mr. badass don't be shy // m.c. part 3

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"Fine. I'll give you one more chance. Don't fuck it up." I said. A wide smile spread over Michael's face. "I won't. So friday night?" he asked and bit his lip. "Friday night." I smiled and gave him a reassuring look.

Friday finally arrived. Throughout the entire day I was a nervous mess. I couldn't concentrate, I stuttered each time the teacher asked me something and everytime Michael looked at me I blushed. This was so ridiculous but I couldn't help myself.

This was my first real date in ages and I was extra nervous because it was with a boy I really liked. I never thought I would ever have more than a little conversation with Michael and now we're actually having a real date.
I smiled to myself and looked over to him. He sat on the other end of the classroom, his phone in his hands.
"Mr. Clifford. Would you mind putting your phone away." our teacher Mr. Adams commanded. "Mr. Adams. Would you mind your own fucking business." Michael calmly replied, his eyes not leaving his phone.

Mr Adams sighed and walked over to Michael. "Give me your phone." he said and streched his hand out. "Fuck off." Michael scoffed. "That's it. You can leave the class and go straight to the principal."

"Yeah whatever." Michael snapped and rose from his chair. "It's not my fault your class is boring as fuck." he said and the whole class started laughing and muttering.

Beofre Michael left the classroom, he looked over to me and winked. I sighed and shook my head. Why did he has to be this way? He could ruin his whole future.

A few minutes later I felt my phone vibrate it my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and hid it behind my pencil case. It was a text from Michael.
'Wow that guy is a dick. Does he actually think I'm going to the principal?'

'You could get into a whole lot of trouble if you're not going.' I typed.

'I don't care. Can't wait for tonight.'
My heartbeat increased when I read his text over and over again and I wondered what would happen tonight. Maybe we'd kiss?

A tingly feeling washed over my whole body at the thought of our lips connecting.

Or mabye I'd act too awkward and he'd leave right away and never speak to me again.
I took a deep breath and tried not to overthink everything. The evening would turn out just great, I was sure of it.

To my surprise the time went by quite fast. When the last period was over I practically ran out of class and straight home. "Mom I'm home." I announced.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" she asked and peeked out of the kitchen. "It was good." I smiled, "You and Dad will be out tonight, right?"
"No. I told you we cancelled our plans for tonight." My mom explained.
Oh shit. Please be lying.

"But why?" I nervously asked. I haven't told them about Michael and our date yet. They are very strict when it came to boys and Michael really wasn't one of those boys who'd be good enough for them. So I decided to keep my mouth shut about him for now.

"Because your dad isn't feeling very well."

"But mom," I started "I'm sure dad is fine. I mean come on, it's friday night. You deserve to go out." I reasoned.
"(Y/N) is there something I don't know?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No." I said almost too quickly. "I just invited Amber over for a movie night and I was kind of hoping we have the house to ourselves." I lied.

"Fine." She sighed, "I'll talk to your dad." My mood immediatly lightened up "Thank you!" I almost screamed and hugged her.

I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs. I let myself fall down on my bed and shrieked into my pillow. With a wide smile I started picking out some movies for tonight.

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