Death is normal but it hurts those who are close

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((Years later))
It's been years since clay came back and everyone was happy and issei and I have grown closer vary close we went into a dimensional gap to fight off a fallen angel Crystal was our healer and she could creat a shield anyway all of a sudden I felt pain in my chest and it hurt a lot soon a light appeared around me and I grew armor like issei's balance breaker and I lost control of my body and I started attacking my friends.
((Clays POV))
"Issei your the only one who can help her and the only one she wants to save her"I said "I can't I-I-I love her"he said "no time to argue do it or she'll kill us all"I said "please she can't kill you she'll kill the rest of us"he said "just do it or I'll kill her"I said angrily and he looked surprised but nodded and activated his balance breaker and started to attack he hesitated a lot but she ended up beating him to a bloody pulp and the final hit she shot a beam threw his chest and he fell to a bloody splat and his balance breaker automatically deactivated to show he was dead reias killed him "that's it"I said as fire surrounded my body and my bones changed and I turned into my wolf form "mighty wolves howl"I yelled as a big beam of fire hit her and she landed and her balance breaker deactivated and she woke up" uuuugh what what happened"she asked "you some how got a balance breaker just like issei's and..."I couldn't finish my sentence "and what??"she asked as I stepped aside and showed her the body and she looked shocked "he didn't want to fight you he kept hesitating...he loved you"I said as she broke into tears and tried to resurrect him but his body was to damaged to resurrect him but she kept trying "reias you can't save him let him go"I said "no I can save him I just need to add me magic power"she said as she added more "REIAS STOP"I shouted as k tore her away from him and she cried "what have I done"she said as my body was heating up and growing more warm and heat waves starting to form "let's go kill that guy"i said in a demonic way and my sister was the first to speak up "nee-San???"she asked "not right now"I said demonicly as I walked three and I grew more and more pissed my eyes glowed crimson red " get back this is gonna get messy"I said more demonic than the last and fire exploded from my body causing our target to fly out of his seat and into the wall behind him i yelled out "FOR ISSEI!!!"I yelled as my honest grew and I grew into a massive black wolf and I tore the building apart I launched myself at our target and bit down on him and shook him violently and I ate him whole

--Reias POV--
I couldn't believe it I killed issei my issei I looked at my hands and saw blood I sniffed it and I smelled issei I teared up and I looked up to see clay eating our target whole I saw him begging someone to help him "help me please don't let him eat me AHHHHH"he yelled as he was swallowed and clay turned to normal and walked over to us "let's go home and bury him"he said as I let out a tearful nod and I walked over to his body and picked it up and threw it over my shoulder and carried it back home.
Once home I placed his body on the ground and dug a grave once done I summoned a casket once that was done I cleaned up his body and placed him in the casket and prepared the ceremony but by the end of the ceremony I couldn't take it I ripped open the casket and prepared a soul exchange ceremony I placed a shield around me so no one interfered "dear lord of the dead please give issei's soul back to him in can have mine"I said as everyone stood shocked "clay don't please"cried kuroko "nee-San noooo"cried my little sister as I did another chant and my red aura came out of me and flew into my sister and I said the final word of my chant "SEAL"I yelled as a light surrounded me and a light blue aura came out of me and my vision went black and I fell to the ground with a flop.
--Reias POV--
Clay fell to the ground and he was motionless soon another light blue aura flew into issei and a light surrounded him and his wound healed and I saw him wake up "guh ow what happened "he asked as he saw clays dead body but was confused "what happened to clay???"he asked "nee-San gave his soul up to revive you"cried Crystal as she ran to his body and cried into his cold body that used to give her warmth and comfort but no only gives despair we placed clay in the casket and placed him in the hole that was meant for issei but now for him they replaced the head stone with his other one that they used awhile back but hopefully he stays dead and they won't have to fight him again we said our respects and went inside all but Crystal she stayed out there till dark and cried and she emitted this red aura around her "nee-san why did you do this you left me alone all alone with no one and you have me your demon and now I have a angel and a demon"she cried.
--Crystal POV--
I never left his grave sight "don't let the sadness and hate get to you pup it'll drive you mad lighten up it'll get better with lose there is gain and you'll see him again when it's your time but not before"said angel my angel wolf "yes do not let your anger and hate get you or you'll turn into the demon pure form and you'll lose control of your body and hurt or kill someone"said my brothers demon "why are you helping me your a demon"I asked "I was close to your brother so I'm helping you because your his sister and controlling two demons isn't easy most people will instantly go crazy but you didn't your special and your brother gave you me because he wants me to tell you why he did this he really was hurt when issei died and he couldn't take it so he prepared a soul transfer to ask for issei's soul back In exchange for his he didn't want to leave you he really didn't but he had to help reias because her heart was hurting without issei so he did it but he wanted me to say form him to you that he loved you so vary much and it pained him to do this to you and that he'll always be with you in mind and spirit"he said as I teared up" thank you"I said as he mentally nodded " now get inside you'll catch a cold"he said as I nodded and went inside and sat on the couch tearfully and looked around and I saw kuroko with a photo of her and clay she was hugged him and he just looked surprised and clay was falling back with her latched onto him she was silently crying to her self and I pulled out my own picture of clay it was on my birthday that he gave me a plush toy of a wolf it was white with blue eyes and it was him giving it to me and me being vary happy as I hugged him and he smiled at me. I teared up myself I remember that day like it was yesterday.
((Flashback many years ago))
--Crystal POV--
It was my birthday and I was so happy because my whole family was here having a great time clay was playing with my in our back yard we had cake and sodas and my presents were on the table me and clay were wrestling in the back I pounced on him and he got knocked off balance and fell with me on top but he turned it around him being the big brother he was already good with fire magic and he had full control of his wolf I also was good with light based magic and already had full control of my wolf anyway he got off of me and picked me up and hugged me "you know I love you Crystal"he said "of course nee-san I know you'll always love me and I'll always love you"I said "and you know no matter what I'll protect you"he said as I nodded "good"he said as he hugged me tight and I hugged him to "I always knew you two would never fight not once since the time you where born did you two ever fight"said a voice as I looked to see my mother "since you were born clay you were so protective of Crystal if someone called her a name you would get right in and help her I knew you would jump in front of a truck if it meant saving her and it makes me so happy and so lucky to have children that would take their own life to save the other"she said "of course mom I love her she's my little sister my pup"said clay as I smiled at him and hugged him tight "and I love you nee-san"I said happily as I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him and he hugged back "happy birthday crystal"he said as I smiled happily "thank you nee-san"I said "it's time for cake crystal"said my mother as me and clay ran in but before I could start running clay picked me up and put me on his back and he ran full speed to the house as He and I laughed and once there I set me down "thanks for the piggy back ride nee-san"I said laughing and he laughed and once they all sang me happy birthday and ate cake it was time for presents I got a lot of things and once I opened my last gift and thanked the person my brother walked up to me with his hands behind his back "Crystal close your eyes and hold out your hands"he instructed and I did and I felt a soft feeling in my hands "open them"he said as I saw a white wolf stuffed toy and it had blue eyes and I teared up and hugged him tight and that's when I saw a flash but I didn't care I hugged him and said "thank you nee-san" I said "your welcome no matter where I am ill always be with you as long as you have this"he said as he pointed to the stuffed wolf and I nodded and hugged him tightly while holding the wolf and from then on I never went anywhere without that wolf later after the party me and my brother were on the couch and I snuggled close to clay while cuddling the wolf and I fell asleep while on my brother and cuddling the best birthday present ever.
(End of flashback)
After I remembered that I ran to my room and picked up the same white wolf still in mint condition I took special care of this toy because it was from a special someone I returned to my spot and snuggled the toy and cried but for some reason I didn't feel alone anymore clay was right he always would be with me as long as I had this stuffed wolf with me I smiled as a few tears escaped "Crystal why are you hugging a stuffed animal arnt you a little to old for that"asked yuuno "no this wolf is special it was a gift from clay on my 6th birthday and he said no matter where he was as long as I have this he'll be with me...always"I said as the girls awwed and I later on the couch with the wolf and fell asleep with the wolf in my arms tight.
The next morning I was meditating to focus and become one with the demon wolf of hell fire now I was a mix of an angel and demon wolf a yin and a yang  dark and light I was both and I could activate both in a matter of minutes I was doing advanced magic but my brother was the master he knew all magic types and he knew all magic weaknesses not once when we sparred did I ever win one screw up and it was over take your eyes off him for a second and your in the dirt we was a master planner he could plan one hundred steps into a plan of attack he had a back up for his back up for his back up and he did it while on the attack anyway I was doing good one practicing the magic I could do wolfs howl for both angel and demon and I knew great wolves howl and demon teleportation  and finally I knew his signature move demons hell fire when he snaps his fingers and the person bursts into flames I felt complete but it wasn't the same I was hoping clay could teach me those moves himself and I felt alone again remembering the good times I had with him it hurt me every time we sparred he never gloated about winning he would always give me tips and told me what I did wrong to help me the next time but when I died the pain on his face hurt me more than anything I was starving he offered himself to me but I denied I couldn't bring myself to hurt him to help myself and I couldn't hurt my parents I felt cold but yet warm clay kept me warm and the last thing I heard before I died for the first time was clays painful yells of sorrow and it hurt me to leave him we loved each other so much and the fact he couldn't help me hurt him so much and demon and angel wouldn't reach me the soul transfer spell "please what if someone I care about died and I wanted to bring them back to life and I couldn't do it with a resurrection spell please teach me the soul transfer spell"I begged "no we both know why you want to learn that spell and it's a no you can't save him his soul is with death now and you can't get it back once it's with death for more than 24 hours you can't get that soul back in sorry their is no other way"demon said "fine"I said sadly as I continued to practiced wolfs howl on a dummy and it exploded with the little bits of it on fire and I walked inside and all of a sudden a guy came "reias Gremory I challenge you if I win you will be my wife if I lose I'll go away and never come back"he said as I rolled my eyes and reias said "fine you'll regret challenging me "she said as we all battled I killed many of my enemies and then I heard the earth shake we were all shoo ken off balance and then a hole in the earth opened and I ran to my brothers grave and I saw our enemies doing a ritual "guys what are they doing??"I asked scared and I heard a voice "they are doing a advanced healing ritual but they are doing it all wrong no need to worry if they think he will take orders from them then they have another thing coming "said angel as I felt my demon side vanish then another hole was made and I saw something leap out of the hole and land near our enemies "hello Clayton nice of you to wake up"he said as clay snapped his fingers and the guy burst into flames and he snapped a guy's neck and he punched a guy with so much force his hand went through him and he died "b-brother"I said as he smiled and noticed I had the stuffed animal in my arms "please tell me you just got this out and you weren't fighting with it in your arms little one cause I don't think your cuteness will work vary well against these guys"he said as I laughed "sorry to break it to you but I have been fighting with it"I said "well you stay back you look tired I'll take it from here"he said as he walked onto the battlefield getting shocked looks from everyone "now witness the power of us we have resurrected your most powerful teammate and now you will have to be my bride reias now give up"he said as she looked down and nodded "reias what did I say about giving up I ain't killing no one but you"he said as he pointed to the enemy and reias and the other looked shocked as clay murmured words and shouted "omega wolves howl"he shouted as a big beam of fire spread and killed all our enemies they were all incinerated "clay how did you come back you have your soul to death"asked reias "I have no clue I guess those guys did a sacrificial ritual but I don't care I'm still pretty tired so what's been going on since I died for the second time to be fair I'm getting tired of being revived next time I die just please burn my body or something get rid of my body I'm really getting tired of being revived"he said annoyed "we've been doing nothing but the normal stuff"said reias as clay walked up to me and picked me up and held me high" but I am glad to see you agai little one and might I say you did vary well I am so proud of you"he said to me as I giggled and hugged him tight " I missed you so much nii-san"I said crying into his shoulder as he held me tight "I know but I promise I won't die anymore because I'm tired of hurting you and everyone here"he said as I held him close and we all went inside my brother carried me inside and sat me on the couch and walked away with reias and they chatted about something I heard something about a fallen angle that extracts sacred gears a show they are gonna kill her tomorrow so we all went to bed and the next day we were at the church where we gelt something strange but before we even touched the nob on the door we were ambushed by other fallen angels we fought hard but they ended up dropping like flies going threw a bug zapper they fell and disappeared we went through the door and we saw a girl with black hair and raven wings she had red eyes she saw us and she fled to the basement as we were running I heard my brother flame teleport to the basement and I heard a scream and then silence we heard footsteps and we saw my brother dragging the girl and he through her at our feet she was burned to a crisp and he walked passed us and walked out we were back at base when's. Guy called riser came in "well well are these all your pieces you only have five pieces and a little girl what happened to your seventh piece aww did he fall already well darn-"he said as he didn't get to finish as I heard my brother laugh "oh pity do you really think I could go down so easy your stupider than I thought"he said as riser looked shocked "what how I thought you were dead"he said "well I guess you thought wrong"he said "it doesn't make a difference I'll beat you all then I'll take reias gremory as my bride we are engaged anyway hehehe"he said as he called his pieces and there was fifteen a full set and my brother chuckled "what's so funny boy"said one of his pieces as my brother stopped for air "you all look so weak"my brother commented as I giggled at his comment "you tell them brol"I said as two people came in and they said they were gonna broadcast this match they disappeared and we were transported to the game and it was a exact replica of the school
--Clays POV--
the instructions for this game was we had two bases the objective capture the enemy leader and knock out the other opponents kuroko and yuto were to set traps and Akano was to set a illusion  magic up then Konoko and issei was sent to take the gymnasium I was also sent their as back up I saw a girl with blue hair and two twins with green hair issei took the first girl with the blue hair and a staff Konoko took the other took I took the twins and I just sat there "my my you two little girls shouldn't be playing with chainsaws you could really hurt yourself"I teased  as they charged me I jumped over them and as they turned around I grabbed their chainsaws and rammed them into their chest and they screamed in pain as blood poured out and I pulled up and it cut them more and they screamed more I felt all eyes on my as I pulled the chainsaws out and threw them at each of the other opponents and they hit their marks and they fell in a pool of blood I walked back to the base as issei and Konoko went to assist yuuto but half way back I heard that Konoko and issei were ambushed but issei defeated risers queen I then was back at base and I was the last line of defense I leaned against the wall and waited I heard that Akano was out to along with yuuto so all was left was me issei and my little sister issei came back and we met riser on the roof "well well I guess I was right your pieces were totally weak I killed four of them without even trying I didn't even break a sweat"I commented as riser looked angrily "I guess the house of phenix is just a house of Pansy's after all you don't even train your pieces you just use them for slaves and such am I right "I asked as he looked really pissed "you shut up you do not talk badly about the house of phenix!!!!"he yelled as he shot fire and I stood there as the fire hit me but it didn't even leave a scratch "no fire magic can hurt me I'm immune to fire because my body is made of it just now you raised my fire attack power by 10 thanks dumb ass I thought you would know that"I said as I fired a wolves howl and he flew back into the wall as he got up slowly he summoned fire wings and he flew at me but I kicked him upwards and shot flames from my mouth like a dragon and I scorched him as he fell and hit the ground I walked up to him and stomped on his head to knock him out "now you will never come here again for if you do I'll burn you and send you back to hell in tiny bit sized pieces do you under stand or do I need to burn the ear wax out of your head"I asked threateningly as he nodded quickly "good"I said as I stomped on his head extra hard knocking him out we were then transported out of the arena and we saw all our friends well reias saw her friends I walked away but I was stopped by reias "clay what's the matter you are a lot more.... Dark since I last saw you what happened to you"she asked as everyone looked at me "it's my demon he has partial control of my body and plus Ina. Demon in gonna be dark anyway so don't worry about it"I said as I walked away but i felt rias's concern but i didn't care i was fine i was always dark but that doesn't matter people keep wanting to marry reias and thats a major problem...i guess i have to kill them all to make sure they never get the chance to marry reias because she already loves someone and that's issei.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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