Chapter 19

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I look at the bracelet Max gave me. I realize that my mother gave me a necklace with the same bat on it. She told me to never take it off, but I never put it on, it's in my jewelry box. But since I know that the necklace and bracelet have power I shall cherish it and keep it safe.

Its probably 2 am now and the party is still going very well. I go around and have small talks trying to get my mind off of Madeline. I can't help it but I keep replaying what had happened.

I get a flash of Madeline's body...all twisted and contoured, it was horrific.

I keep thinking about what the news will say. I keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

Then it hits me.

What if there are more of them like her.

Anyone at this party could be on the enemies side. Anyone-

"Jewles." A voice behind me says before I got corrupted in my thoughts.

I turn and see Max and I smile slightly at him.

"Enjoying the party?" I ask.

He grabs me and takes me to an isolated corner of the room"I guess. Its kinda hard to when you know your nest friend is stressing." He says.

"I'm fine."

"Look, I know that you aren't okay. What happened..... Its gonna happen again. Trust no one. The enemy's side is getting stronger and is gaining more monsters. And things are only gonna get worse until this war is over."

"I know Max. Its just.." I grab my hair and sigh.

"I promise that things will get better. This is gonna be like a roller coaster. It will have its twist and turns. Ups and downs."

"Sometimes rollercoasers break down Max."

"Not with this operator." He says as he points to himself."I will be here and so will Kellen. You can trust us and your family, but that's it. No one else, and if anyone tries to get information out of you, don't say nothing at all you understand?"

I nod.

"Okay good. Look, I gotta go, but Kellen says he will stay here. Remember about the bracelet. Never. Take. It . off. Plus it looks good on you. Don't stress because I will take care of everything."

"Okay." I say biting my lip.

Hr then grabs my shoulders "I said don't stress!"

"I'm not!" I reply, then we both start laughing.

"Bye jewles. By the way training starts Sunday."

"Bye. Uh, max....I just wanted to say thanks...for everything."

He just smiles and winks at me, then he saunters out of the room.

I turn and Kellen is standing right behind me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I say.

"You like him." He says with a big grin on his face.

My jaw just drops and I scoff,"No I do not!"

"Sure, whatever you say Princess."

I just groan and start to male my way towards the blood fountain before Kellen grabs my wrist and asks,"Wanna go on an adventure?"

I raise an eyebrow."What do you mean by adventure?"

"We can just do something to keep your mind off of things. Like....maybe I can show you how to use your powers."

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