The next morning I put the movie back in and watched from the beginning, this time all the way up to the song "For the First Time in Forever" when adult Queen Elsa spoke for the first time. My eyes widened. Her voice was mute, completely mute. The background music played just fine, but Elsa was refusing to speak. Her lips opened and closed, however there was no voice to be heard. This really scared me. As she picked up the candle stick and a small, jewel encrusted antique, static began to build up on the screen and the humming grew louder and louder. Elsa turned her back to the painting, mouthing the lines, "put on a show". She looked back down at the two objects as they began to freeze in crimson red blood. The movie suddenly paused on Elsa's worried face, wrinkles began to form around her cheeks, and her eyes grew hollow. She began to look like an old, decrepit woman. The static grew louder and louder, to the point I had to leave the room. I ran down into the basement and grabbed my steel, baseball bat. I had to destroy this dvd once and for all, and I was not going to risk some innocent family viewing this catastrophe.

I walked into the living room and bent down to retrieve the dvd. Before my fingertips could touch the dvd player, I felt a cold, icy chill flush down my spine. The feeling made me cringe, and my heart skipped a beat. I could hear hushed whispers, and it felt like someone was watching me. I gripped my baseball bat and slowly backed away on my knees, looking up at the television. Elsa was still in the same position as she was before, looking more wrinkled and showing more bones. Then for a split second, Elsa's eyes looked up at me with a devilish smile. For that one second, she looked like anything but a charming Disney protagonist. In fact she looked scarier than the evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Her skin was so white it made my eyes burn, her hair was stringy and just as crippled as her wrinkled skin, but that expression on her face is what made a permanent scar in my mind. The screen turned to static again, and flashed a close up of Elsa's wickedly terrifying grin. Her skin slowly turned dark purple, and her smile turned into a large frown as she glared at me. I could hear her voice now, it still belonged to Idina Menzel, however it was slowed down and sounded rather demonic.


I began to back away, grabbing the baseball bat.

"CAAAANNNNNN'TTTTT!" she screamed at maximum volume.

The film suddenly jumped to the scene when Elsa's rage got the best of her in the reprise of For the First Time in Forever when she froze Ana's heart. The screen cut to static and from then on everything was a blur. I could hear little Elsa weeping for her sister, the sadistic Queen screaming at the top of her lungs, sound effects of ice freezing crackled through my ear drums. Then all of a sudden through the static, I saw a group of old women dressed all in black. They were standing in a darkly lit room with burning red candles. In the center was the Frozen dvd. They were standing around the item, sprinkling it with what looked like burnt ashes. Then in sync, they all turned around to face the video camera they had set up in the background. I figured they must have taped this over the copy of this movie.

"Freeze thy frozen heart, freeze thy frozen heart, freeze thy frozen heart", they chanted through the static and over the agonizing screams of the beloved Queen protagonist.

My heart pounded as they stood up and walked toward the video camera.

"Freeze thy frozen heart, freeze thy frozen heart, freeze thy frozen heart, condemn thy soul to Sa-"

Before the cult members could finish I had unplugged the TV and took out the movie. I rushed into the backyard and slammed the dvd down on the concrete. I picked up my bat and smashed the disk into pieces. I breathed heavily as I broke apart the movie, my limbs still shaky from what I saw.

That night, as I lay in bed, my feet grew extremely cold. The strange thing was it was a very hot night. I turned on my lamp and threw on two layers of socks. I crawled back under the sheets, but the chills continued to freeze them. Hours passed and I couldn't sleep, my feet were growing numb by the minute and I wouldn't dare remove the socks.

The next morning, all of the feeling from ankles to toes was gone.

I tried to stand up, but collapsed onto my bed, unable to rest my weight on my feet. I hung my legs over my bed, trying to get the blood to rush through and wake them up...but nothing happened.... I felt beads of sweat drip down my forehead as I slowly removed one layer of sock from each foot. Then very carefully I grabbed the tip of the article of clothing, and slipped it off my foot.

It was a dark, black purple, the same shade of dark purple Elsa had on her face in the demonic possessed movie.

I knew I was cursed.

Before I could scream I blacked out for a very long time, and when I awoke I lay in a hospital bed, both of my feet completely removed from my body. So for a month and a half, I just lay there in my hospital bed, no lights on, the TV completely silent day by day, I felt nothing but the cold draft creep in from the cracked open window by my side. And from time to time when I lay down on my bed, I could feel two, bony, ice cold hands squeeze my shoulders tightly, and whisper from within the dense air.

"The cold never bothered you anyway".

Sounding nothing like Idina Menzel.

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