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Fear. That's the first thing they sense, they feel your fear sometimes before you do and when that happens, well you better start running. Then goes sound, if you shoot your gun to try and kill one of them you'll have half of city's undead citizens trying to get their next meal. After that you'll find that if they smell anything that isn't rotting flesh they will hunt down what ever route you take they will be there to find you.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then where have you been for the last couple of months. And if I did tell you, you'd think I was crazy. It all started when people started to die, which doesn't sound to weird as that happens every day but it was weird, people were dying in the middle of the street just dropping to the floor and it wasn't just one or two, thousands of people would die every hour for no reason. Then suddenly it all changed everyone came back to life, but they weren't people, well not anymore...

Turned: Shattered Memories Of YesterdayWhere stories live. Discover now