Chapter 1

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There is an important message at the bottom. Please read it.

Two months and twenty three days.

It has been exactly two months and twenty three days since I last saw him. His smile. His laugh. His voice. I miss it all.

Glancing around my room, I saw my eighth grade year book sitting on my desk. Hesitating, I debated whether to look through it or not. It brought back memories. Lots of memories.

Sighing, I gave in and stood up, walked to my desk. Picking it up, I smiled as I looked through all the happy moments we had shared together.

I laughed at Richard making a funny face at the camera, just as my older brother Josh walked by.

"Dad, Laura's laughing to herself again! Are you sure she doesn't need help?" He yelled down the stairs.

Rolling my eyes good naturally, I glanced up, and replied, "Are you sure I'm the one that needs help, Mister I'm Always Talking To Myself?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "I don't talk to myself."

I smirked. "Oh yeah, I forgot. You're always talking to your 'girlfriend'" I said in a singsong voice. He turned red.

"Shut up," he muttered before walking down the stairs.

Josh was going into his Junior year in high school, and he has finally had the courage to ask his crush out. And she said yes! I thought he was lying, then he brought her home, and I didn't believe him at all.

Her name was Keeley Rosenberg, and she was really pretty. Scratch that, gorgeous. She looked like a  model just coming off the runway! I thought she was going to be an airhead, but I guess I need to stop being stereotypical, because she was really smart, and plays the flute. She was also nice, and sweet.

She reminded me of Caroline, a girl from my school. Caroline was the 'it girl', sort of. She, Lauren, and Krissy kind of shared the title. Most guys in middle school had had a crush on at least one of them.

Taking out my iPhone 4S, I looked at the date, and sighed. Four days. Just four days of waiting left.

I should be excited. I would be excited. If he hadn't left me. If he were still here. Anger boiled inside of me.

I shouldn't be angry. I had no right to be angry at him. I should be angry at myself.

I should have told him. I should have told him how I felt. Maybe then, I wouldn't have to deal with him swirling through my mind. 

I guess my older brother has more guts than I do when it comes to crushes. 

I've had a crush on him since seventh grade. And his family suddenly moved to Cuba, because his dad is in the military. 

I shouldn't be complaining, I mean, his dad was serving the country, plus, it would be hard on him too.

Sighing, I walked back over to my bed. Lying down, I drifted off to sleep.


"Laura! It's time to go!" Groaning, I woke, my head pounding. 

"Go where?" I yelled back sleepily.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" My dad appeared at my doorway. "Did you fall asleep?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Oops," I answered with a shrug.

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