First Date

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Guys this one is by Penniaa


You rushed to the door as soon as you heard the first knock. You quickly stopped at the mirror to check yourself and smiled. Liam from One Direction asked out in a club. You opened the door and found the handsome guy you were waiting for.

"Hey love." he said to you.

"Hi." You said a little bit too excited. You just stared at each other in an awkward silence.

"Oh, this is for you." He said handing you a small bouquet of red roses. Your smile grew as you blushed slightly. You both walked down to Liam's car and he opened the door for you. You thanked him with a smile and hoped in. After having a small talk during a really long trip you decide to say,

"Liam where are we going?"

"Love it's a surprise." You sighed and stared through the window; your eyes become heavier and heavier and soon you fall asleep. You opened your eyes to see the car had fully stopped. You turned to Liam who was chuckling.

"I'm sorry." You said embarrassed.

"It's okay, you look cute that way." He said smiling. You looked around to see you were in the woods. As you followed Liam you saw a small picnic at a rock that gave sight to the whole city.

"Wow." You said as you sat and had the best night of your life.


You felt as if your day could not get any worse. You woke up late and you barely made it to work, as soon as you got there you spilled coffee on your brand new shirt. And if it could not get any worse your boss came up to you and said,

 "I need you to stay a while after." You stared at the floor and decided to stay calm.

"I have plans." You said first.

"But your job comes first." He said firmly. You sighed and grabbed your phone and texted Zayn that you might be late to your date.

After work you happily raced to Zayn's flat to try and save the rest of the night. When you arrived to Zayn's flat you were surprised to see the door open.

"Zayn?" You said as you looked through the flat. When you arrived to the back porch, you saw a table set with two plates and a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table.

"Hey." He said standing next to the table. Later that night Zayn managed to take away all the stress you felt as you talked about each others day, and spent a magical night with him.


"Where are you taking me Lou?" You smiled as Louis, your best friend of two years, was covering your eyes and taking you to an unknown place. As soon as you stopped you opened your eyes and saw you were at the main entrance for Disneyland.

"What is this?" You asked.

"Well Y/N, ever since the first day I met you I knew I liked you, but your stupid boyfriend ruined that. So now that you are 6 months single, I decided to take you out on a date."

"A date?" You asked a bit impressed.

"Of course love, I have seen you as more than a friend ." He leaned in and gave you a small peck on your cheek and turned to the entrance. You smiled to yourself since you also felt something for Louis; he was the reason you broke up with your boyfriend.

"Actually Lou..." He turned to you and gave you a worried look. "I see you as more than a friend too." You smiled and grabbed his forearm. You spent the whole day with Louis, and after two more dates he finally asked you to be his girlfriend.


As soon as you pulled in the front door of your family's new home, you sighed to yourself. Why did your parents have to drag you to this terrible town.

"What is that?" you heard your little brother say. You turn your face to see the door next door to yours, and saw a bunch of teenage girls outside screaming. After you settled in your new home you decided to take a walk and check the neighborhood, as you walked through the park you heard screaming. Just as you turned around some blond guy came up and ran into you.

"What the hell." You complained as you stood up from the floor. The boy, without any word, took you by your waist and ran. When he found a good hiding place he pushed you in there with him. 

"Who the f*ck are you?" You yell as you squeezed in the place with him.

"Niall...." He said. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to push you."

"It's okay, I don't always have time to run from I don't know who with a stranger." You laughed. You spent about 10 minutes hiding there until Niall decided to invite you to a coffee shop near. 

"Aren't you with the family that just moved next door?" He asked while taking many bites of a chocolate muffin.

"Yes." You said while laughing at him.

"You are really beautiful by the way...?" He continued by asking by asking for your name.

"Y/N." You answered, there was an awkward silence between you. Just as you finished your coffee you smiled to Niall and he said, "Nice first date isn't it?"


Since you have known Harry for 6 months now when he asked you out on a date you were really excited, but since he had a press conference before he had you come with him. Unfortunately the restaurant said since you were two hours late to your reservations they had to give out your table. An angry Harry guided you to the car. You broke the silence in the car and said,

"It's okay Harry." He calmed down a little and said, "Okay, then I need to take you some where else then." He smiled and drove to a small but cute ice cream parlor. Harry asked you to take a seat in one of the small tables in there while he ordered the ice cream. He latter came back with a banana split. You sat there talking and laughing while eating.

"Wait you got something." You were embarrassed. You tried to take it off but Harry said, "Let me help you." You looked at him and he smiled. Suddenly he leaned in and kissed you.

"There you go." He said laughing. You smiled at each other finishing your ice cream. Later in the car you shared some more kisses.

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