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 The next morning someone brought me a tray of breakfast. It tasted horrible compared to my mother’s, but I was hungry and I gulped it down anyway. I changed into another gown, similar to a hospital's but that's closed in the back and it was not papery, but cotton.  I asked the nurse for a book, she found me one, and I sat on my bed reading an adventurous story, using the small window I had in my room. After a few hours I got hungry again and left my room to find a nurse and get a snack, or lunch. As I was in the hall I saw a woman sitting in a wheelchair.  She stared at me before she started babbling in a language I couldn’t understand. I looked at her and smiled politely, then the nurse came and wheeled her to her room.

 That night I was lying in my bed staring at the ceiling and I saw something, mentally. I saw the woman that had been in the hall in the wheelchair, she had grabbed a sharp object from under her pillow and she pierced her own heart taking her life. I screamed in horror and raced out of my room. I tried to get to the woman's room, but to no prevail. Three nurses ran in front of me and stopped me. I screamed, hollered, and kicked as I tried to claw my way past them, but they wouldn't allow me through. They dragged me to a room, the one with monitors, and hooked the wires up to me.


I tried to plead with them but they just ignored me, thinking I was having an episode. They turned it on and I felt an intense shock race through me, it hurt horribly and I screamed out in pain, but they didn't turn it off.

When I awoke I was in my bed, back in my room and it was morning. I got up and raced to the woman's room to find the door open and a nurse making up the bed, a simple sheet. She put the old sheets in a laundry cart, I noticed they shone a bright red color.

"What happened to her?" I asked, squinting my eyes as I stared at the sheets.

The nurse replied with, "She was old, it was her time."

"What about the blood?" I asked.

She just stared and didn't say anything more as she finished making the bed. I walked to the front desk, it was in the middle on this floor. It's where people took calls, on those new phones with the dials, filed papers, and there was a medicine station on the other side. I asked a woman who was standing there holding files what had happened.

"Ohh, she passed away last night." she said as she shuffled through files, still not looking at me.

She didn't think I knew or could even understand what really had happened. I walked slowly and silently back to my room. I climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers over my head, wrapping my arms around my legs before sobbing. I couldn’t help but wonder if I could have saved the poor woman's life.

Alice, Pre-TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now