green eyes and I saw passion. It had a horn on its head. So it was like a unicorn.

"Uni-dragon." I chuckle.

"Its a Crytopulous Mane." Max said.

"I'm calling it a uni-dragon." I say.

"So am I." Kellen says.

Max was telling about all the dragons, and they all have crazy names like The Grouluck Spine, Night Fury, Schwartzphire. Names like that. He was telling me how these dragons were in endangered environments and how they are all trained for battle, but they won't hurt the good side....they somehow sense who is on the good side and who is not. And only a really good dragon trainer can make them switch sides, which is unlikely to happen because Max and his castle staff are the best dragon trainers in all of Beldorl.

The uni-dragon kept following me everywhere so I just pet its scaley head, but that just made it want to follow me even more.

"How do you know if its a male or female?" Kellen asked.

Max turned around with a scowl on his face,"Do you really want me to answer that question. It's pretty darn obvious how you can tell."

Kellen still had a blank expression on his face.

That's when Max face palmed and said,"You check their private parts."

"Oh." Was all Kellen had to say. He gave me a look as if he was saying "Can you believe that?!" But I just rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

While Kellen and I were petting dragons and playing catch with them,(They are a lot like giant dogs) Max got a call from my Dad.

He answered and moved a few feet away from us. Kellen and I Gabe each other a suspicious look.

I just continued petting my little uni-dragon, and eavesdropped.
It was really hard to hear him, but here's what I got.

"Alright sir, her body's in the castle basement."


"I can keep her here so she won't get stampeded by interviewers. Just make sure to explain to them that she was on the enemies side."

They're talking about Madeline.

I totally forgot about everything. I immediately stopped eavesdropping and just waited for Max to come and explain everything. He was on the phone for a couple more minutes then he came over to me.

"What happened?" Kellen asked.

"Uh, Jewles....your parents are going to explain everything to the press about Madeline. This will be good because it will let other minsters know that the enemy is getting stronger and it will prepare people, so don't stress over it." Max said

"I'm not stressing. You're right it will be good for all of the subjects to know." I say lamely.

"Oh and so the press won't smother you with questions you're going to stay the night at Wolf Manor." Max said

• • •

He shows me a guest room. He says its the best in the castle. It was bigger than my room and the walls were made of the wood of Golden Oak much like the rest of the castle and the room had a mini fridge with many luxurious accommodations. The bed was huge and it was made from Maple wood.

What is it with werewolves and wood.

Anyways, the bed had white silk blankets and feathered pillows. And once I jumped into the bed it felt like a giant cloud.

Now this is luxurious.

I mean, our castle is really nice too, but we are vampires, so we don't need much comfort, for gods sake most of us sleep in coffins.my castle is nice bit Wolf Manor beats us by a lot.

Oh I'm also excited because I get my coffin soon!

Anyways, Max came in and told me that I will be staying a few days, but it doesn't matter how long I stay, the press will find me and ask me questions about my murder and whatnot.

"Don't worry. You don't have to answer anything they ask you. Just forget about it for now. So....because you will be staying a few days I can teach you more spells and fighting techniques. Who knows, I can probably teach you how to train a dragon." Max said

"I'll try my best not to worry. I'll be fine. And that sounds great."

"Well, dinner will be done in an hour."

"I'm not that hungry so don't expect me down there. And if I do get hungry I have enough cheese in that many fudge to last for weeks." I chuckle out.

And I wasn't hungry, I was full of anxiety I couldn't even think straight, and if I ate I would probably throw it all up.

"Okay. If you need anything just ring the bell." He said as he pointed to the bell which alerts the maids if anyone need anything.

I smile at him and tell him goodnight.

After he leaves I pace the room back and forth. I don't know what is exactly wrong with me, but I'm just so nervous.

I lay down in bed and try my best to clear my mind and sleep.

Right as I was dozing off, I thought I heard a siren in the distance, so I look out the window, bit I see nothing.

I just shrug it off and flop back in bedd and close my eyes.

That's when the screaming starts.

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