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All you left behind was a broken soul, and even though you said I was weak so many times ; I rebuilt my life. Upon your ruins, I brought new stones. I got everything you said I'd never get, I accomplished every dream you ever broke. I fucking made it.
But what happens when the ruins falter ?
Let me tell you:
The Castle collapses.

"Daddy daddy ! Martha says there's a strange man who wants to see you !!"
I followed my younger son to the door, amused by his excitement. Every stranger would awaken Jean's curiosity, and I got myself so fond of him when he hid behind my legs in fear.
But that day, the man who rang my bell wasn't a stranger to me . He looked miserable. When he started talking , trying hard not to sob; I could almost feel his pain.
"Hi Lou-Louis"
My visitor stopped me by a quick hand gesture before I could even answer; and took a deep breath. Something was wrong, there was too much sadness, too much torment in his eyes.
Anxiety started flowing through my veins. What could have probably happened ? Why would this man I thought I'd never see again come to my door?
His few next words got me informed. Oh, darling, you'd killed yourself.
I don't really recall what happened in the next seconds, minutes, hours.
I remember hearing: "I thought you'd want to know." Did he leave just then ? Was he there when I fell, when I collapsed in that whole, with all the Castle ?

"Daddy, are you alright ? Daddy ? Daddy !"

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