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I was watching tv with Camila between my legs and head resting on my chest. I heard the door bell ring and we both went to the door only to see a baby.
"Camz do you see anyone?"
"No um why down we get him or her inside"
I pick up the basket that the baby was in. We look at each other and i dont know what to do as far as a baby.
"Lo we need to see if its a boy or a girl"
"But what if theres a mess in there, we dont have any diapers to change her into."
" Well you drive to the store and ill stay here with the baby Okay?"
"Okay. I love you"
"Love you too"
We kiss and it feels just like the first time.
-Fast Forward to Store-
I just got my cart and im walking to the baby section. I grap the basics. Diapers, wipes, ointment, changing pad, and Pacifiers. I get further in the isle and I realized the a) i dont know what close to get and b) if we want to breastfeed.

I call Camila and wait for her to pick up.
C- camila L-Lauren
C- hey babe whats wrong?
L- Can you just peak in the diaper and see what the gender is for clothes?
C- We have ourselves a baby girl
L- okay and do you want to breastfeed?
C- Um get some bottles and formula and well try both okay?
L- Okay i love you
C- love you too bye.
I grad the things and go to cheak out and im stared at . Havent you seen a new mom before?! I make it outta cheak out and on to home.

When i make it home i see camz and the baby on the couch sleeping. I grap my phone and take a picture and set it as my lock screen. I see her eyes open and i smile.
"Hey hows the baby?"
"Good she has a poopy diaper so wish us luck"
"Oh no"
I grab the baby as she handed her to me. We walk upstairs and set the mat on the bed while i lay her down she starts sreaming. I panic and try and calm her down. It doesn't work so we started changing her.

I have never seen a diaper with that much poop. She starts laughing at me while i hold her legs and wipe her and Camz starts her a bath in the sink. When i finish i lift her up and take her to the bathroom.

She doesn't like baths at all. I mean she screamed and screamed. Now im laying in bed with her on my chest and her in a pink onesie with a pacifier in her mo
uth. I am so tierd. I told Camz that she had to change her diaper next.

Camila came upstairs and layed next to me and the baby. The baby starts wailing and we know she isnt dirty so that means she hungry. I decided that i will try breastfeeding first. I take my boob out and take her pa out. She grabs at my boob as i try to aline the nipple in her mouth. When i get it in her mouth it hurts really bad. I just power through it and realize that after awhile it didnt hurt as bad but oh well. When she pulls away and starts moving i know shes done. I put it away and give her her pa. Camila is still in the bathand i wish i could take one but i like holding the baby so ill just deal with it.

When it's around 9 i lay on the bed and sleep with my girls in my arms. Wow it was an eventful day.

A/n new story comment if you like it. felt like writing so yeah hope you like it.

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