Chapter 2: Welcome to the Realm

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Hermione came out of the tunnel and saw herself in the mirror.

Tris was standing, looking at herself in a mirror. She was still in Hermione's body. It wasn't a mirrow, it was a window.

"Hermione! What have you done?!" Tris yelled.

"Me? What have you done!?" Hermione replied.

Tris feels her pocket and finds a wand. She had no magic, but it was worth a try. She was going to cast the only spell she knew."Advada Kedavra!"

Hermione heard this incarnation and froze in terror. The spell smashed the window and beamed directly through her.

Suddenly an old lady appears in the room.

"Welcome to the Realm, my name is Roma. Your friends are expecting you" The lady says.

Hermione thinks for a minute. Would she really see Ron and Harry again?

Tris is the thinking the same thing. But what would Four say? He'd never forgive her.

As the girls were thinking of their friends and loved ones, the room disapeared and they were next to a fountain. There was many people in the parklands they were standing.

"TRIS!" Christina smiled, hugging her friend.

Ron also hugged Hermione.

There friends were gathered around them. There was a face that was no friend, but foe. Abigail. She was standing in the distance, she stormed toward the girls.

"You bitches!" She screamed, before tackling them into the fountain and bitch slapping them.

Roma pointed at Abigail, and she floated into the air. "How did you escape? Back with the others" and with a clip of the fingers, Abigail disapeared.

"If you'll excuse me" Roma disapeared just after Abigail.

Tris was in a small room with, Four, Christina and Will.

"We saw what happened" Christina explained.

"How? You died!" Tris asked

"You died too! Will killed you, accidently." Christina grins.

Tris turns to Four. "I'm sorry...." She frowns.

Four ignores her, and heads up the stairs.

"Don't worry. He is more upset that you died" Christina reassures.

"'Mione!" Ron kissed her passionately.

"Why!?" Harry jumped to the Questions.

"I'm sorry Harry!" Hermione pleaded

"Sorry is not good enough! Merlin's Beard Hermione! You killed people in cold blood" Harry yelled.

"Ron found a way to forgive me! Why can't you?!" Hermione cried.

Harry ignored her and stormed out.

The Fictional Afterlifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें