Chapter 4

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Kellen and I walk to fourth period, which is language arts. I'm so glad we have almost the exact same schedule.
After a while Kellen asks,"You okay."
I nod.

He stops me and puts a hand on my shoulder and I don't even bother to look up at him.

"Look at me." He says.

I still look down.

He puts his hand under my chin and forces me to look up at him.

I stare into his beautiful golden eyes and even though he is a whole foot taller, I feel like I am right at his level.

" I know he is being an butthole, but he has a good reason for it. But, he is also an idiot because he doesn't know the whole story. One day he will regret being mean to you, if he doesn't I will force him to regret it."

I chuckle at the last part, bit he didn't so I guess he was serious. How should I know, I only met him today.

I sigh, " Thanks Kellen. It's funny how we just met and you are already being an awesome friend."

"Look Princess, it is cause I'm not a fake who only likes people for fame, for example if you are being a botch I will let you know and I won't care if you are the princess or not, but you are not snobby, you are not a botch. You are really nice and the moment I met you, I knew you were different.Even though that moment was only a few hours ago" He says with a smirk.

I smile at him and nod. I was still a little upset, but he helps out a lot.

"You know." He continues," I am a firm believer of hate at first site. You were not on there, but a lot of people at this school are because they are complete idiots and buttholes. I trust my instincts, and they are always right." He says a little too confident.

"I'm sure they are." I say sarcastically.
He frowns and a few seconds later his mouth is gaped. I laugh as I walk into English class.

I want to believe that he is being my friend because he wants to. Not because I'm the princess.

I don't really think about because at least I have someone to talk to.
• • •
I say bye to Kellen and of course he says sarcastically,"later princess" I roll my eyes as I start heading for study hall. When I walk in I see a teacher with a tight bun and a huge butt. She wears a maroon dress and she looks as if she is 6800 years old.

I see Venus sitting back and when she sees me her eyes light up and she pats the seat next to her. I smile and sit down.
"Hey, Juliette." She says

"Hi." I reply.

"Any mega attention?"

"Not really, only a couple of monsters recognized me. Some if than hated me once they recognized me."

"Werewolves." She says with disgust.
I nod.
"Hello class." The teacher says with an odd accent, could it be Transylvanian?

"Get out homework. I will help with
problems if you would like." She continues.

Venus and I work on algebra homework, which was the only homework we had and it was easy.
Well, for me it was, but I helped Venus get through it. We still had about thirty minutes left so we just talked about small things like favorite colors and all of that junk.

Of coarse most of the things she liked were black

A few minutes later, a student had a math problem, so Mrs.Batwing said,"Quiet while I teach."
She started doing the problem on the board, but Venus was talking to some sea monster dude named Eric.

I tried to warn her to be quiet, but she wouldn't shut up.

Finally Mrs. Batwing said, "You're talking is getting in the way of my teaching."
Venus turned to her, her posture poor, eyelids slightly drooped and she looked at the teacher deeply in the eye and said," you're teaching is getting in the way of my talking."
My jaw dropped and everyone gasped. I'm guessing Mrs. Batwing is a teacher you do not want to mess with.
"OFFICE NOW." Mrs. Batwing yelled.

"Crap." Venus said.

Before Venus walked out the door, she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
I stifled a laugh.
Mrs. Batwing called the office to make sure Venus got up there, then the bell rang and it was time for the next class.

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