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◌Aylin's POV◌

I went to bed that night worrying about Luna. I really hoped that she wouldn't get really scared or nervous and have an anxiety attack. It seemed that we would just have to wait until we get there and see what happens.

◌Time Skip to the morning◌

I woke to the sound of a very annoying beeping. I guess it's an alarm clock. I looked at the time to see that it was 5:30. I hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and the noise turned off. "That's better."

I walked to my dresser where I had laid out my clothes for school. Luna and I had picked our outfits the night before so we wouldn't be in a rush and we could sorta match. I grabbed the clothes and some 'undergarments' and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower I brushed my hair out and put it in two braids that rested on my chest. I went to the kitchen to see Luna pouring cereal in a bowl. "Good Morning." I said. She turned to look at me and smiled. "Mornin'"

"You talk to mom last night?" "No. Did you?" "Yup." "Anything important?" She handed me a bowl, some milk, and a box of Fruit Loops. "Not really." I poured the milk and cereal into the bowl and put them back into the fridge and pantry. "Pass me a spoon?" I asked her. "Sure thing." She handed me a spoon and we both sat down and ate our breakfast.

When we finished, I looked at the clock to see the time, 6:50. School starts at 7:30 and we live a good twenty minutes away. We decided it'd be a good idea to leave now and have about 10 minutes to walk around and find our classes, also memorize the rest of the school in case of emergencies.

◌Time Skip to when they're at school◌

We get to the school and see a few people walking into the school. "I'm guessing people like to get here early?" I said to myself as we walked in. "I guess so." Luna answered. I didn't think she had heard me but oh well.

◌Luna's POV◌

I walked alongside Aylin going to the front office. When we got there Aylin knocked on the door and a lady with blonde hair and red glasses opened it. She smiled warmly at us which made me feel better about the situation.

She told us to come in the room with her so that we could get our schedules. "Luna and Aylin Chandler?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." I answered. She looked through the filing cabinets behind her desk, pulling out a folder with the name 'Chandler' on it.

She handed it to me and said, "Aylin?" "No ma'am, I'm Luna." I smiled at her. "Oh, forgive me." "It's okay!" I waved my hands in front of me to say the same as my words. "Well, here's your schedules. Luna." She handed me the folder while smiling.

I smiled back and thanked her. She handed Aylin about 6 textbooks and the lady and I both offered to help her carry them but she kindly refused. We thanked the lady known as Mrs.Anna, and started walking towards the exit of the office.

◌Aylin's POV◌

I was about to open the door of the office when it flung open and knocked me onto my butt. Somehow, when I was falling one of the books I was carrying hit me in the head.

The person who had opened the door just happened to be a very hot boy. He noticed how I had fallen to the ground and dropped my books so he held his hand out to me. I blushed but took his hand and he helped me stand up.

Once I was up he gently touched my forehead and I winced in pain and hissed quietly. When he removed his finger and showed me that there was blood. That must be from the book that hit me.

The boy picked up all of my stuff that I had dropped and offered to carry them and walk me to the nurse's office. Luna said that she would go explore the school while we did that.

When we got to the nurse she wasn't there so the boy ,who had told me his name was Alex Rivera, took it upon himself to nurse my wound.

When he finished, I told him that I had to repay him in some way. "Then why don't you go on a date with me?" He suggested while wiggling his eyebrows playfully. I giggled and said, "Sure, why not."

He grinned cheekily holding out his pinky finger to me, "Promise?" I returned the grin and linked my pinky finger with his, "Promise."

Taking out his phone he said, "So, exchange phone numbers?" "Uh... okay." Cautiously taking out my phone and mimicing his actions of handing me his phone.

I entered my number that I had memorized into the new contact information thingy and took a weird selfie of me to set as my contact picture. I have bandages wrapped around my head so in the picture you could see them and I had my tounge out, cheeks puffed out, my eyes were wide open (showing of the bright purple), and was showing a peace sign with my free hand.

Honestly, I could care less if anyone saw that weird picture of me. Alex handed my phone back to me and I returned his. When he saw the picture I took, he started laughing saying how cute I was. I puffed out my cheeks and stuck my tounge out at him in annoyance because I'm not cute.

I walked out of the nurse's office and turned around to face Alex and saluted to him, grinning like an idiot. He 'returned the favor' but with the best smile in the world. It could brighten anyone's day.

I turned back around and spotted Luna in the hallway. The rest of that day I couldn't get Alex and the fact that we're going on a date out of my head.

What is this feeling? Why am I so happy just at the mention of his name? Earth is so much different than I thought it would be.


updated: July 31st, 2015 ♕

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