Chapter 6- The road to Kings Landing and The Tourney

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Kings Landing was one month away. We were three weeks into our journey, and Tommen and Joffrey ended up retiring to the carriage on the third day. That was when I ask Cersei if I could ride a horse for the rest of the journey. She gave me permission and I asked Arya to ride along. I didn't want Arya in the same carriage as the Queen and Joffrey, due to the incident on the second night. Arya had been practicing sword fighting with the butchers boy Mycah. They were playing with wooden swords by the riverfront and I was sitting in my tent sharpening my knives. Joffrey and Sansa stumbled upon them and Joffrey pulled out his steel sword. The boy tried to plead with him but Joffrey cut his cheek. Arya disarmed him and Joffrey lunged at Arya but Nymeria, her direwolf, bit Joffrey. Arya ran away, and no-one could find her. I wandered through the forest until I saw her crouched under a tree with her direwolf shielding her. We together got rid of Nymeria, as she would have been put down if they found her. Instead, Sansa's wolf was put down and I comforted her through the night. The Queen was still angry with Arya, and it was for the best if she was away from her and her precious baby boy. They made me sick.

Kings Landing was now a day away, and I realized how much I missed the heat. Arya didn't particularly like it but Sansa did. Sansa was the kind of girl who would spend hours gossiping about knights and the most handsome men in the kindom where as Arya was the complete opposite. A day passed and we were now at the gates of the red keep. Arya was on her fathers horse and I was on my own. The doors opened and I heard Arya gasp, and I gave her a quick smile. It was a sight to behold, luxurious and regal. I retired to my bed early, the riding was energy sucking. My room was one level avobe the throne room, across from Tommens. His room was slightly bigger, but I didn't mind. I had a view overlooking the gardens and the sea. The Starks had rooms on the opposite end, in a darker area. I had my handmaidens run me a bath, and I used the bath salts Sansa had given me. There was a knock on my door and Lilith, ine of my maids, ran to get it. " It is Princess Myrcella my Lady" she said. I hopped out of the bath and slipped on a robe. Myrcella walked in, and gave me a hug. She presented me a parcel. " For your nameday" she grinned. I opened it and inside was a beautiful pendant necklace, with an amethyst stone hanging on a black ribbon. I gave Myrcella a kiss on her cheek. " Thank you so much" I smiled " It is beautiful". " Do you know what is happening tomorrow" she said gleefully " There is going to be a tournament in the name of Ned Stark, for becoming the Kings Hand! You are invited, and there are going to be so many suitors there. They will all love you Alys!" She skipped out of the room, and I buried my face in my bed. Suitors! Trust Cersei to marry me off soon so she can be rid of me. " Ill have to make a dress" I thought to myself. " Lilith!" I called " I need a dress made for tomorrow. There is a tourney in honour of the hand, and I have t got anything suitable". She smiled. " Leave it to me my lady" and she rushed out of the room. I returned to the tub. Hopefully, he's respectful, if tomorrow is the day I will be betrothed.

Lilith is amazing. She made a dress fit for a queen in a night. It had puffy sleeves, a bodice embroidered with flowers and a full satin skirt ( see above). The Tourney was in an hour and I got dressed before heading over to see Sansa and Arya. I hadn't seen them since the day before and wanted to see how they were settling in. I knocked on Sansa's door and she opened it. " Alys" she gasped " You look so beautiful! Please come in".
I entered her room which was smaller then mine. She had a dress layed out on her bed.      " What do you think?" she asked. I gave her a smile. " You will look beautiful. Would you like me to do your hair in a southern style?" She nodded and I got to work. I braided two pieces of her long red hair and tied them with a ribbon. " I do this for Myrcella a lot" I said. She looked in the mirror and gave me a hug. " It is beautiful" she stated " Thank you" I took her hand and we left the room. Arya and her father were waiting outside. " My lord" I curtsied " I best be off, I am meeting Myrcella" I ruffled Aryas hair, and her septa glared at me. I gave her a cheeky smile and flounced off. Myrcella met me at the end of the hallway with 4 guards. We went arm in arm, walking straight past her mother.

The tourney was amazing. The jousting was my favorite, and it came down to Ser Loras Tyrell and Gregor Clegane. Loras had been handing white flowers to maidens before every joust, but this time he produced a red rose. He rode to me and Sansa, and smiled at both of us. He handed the rose to Sansa, and kissed her hand. She blushed as red as the flower. But from his breastplate he took out a crown made of pink roses. He placed it on my head and the crowds went silent. " I proclaim this fair maiden as my queen of Love and Beauty" he announced. I felt all eyes on me and I wanted everyone to see me as I really was. I took the silk ribbon that was in my hair and kissed it, before handing it to him. He looked delighted and the crowds went wild. He tucked it in his helmet and rode to his end. " He likes you" Sansa whispered in my ear. " You would make beautiful children" little finger whispered from behind me. I sneered at him. He was a dodgy character and I knew never to trust him. The joust started and I grabbed Sansa's hand. Gregor Cleganes nickname was the mountain. He was merciless and the strongest man in the seven kingdoms. They started to ride and me and Sansa tensed together. But Loras knocked the mountain off his horse and we stood up and cheered. The mountain was furious. He killed his horse with a sword and I held Sansa. He started to come towards  Loras who he had knocked down. He swung at him, but he hound jumped infront of Loras, They fought, brother against brother. " Stop this madness in the name of your King!" Robert yelled. The Hound immediately bowed down but Gregor threw his sword and stormed away. " Let him go" Robert stated. Loras stood up. " I owe you my life ser" he said to Sandor. He lifted the Hounds hand in the air and we cheered again. I had a massive grin on my face and Loras smiled at me. I blew him a kiss and he blushed.

As I was leaving, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Loras. " Hello my Lady" he said. I curtsied to him. " Hello ser Loras" I said " You fought valiantly today". He nodded his head and offered me his arm. I took it and he accompanied me to the gardens, still in armour. " Would you care to have dinner with me Lady Alysandra?" he asked. " I would love to" I said. " I will send someone to your chambers to collect you later this evening" he replied. We retired at a seating area overlooking the water. Loras turned to me and cupped my face in his hand. We kissed. It wasn't as passionate as the one with Robb, it was softer, sweeter. He pulled off and smiled, before taking my hand and finishing our walk through the gardens.

I bathed before seeing Loras, and changed outfits. I changed into a purple silk dress, with no sleeves and a sheer bodice. There were purple flowers crawling up the waist  and tiny golden suns in between them. It was loose fitting but showed off my figure. I placed the flower crown he had given me earlier on my head and my maids constructed a twist braid with my hair. I placed the necklaces Robb and Myrcella had given me on my neck, and waited for my escort. It turned out be Loras's sister, Margaery Tyrell. She had come for the joust, and said Loras had talked alot about me and wanted to meet me herself. I really liked Margaery. She was intelligent and cunning, but absolutely ravishing. She had long golden hair and bright blue eyes. More beautiful than Queen Cersei, I believed. She left me at Loras's door and cheekily called me sister. I laughed, but inside I was nervous.A guard opened the door for me. Loras was sitting at a table on his balcony, but he stood up to welcome me. He was such a gentleman.

The evening was lovely. We laughed and talked for hours about the strangest things, but we understood each other. It was nearly midnight when desert came, we had been taking our time with our courses. We were acting like love-birds, feeding each other the cakes that had been brought. "It is getting late Alys" Loras smiled " I shall escort you back to your chambers". We chatted the whole way back. When we got to my door, Loras took my hands in his. " I had a wonderful time Alysandra" he said. " Shall we meet in the gardens tomorrow?" I nodded and smiled. He brought his lips to mine, and his hands to my waist. I put my hands over his shoulders, and we kissed for a few minutes. When we finished, Loras gave me a peck on my cheek. I entered my room and closed the door. I was on a high from the kiss. Did I have a chance with him? Would they ever let me go? I dreamed that night of our wedding and our children, a 2 girls and 3 boys. Three heads of the dragon and our golden roses, the girls. It was a happy dream, so different from the nightmares I often had. Of the sack of Kings Landing and my siblings and mother being murdered in front of me. But this dream was as sweet as the kiss we shared. I liked Loras, and I think one day I will love him.


So her is another chapter! I have decided to make Loras straight/bi BECAUSE I SHIP IT. Do you?

Hope you are enjoying my story, please give me criticism or ideas about what will happen.

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