
*Xander's POV*

I let out an annoyed sigh as I followed Perrie into the cafeteria. She's starting to get in my nerves because all she ever does is talk, talk, talk. The only reason that I started talking to her is because she was new and looked like she'd fit into our group well, but it turns out she's not even joining my pack.

Perrie turned to me with a questioning look on her face and I realized that she had probably asked me a question.

"Sorry what?" I asked confused. She giggled at my cluelessness.

"I asked where you wanted to sit." She repeated. I looked around the cafeteria and saw that my table of friends were where they usually sat.

"I don't care." I told Perrie expecting her to go sit at that table but no she had other plans.

"Okay good, we can go sit with Paisley and her friends." She said as she started walking towards the table that my beautiful mate sat at. Just hearing her name had a funny feeling erupting in my chest but I would never admit that to anybody. I sighed and followed Perrie over to the table. When we neared them I heard that Seth and Lela were having a conversation while Paisley was picking at her untouched food.

As soon as the three of them heard us sit down there heads snapped towards us and they fell silent.

"Hey Paisley. Oh I hope you don't mind Xander and I sitting at your table." Perrie said cheerfully as she looked towards Paisley.

"Oh no it's fine, I mean you are my cousin right?" Paisley said with an obviously fake smile plastered on her face. I know that Paisley doest like Perrie and its mainly my fault, I do feel bad about that but there's really nothing I can do about it. Perrie turned towards Seth and Lela and introduced herself.

"I don't think we've met before, I'm Perrie." She said. I wasn't interested in there conversation anymore so I turned all of my attention towards Paisley. She was currently listening to Perries conversation with her friends and totally unaware that I was staring at her. Everything about this girl is amazing and I can't help but to stare when I'm around her. I loved the way that her dark black hair fell in loose curls framing her beautiful face and those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, I could get lost in.

I know that's its not fair for me to sit here and think about how amazing she is when I've done nothing except hurt her but there's a reason that I do what I do. I don't flaunt those girls around in front of her to hurt her and I most definitely didn't practically reject her to hurt her, even though that's all I accomplished by it, I do it to protect her. I do it to keep her safe, because if she was with me she wouldn't be safe. There would be so many dangers to her and I just can't risk that.

I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me and when I looked to my right I saw that Paisley was peeking at me from behind her hair. We made eye contact and she immediately snapped her eyes away from me. A small smile found its way to my lips and it was soon replaced by a cocky smirk when I noticed that she was the color of a tomato. I low chuckle escaped my lips because of how absolutely adorable she is.

Deciding to be a bastard I placed a large hand on her upper thigh. A loud squeal left her lips and the other three people at the table looked at her strangely.

"You okay Paisley? Lela asked. Paisley quickly nodded her head in return. Lela gave Paisley a suspicious look before turning to me and glaring at me. I smirked back and she rolled her eyes, turning away. I knew that Paisley felt the sparks that were running from where my hand was touching her thigh but she, to my disappointment, removed my hand.

I mentally snorted before placing my hand back onto her thigh. She let out a quiet sigh before again removing it. A small smirk made its way onto my face at my new found game and I put my hand back. Much to my entertainment this is how the rest of lunch went by and when the bell rang Paisley was the first one out of her seat.

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