Chapter 48

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"You gotta keep that girl away from my sister!" Neymar shouts

Lionel turns around from his sitting position on the table and rolls his eyes. There he goes again.

"What happened this time, Ney?" Lionel sighs

"She.. She's being so arrogant.. So disobedient.. Ever since that Diana girl came into the picture she's been acting like a complete stranger,"

"Ney.. That's none of our business.. Your sister is a grown girl, she makes her own choices now. "

"No! Your little friend is filling her with crazy shit,"

"That's it, Ney! Diana is like a little sister to me. I won't let you put the blame on her.. She's not forcing your sister to do anything!!"

"Wow.. Okay.. Fine.. Whatever. I'm gonna go home,"


Neymar doesn't wait for Lionel to say anything. He walks out of the house furiously. Lionel sighs. They're already fighting. Great.



"I'm sorry," she whispers hugging him

"Hey, it's okay. Neymar overacts all the time. Trust me, he'll get over it."

"You think so?" She smiles

"Yes. He needs to realize that his little sister isn't so little anymore. She needs to grow up.. But Diana.. Don't corrupt her. Let her find herself."

"I've never Forced her into doing anything she isn't okay with Leo, I promise!"

"I know.. But I bet you, she only does certain things to make you happy. Stop acting dumb, you know God Damn well that she's in love with you."


"You fought again?" Marc asks

"His little 'sister' is cu-"

"Please tell me that this isn't about Diana and Rafa.." Marc warns


"Neymar! You're gonna lose that man if you keep on throwing little tantrums like that!" Marc groans

"I'm not gonna lose Leo," Neymar says quietly

"Kun is coming to visit him so watch out. Lionel isn't into children. And right now.. You're acting like a fucking baby.."

"Don't get in between things that don't concern you," pique says getting up

"She's my sister.."

"She has her own life to live."

Neymar sighed as his teammates walked away.

"God, why is everyone against me?" he groans

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