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His red car is parked in my spot, I've seen his car before, and I know it has to be his. I've never run into another car before, and if there ever were any, they left within minutes.

I panic, immediately wanting to leave. Just go home and relax there, but I knew I'd just want to come back here.

I can't leave. I can't let Luke control my actions and my feelings. I don't even like him, why would he matter so much? His opinion doesn't influence my choices, only those I love will.

So instead, I park my car right next to his, taking a deep breath. I slyly look around for him, but I don't see anyone. I look inside his car, and other than small fuzzy dice he has hanging on his rear view mirror, I don't see anything.

My eyes dart to the fuzzy dice I had hanging in my own rear view mirror, and yank it off, throwing them on the passenger seat. It was annoying how we had so many little things in common, he pissed me off and I didn't want anything to do with him.

I stared at the dice I had thrown on the seat. I really liked them, actually. When I first got my license, I bought them so I was prepared when I got my first car, which came two months later.

Don't let him control your actions and feelings. I remind myself.

I sigh, taking the dice and putting them back on the mirror, smiling slightly.

I grab my watch, clipping it on my wrist, and then get out of my car.

I walk towards where I always do, and it's empty. I sit near the pile of rocks, rearranging them so they were like they always were before I knocked a few over the other day.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and then open my eyes again.

I needed to stand up. I hum lightly, walking around the area, dry twigs crunching underneath my feet. It was awfully quiet, and I knew if I stayed here long, I'd feel like I'd lost my hearing. If I stood still, there wasn't anything to hear except my breathing. No birds chirping, no animals running around, nobody else there. City of 94 blocked out all the noise of the city and muffled the sounds of the highway completely.

The palm trees shaded nearly everything, so I wouldn't have to be standing out in the sweltering heat and get sunburnt.

"I brought you a twix bar." A thick Australian accent says from behind me.

My heart rate immediately increases, my happy peaceful mood dwindling. I ignore him, and pretend I'm fascinated by the trunk of the trees.

"I brought you a twix bar, Grace." Luke says louder.

I still ignore him, however, I was extremely grateful he didn't call me Gracie for once.

He walks quietly; I didn't even realize he was close to me until he touches my shoulder.

I hesitantly turn around, glaring at him.

He ignores my signals for him to leave me alone, and he extends his hand with a twix in it.

I feel my mouth twitch slightly, wanting to eat one badly. But I hated him, and in front of him, I was going to show that. I had no problem with doing it.

"I don't want it," I say dryly. "I threw mine on the floor for a reason."

He runs his long fingers through his perfectly gelled up hair. I thought he was going to retreat or come up with a snarky comeback, but to my surprise, he reaches for my hand. I don't pull back, and I'm not sure why. I watch him as he unfolds my hand and places the bar in it, and then folds my hand back around it so I'm clutching the chocolate.

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