Chapter 1

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If I could have one wish at that moment, any wish at all, it would be to have that moment last forever. That moment under the stars, wrapped in his arms. Not all wishes come true as I would soon find out. It all started the first day of my junior year....

*Ring, ring, ring, ring* I picked up the phone next to my head, it seemed like if I didn't pick it up it would never stop ringing.

"Hello..." I said groggily, I couldn't imagine who would be calling me at six o'clock in the morning.

"NICOLE! WAKE UP! It's the first day of school do you really want to be late?!" My best friend Danielle had this wonderful way of waking me up almost everyday, I was used to it but it's still a bit frightening when you are being yelled at first thing in the morning.

"Hey Danielle, I'm getting up... Did you really have to call me at six? I mean school doesn't even start until 7:30." I arose from my slumber and was sitting up in my bed now. "Are you heading over here or something?"

"Nah, I just like waking you up early. I'll be over there in an hour to pick you up. See you then!" She laughed and hung up the phone, I couldn't help but grunt. I love her but she wakes up too early for me. I decided to get up since I was already awake. I went through my daily routine, I showered, got dressed in my favorite jeans and a hoodie, threw on some make up and some shoes and plopped on the couch. I was thinking to myself how the first day of school was going to be, usually my first days of school didn't go very well and I was hoping this one would be different. I finally heard a horn outside, so I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Danielle always picked me up because I didn't want to drive my old clunker to school and I didn't have a whole ton of money to spend on gas or my fifty dollar parking pass.

"Hey Dani," I said as I got in the car. "How goes it?"

"It goes good, ready for the terrible first day?" She knew how bad my first days usually were since I've been telling her about them since the ninth grade.

"Yeah, hopefully everything goes well." We got to the school and I was feeling pretty good so far.

Later on that day...

My day was actually going great. I figured out that I have the best teachers ever and I had already made some new friends. I got to last period and I picked my seat, this teacher was pretty awesome too. About half way through the class I looked over and saw this really cute boy, he was sitting diagonally from me and he was minding his own business, we had a break at the end of class where we could do whatever, so I decided to go up and talk to him.

"Hey," I smiled and put out my hand. "I'm Nicole."

He looked up and took my hand and shook it. "Brandon." He gave me this really cute crooked smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Brandon. Are you new? I've never seen you before, and as you can see our school is pretty small and I've been here since freshman year."

He gave me a sort of annoyed look like I was bothering him or something, although I wasn't going to give up. "Yeah, I just moved here this year."

"That's cool." I smiled and with that the bell rang. As we were leaving class I saw Brandon meet up with this tall lanky kid I had never seen before either, they looked like they were really good friends so I guessed that they had moved here from the same place. Well, that's good. I thought, It's good he has someone he knows here. I smiled and walked towards the cars to leave school. I saw Dani standing by her car as usual. She's so fast, I swear she could be a marathon runner. I waved at her and we headed home.

"So, how was your first day? Was it dreadful?" She asked with a sarcastic smirk. I looked at her and stuck my tongue out and smiled.

"Actually, today went pretty well and I met this really cute guy to top it off."

"Oh really? What's his name?" She sang.

"He said his name is Brandon, he's really nice and cute." I smiled to myself thinking about him.

"Aw... is Wittle Nikki in love?"

"No!" I punched her in the arm. "I just think he's really cute, he just seems a bit distant, I wonder what's up. He said he just transferred here so that could be it."

"Yeah, probably." She pulled into my driveway. "Well, we're here."

I got out of the car. "Thanks Dani, I'll talk to you later."

"Kay, see you tomorrow." She waved goodbye and drove out of the driveway. Once I got inside I plopped on the couch. Best first day ever! I thought to myself. I turned on the TV and fell asleep.

Crappy ending but next chapter soon.

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