My enemy, My love, My kidnapper (BoyxBoy)

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Author's note= Soooo.... are you as excited as I am? I mean this is my FIRST ever story that I am starting up!! I mean it's not the first "story" I've written, it's just my first non "short story" that I have ever written. I hope that you enjoy reading it, and that it won't be too much of a disappoinment to you, I tried my very best to make it as good as I could, and I have been working my butt off for the past two days to write this first chap for you..see... look how much I love you guys <33

And if you love me as much as I love you... then you would support me by Commenting and Voting <333 It would make me extremely happy :)

P.S. = The photo to the right is supposed to be of James Conroy :) Isn't he yummy? <33


Ring! Ring! Ring!

The non-stop ringing of my alarm clock was getting old and very annoying. I kept asking myself why I just don’t use my phone instead, or even my IPod. I mean I would much rather wake up to my favorite playlist instead of that wretched and ear piercing alarm.

Talking about piercings, my mom is still against mine. But hey how else is a guy supposed to express himself? She thinks it makes me look emo, but I mean you can’t exactly call me emo, since I usually don’t wear all black, or listen to screamo or death metal music or whatever the hell it’s called. I don’t slit my wrists, and I’m not a depressed person…most times.

But I will be honest when I say; I do have an emo’s haircut. I have jet black, shiny hair, that falls a little over my eyes. And no, it is not shiny because it is oily or greasy; it is shiny because I take good care of it. I have to say, the one of the most important things to me, besides my friends, family and or music, is my hair.

 I make sure every single morning that it is perfect, with not even a single strand out of place. I like to straighten my hair, because it looks better that way, so I guess you can call me a semi-emo, if there is such a thing.

“James! You’re going to be late again if you don’t hurry!” I heard my mom’s voice yell from downstairs.

I groaned, as I got out from underneath my warm covers. The cold breeze from my open bedroom windows swiftly made its way to my bare chest, which instantly sent shivers down my spine. I had forgotten to close them last night, but then again I usually love the cold, just not this early in the morning. I should’ve worn a shirt though, the reason I didn’t was because they’re uncomfortable to sleep in. 

I shuffled across the soft and carpeted floor to my closet, and picked my clothes that I was going to wear to school today. I picked out just a plain black V-neck, with a pair of skinny jeans, and black converse. And I know what you’re thinking, just because of the selection of clothing I had picked, does not make me an emo! So stop thinking it.

Once I had gotten dressed, I made my way out of my bedroom, and walked over to my older brother’s room.

“Yo Travis! Wake up man!” I said to him while chucking a pillow at his face.

“yeah yeah yeah,” I heard Travis mumble in his pillow.

“Come on, we can’t be late again, or Mr. Gates will have our heads mounted on a plague,” I said walking over to him and poking at his back.

“Do you seriously think that’s going to happen?” Travis asked skeptically.

“Well no I was being sarcastic, but then again…anything can happen Travis.” I replied.

“Yeah I guess you’re right, I mean as weird as Mr. Gates can be, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did that,” He said while sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

My enemy, My love, My kidnapper (BoyxBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin