School Is Cruel, But Not As Cruel As Life

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Chapter 2-School is Cruel, But Not As Cruel As Life

Kiran's POV

After I left Hunter's car, I made my way straight to my locker. I really wanted to just get the next few days over with. I'm very glad for Hunter, but I really didn't want to be there. It's not like I was actually needed there.

I wonder where Lindsey is...She's my only friend. She's not a loner like me, but she actually makes the effort to be my friend and I'm so thankful to have her. I stopped by my locker to grab my books for class and finally spotted her by some other people. I decided to wait until she was alone to go see her, otherwise I might get bullied again.

I walked towards class and sat down in my usual seat. I looked through my notes so I knew what we were going to learn in class. I heard footsteps and chattering and tried to stay unnoticed, but it looks like no one was on my side. I saw the two pairs of feet stop in front of my desk. I didn't look up. Then, a pair of hands slammed themselves on my desk and I flinched. I finally looked up, knowing that if I didn't, it would just be worse for me. Marlene and Isabelle. The two "hottest" girls in the school (you should know what that implies). Two pairs of eyes bore down into my face.

I sighed. 'Great. Just great. Could this day start any worse off?'

Then it just did...One of them opened their mouth to speak. 'Again, great.'

"Hello...Kiran," Marlene sneered. "I need you to do something for me."

"Yes, what is it?" I sighed, knowing that it wasn't going to be pretty.

She started tapping her perfectly manicured nails on my desk, irritating me to no end. It's not like I could do anything though. I would just get reprimanded, seeing as she was tight with my brother and all the people that follow him. I miss my big brother. But I highly doubt he misses me at all.

"I need you to go buy a pregnancy test," she hushed.

'Big shocker there...' I mentally rolled my eyes. I knew the routine: Every few months she misses her period, freaks out, forces me to go buy pregnancy tests, tests it, and well it usually turns out negative anyway. Either way, it gave me a bad rep the past few times, not like I had a good one anyway, so I always had to go farther to get it. Apparently this was no exception.

"Okay, I got it," I sighed, just wanting her to go away already.

She just glared at me because of my attitude about it. Really, I feel bad for her future mate. She's a total slut and she can't even do anything for herself. Hopefully she never becomes a Luna. I shuddered at that thought. I will seriously pray for that. The teacher came in and snapped me out of my thoughts. Now, let the horror-fest begin.


'Oh, thank the Goddess. It's finally lunchtime.' I mused. It's the only time where I don't get bothered because food is sacred.

I get in line when it's finally dwindled down. There's not much to eat today except pizza, nuggets, or yogurt. I just grab the yogurt since I'm not the biggest fan of pizza. Living in the pack house will do that to you when everyone is too lazy to even cook something and so they waste money on ordering pizza, almost every single night! I'm grateful that I get to eat, but it comes with a downside. I'm always bullied for it, like they call me fat and everything, even though I'm not. I mean, I know I'm not skinny and all, but still. I know I'm not fat. And well, the nuggets, just wasn't feeling them.

I grab an apple alongside the yogurt, pay, and make my way out of the cafeteria. I just keep my head down, and only glance up occasionally so that I don't draw attention to myself by doing something embarrassing. Too bad, I didn't glance up when I neared the doors because I bumped into someone. I crashed into their chest and my yogurt was between us. My apple flew out of my hand and landed somewhere near me as I made my, oh, so graceful descent, towards the ground. I could hear the whispering, laughing, and...gasping? Why was there gasping? I slowly looked up and froze in fear.

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