Chapter 2

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The next couple of weeks were going pretty good, same old routine every day. Brandon was opening up a little bit and I thought that was good. He and his friend Cody (the tall kid I had seen him with) had moved here from a small town down south. They happened to luckily move into the same neighborhood. I found myself liking Brandon more and more but knowing myself I didn't think we were going to be anything. Especially since one day before class I had seen him holding hands and hugging Melissa, she was pretty ugly and had this tomboyish look. That kind of ruined my hopes. I kept on going on with the weeks as usual until one day I walked into the classroom. Brandon was looking kind of gloom and I was wondering if something was up, I went over and sat next to him as usual.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked curiously.

"Melissa dumped me, her friend or should I say new girlfriend, Loraine convinced her that she was gay." My eyes widened kind of, well that makes since I guess. But I still felt kind of bad for him.

"Sorry. That sucks." I frowned. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks. I appreciate that." I couldn't help but smile. He gave me this really weird look. "What?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing really, you're just really cute when you smile." I could feel my face turning red.

"Um.. thanks." I giggled. He laughed a little.

"Are you doing anything this Sunday?" He asked. I shook my head, I couldn't think of anything anyway. "Well, um.... Do you wanna hang out?" I was a little shocked.

"Um... yeah. That sounds cool."

He smiled, "Sounds like a plan." And with that the bell rang. I ran to Dani's car to tell her the awesome plan for Sunday.

"Guess what Dani!" I couldn't hold in my excitement.

"Hm.... I don't know, what?" She laughed, I think she already knew but she wanted to hear me say it. I had been telling her all about Brandon and our conversations since school began pretty much.

"Brandon wants to hang out on Sunday! Him and melissa broke up!" I was grinning like the cheshire cat. "I'm so excited."

"I can see, so what are y'all gonna do?" She asked.

"We're gonna to the movies and then to his house to chill I think." I was thinking in my head how awesome Sunday would be when we pulled up to my house. "Thanks Dani!" I jumped out of the car and ran inside.

The week went by as usual and then came Sunday. I was so excited to hang out with Brandon, I was all dressed and ready when I heard a horn honking outside. I ran out and got into Brandon's car and we drove to the movies. After the movie we went to his house to hang out, it was really awesome. I met his Moms and by moms I mean plural. They were really nice. We hung out for a couple more hours before I had to go home and watched Pirates of the Carribean. Brandon seemed really nervous about something and I figured out what it was.

"Hey Nicole." I was watching the movie so I kind of just grunted and was like,

"Yeah?" I felt a shift on the bed, (we were laying down watching the movie).

"Um... I want to do this right. Look me in the eyes."

"Huh?" I was a little confused when suddenly I felt his warm hands on my face. He pulled my face towards his until I was looking directly into his beautiful light brown eyes, he was blushing.

"Well, I've wanted to ask you this question for a while now, even when I was with Melissa... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. I started blushing and I was sure that I looked like a lobster. I smiled.

"Yes." I couldn't help but smile, he had a big smile on his face now too, he pulled my face close to his.

"I've wanted to do this too..." He came in slowly and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes, I knew I looked like a lobster now but I was so happy. I had to be home, so he drove me home and before I got out he gave me a hug and a kiss. I ran to my door after he left so I could go and call Dani and let her know the awesomeness of tonight. I dialed her number and heard the dial tone when she picked up.

"DANI!!!!" I'm sure she could hear me smiling on the other end.

"Ow, think you could scream any louder?" She remarked.

"Yes, yes I could. But, anyway that doesn't matter. Guess who just asked me out! And guess who said yes." I squealed. I could feel her rolling her eyes.

"Hm... let me guess. Brandon and you?"

"CORRECT! I'm super happy and he's super sweet too." I was so happy.

"Well I'm happy for you Nik. Congrats." I smiled.

"Thanks Dani." We ended up talking the rest of the night, it seemed like with Dani there was a never ending list of things we could talk about. I loved her to death, she was the best friend in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2011 ⏰

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