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a/n: yes, i know that the pictures of mark are actually kuroo tetsurou but that is what mark looks like. and i also know that kuroo is a third year but mark is a first year. mark is just tall so deal with it. sorry if you are confused or have a question, i'd be happy to answer. hope you enjoy♕

◌Luna's POV◌

While Aylin was on her date, I decided to go to the store and get some ice cream, cookies, and donuts because I really wanted something sweet.

◌Time Skip to the Store◌

Where are those cookies? AHA! THERE THEY ARE!! Wait... I'm too short to reach it. Well that's great. Just put the sweets that I really want on the TOP shelf where I can't reach them. I guess I should give it a try anyways. I reached up to grab them but got nowhere close. I stood on my tiptoes and STILL couldn't reach them. I sighed and glared at the box of cookies that I sooooo crave right now. Out of nowhere, a hand reaches up, grabs the box, and holds it out in front of me.... What? I look to see who the owner of the hand is and see a sexy guy that's tall, but I could tell he's my age. I took the box, still staring at him, quietly. "Thanks." I told him. He was staring at my eyes and me at his. We were both in a trance. "No problem." He said before smiling a little. I smiled back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You sure do like sweets, huh?" He said, laughing and referring to what was in my shopping basket. "Yeah. If only my sister were home to share them with me." I laughed. "Your sister? So you both like sweets?" He tried starting up a conversation. "Yeah. Normally we'd share them but right now she's out on a date." I told him. "Ahhh, so you want someone to share your precious sweets with?" He asked. "Yeah." I laughed at where this was going. "I think I could fill in that job. If that's alright with you." He smiled the sweetest smile in the whole world. I could feel my knees giving in. "That's fine with me." I said. "So, are we going to your house or mine?" He asked. "Mine. We can just watch a movie or something until my sister gets home." I told him. "It's a date." He smiled, holding his hand out. I took his hand and shook it, "It's a date." We payed for our stuff and started walking to mine and Aylin's apartment. We talked the whole way there, getting to know eachother. Heck, we didn't even know what eachother's names were when we planned our date. But, he seems like an amazing guy. I didn't think this could get any better, but I was wrong.

◌Time Skip to the girls' apartment◌

When we got to the apartment, I unlocked the door and said, "Welcome to my wonderful apartment! Please make yourself at home!" He laughed a bit and walked towards the kitchen and bowed down to me. "Your bags milady." He said handing me my bags that he had been carrying. "Thank you, fine sir." I replied, curtsying and taking the bags from his hands. Our fingers brushed and my face lit up like Christmas lights. "The blankets are in there and the movies are in the living room if you wanna get those." I told him. "Alright." He said, going to get the blankets and movies. I got out the sweets that I was still craving and brought them into the living room. "You want popcorn too?" I asked. "Not unless you want any." He replied. I smiled and said, "Nah, I think I'll puke if I eat any more than this." He laughed a bit and sat down, showing me the movies he picked out. I gasped because the movies he picked are some of my favorites: The Harry Potter Series. He chuckled and said, "So you like Harry Potter too?" "Of course! Who wouldn't?" "I dunno." I put the first movie in and covered up with the same blanket that Mark was under. Yes, his name is Mark. Mark Johnson.

◌Time Skip to a certain part of le movie◌

When Harry and Ron rushed into the bathroom to defeat the troll, I scoffed because what if a girl had been trying to actually use the bathroom and the troll had- okay never mind. Mark saw that I was disgusted and laughed at me. "What's so funny?" "You look cute with your nose scrunched up like that." I blushed and thanked mother that it was dark and he couldn't see it. Speaking of mother, I wonder how she's doing. I got lost in thought and Mark poked my cheek to get me back into reality. "Whatchya thinkin' about?" He asked with an adorable smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "Just my mother. She couldn't come to live in Japan with us so the only way we can communicate is through the phone." "Ah, I'm sorry. It must be hard." "Nah, we're good. Just don't think too hard about her. You may get to meet her one day but definitely don't count on it." I winked at him. He chuckled and said, "And what makes me so special that I could meet your mother?" "Well....." I trailed off blushing and moving closer to him. "Wait! You don't already have a girlfriend do you?" I suddenly asked him. "No. I don't. Just don't think too hard about that." He replied. "Phew." I said, wiping the non-existent sweat off my forehead. "Well, I don't have one right now but something tells me that I will in.. 3.. 2.. 1.." Then, I felt something on my lips. It was soft and warm, but what was it? I opened my eyes slightly to see and oh my frickin mother. He was kissing me. And I wasn't kissing back. Well, now I am but I wasn't. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away slowly, looking into my eyes. "So, is that a yes?" I laughed and said, "Of course it is, you dork." He pulled me into his lap and I leaned back and relaxed.

◌Time Skip◌

"Hey Mark." He hummed in response. "It's about 6:30. You think your family is worried?" "Yeah, I guess so. I'll see you later." "Wait!" I yelled at him as he started walking towards the exit. "Phone number." I said, waving my phone in the air. He laughed and said, "Yeah." As we were putting our numbers in eachother's phones, I realized something. "You never told me what school you go to." I told him. "Oh yeah. Iriswood High School." "Oh my god." I said. "What?" He sounded concerned. "That's what school I go to!" I told him. "Really? That's great!" He told me. "What year are you?" I asked him. "First year." "Saaaaaaame." I told him. "Then I guess I will definitely see you around." He said, walking out the door. "Yup. Count on it!" I said. After Mark left, I cleaned everything up, put everything away, and went to bed thinking of school.


updated: August 4th, 2015 ♕

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