The great fight before the great demise of the demon wolf

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--Clays POV--
Tonight is my demise and I've never been so depressed I'm going to die before my life quest is complete to protect my only friends I had in my life before I was a demon it sucks I need to protect them they have to live before my thought was complete two fallen angels a man and a women appeared with a army "reias Gremory I challenge you to a game to the last man standing if I win you will be my bride"said the man as I weakly sat against a tree" reias don't do it I'm in no condition to fight"I said to her quietly "I have to it's a challenge"she said back "fine I except your request"she said as everyone was transported to a chess board and reias and the man were behind all of us and I popped my neck and engulfed my body in flames and looked at my opponent a girl with blond hair and she had curls going down and I rolled my eyes at her "you picked the wrong opponent today I'll rip you a new one boy"she said "don't get to cocky"I said "you already look hurt this will be to easy"she said as I murmured words"wolfs blazing howl"I shouted at a beam of fire impacted full force into her body and she was caught on fire and she burned and passed out still on fire and I was teleported out "to easy"I said as koneko went next but she lost and then akeno went next but she won and when she went again she lost then yuuno did the same thing then it was just me and the new guy and the last person on the field was the king the challenger and the new guy charged in and was beat to a pulp "issei!!!"cried reias as I engulfed my hand in flames and punched him but he uppercutted me in my bad spot and I fell and I coughed blood and I was taken away and reias said the last thing I wanted to hear "I surrender"she said sadly as I angrily shook the healer off of me "reias don't you dare give up you fight till you drop dead you hear me!!!"I shouted angrily at her and she shook her head "I have no desire to watch my friends kill themselves for me so I will take my defeat"she said "that's quitter talk "I said as I shot a fire ball and it hit the challenger and he fell back "clay stop your in no condition to fight your already dying just stop"she said with tears as I summoned a spell circle to block his attack "I'll save you then once I am healed you will be back here you here me"I said Ina commanding tone as she nodded as I finally collapsed from exhaustion but the healer caught me and when I woke up I was all patched up and I women appeared "I heard you wanted to save lady reias from her upcoming wedding "she said "where is she and when is the wedding party starting "I asked angrily as I summoned my demonic eyes and she gave me a summoning paper "this will take you there when your ready"she said as I put on my regular attire ignoring my pain "I have to be there and win the fight by midnight that's when my demise is set "I said sadly as I put on my regular attire and and transported myself there and I fought all the guards lighting them on fire the guards by the door I set alight and one burst threw the doors and everyone stood shocked as I punched a hole in the door and burned the door to ash and walked in "ah the mystery boy has arrived as I walked in and just stood there "I have come to take lady reias home if you don't want to burn in my fires of hell then I suggest you give up here and now"I said as my eyes turned to my demonic Crimson and he flinched "I will not you will have to beat me in a 1v1 then you may take her home with you"she said "fine I except your request if I win you let her go and never ever challenge her again and if I lose you can proceed with your little party and marry her"I said as he nodded and we were both transported to the same arena and I smirked and I murmured some words "I give thy sanity to you great lord demon wolf of the fires of hell but in exchange I you can have my opponents soul"I shouted as a fire engulfed my body and a red aura appeared in the battle field and reias looked shocked and my insane laughs were heard as my bones changed and I grew to a vary large dog size but I was no dog I was a wolf a large black wolf with crimson red demonic eyes and they glowed Crimson my claws long and sharp my teeth sharp and I howled and charged and I slashed him he grew fire wings and flew up I summoned a summoning circle and shot a wolves howl and he fell from the sky and I heard the sister "brother!!"she said worried as he got up but I was already in his face and I slashed him his blood dripped from his face and I slashed his torso and he fell over and I finished him as I bit down on his throat and shook my head furiously and his body flew across the battle field and with his head still in my jaws and I turned back and I was transported back to the place where the party was at and I fell over I checked my watch and it was 11:59 "reias tell the gang I won but I was unable to come home I died here in this party hall"I said as she shook her head "no you are dying where we can say good bye to you"she said as her brother came over to her "sister is this the demon wolf"he asked as she nodded sadly "I sense light in him is he..."he said as she teared up and nodded "my apologize demon wolf I hope you can rest in piece and I wished we got to meet each other in a different situation I came here to say congratulations on your victory but I know realize it was your final battle before your Demise you saved my sister for your final battle anyway good bye and may you rest in piece again I wish we met under different circumstances "he said "like wise"I said as she teleported me back home and she later me on the couch "I'll go get everyone"she said as she ran out of the room.
--Reias POV--
I ran to the other room where everyone was sitting sadly "guess clay fought and won me back but he's dying now so hurry"i said and without another word everyone ran to the room where clay was and he looked weaker than ever "h..hey guys"he said as he coughed up blood and he lifted his shirt to see the grey spot cover his whole stomach and back and it was raising towards his head and down to his legs purple lines lined his legs and head and arms and they started to form on his stomach "guys live on for me reias don't you ever give up like that again to be honest that was vary sad you failed us as our leader of you give up like that so fight until you drop dead do it for me and live on don't stop fighting"he said as I teared up and nodded "issei"he said "ya demon what's up"he asked "please I leavers mmy mission to you protect everyone here till the day you die do it for me do it for everyone here please protect reias,yuuno,kuneko,and akeno please do it for me and when you do I can finally rest in peace everyone this is my final goodbye you were great friends keep fighting hard everyone strengthen your weaknesses if you do you'll become stronger and harder to beat I leave my life quest to you issei everyone goodbye"he said sadly as tears ran down his face but I saw him murmur some words and soon a spell ring surrounded me and a flash of light appeared and my senses grew and I felt ears and I looked behind me and I saw a tail and I saw demon "reias I gave you my demon learn to use it wisely be carful when you unleash his true form he requires something from you I always gave him my sanity but he will require something else from you maybe years off your life or something like that but don't give it to him give him something else like freedom or something"he said as I nodded and I tested up "and here reias"he said as he reached behind him and pulled out his sword "learn to use this also I rarely used it anyway I bet you can use this more than I did"he said as I tested up more as I hugged the sword soon the lines blowed bright and demons screams were heard and soon a pile of ash replaced where demon lay and everyone looked shocked when that saw demons ashes even his bones were ash and kuneko took it the hardest she gripped demons ashes in her fists and tears ran down her face and she was fighting not to bawl her eyes out and we scooped up demons ashes and put it in a jar and then buried the ashes in the back yard me and kuneko stayed behind "demon I will perfect my weaknesses and become stronger get you I promise"said kuneko "demon I will learn to control the demon you bestowed me I promise and I also promise to never stop fighting to never surrender and to become stronger for you and someday I will surpass you and I'll make you proud"I said as tears streamed down my eyes and I went to train I meditated much like demon did and once I could consent rat I saw a room and I saw a large wolf "so this is the girl clay sealed me in "he said "clay???"I asked confused "it was the name of the boy who died you ideot none of you knew his name because you didn't care you only cared about his skill you never even bothered to ask his real name"he said as I looked shocked "true but he was a big mystery to begin with he rarely talked to begin with"i said "that means nothing you barley knew anything about him other than he was a demon and he starved to death as a child other than that you knew nothing about him it's just sad he died without makeing a single true friend that he could talk to and tell him or her anything and they won't judge him"he said sadly as I teared up because it was true the whole time I knew him all I knew about him was he was a demon and forgotten as a child and his powers "demon I want you to help me train to control you much like clay did"I asked as he nodded "fine I'll do it for clay but only for clay "he said with a growl "firstly you must learn to harness the energy within yourself by focusing your energy into your core so me and you become one now meditate and focus"he said as I did what I was told and harnessed my energy into my core. It took a long time to but I finally managed to focuse the energy within me but I was awoken to yuuno saying there was a evil healer so we finally found her and we fought "I see your missing one of your precious friends so tell me what happened to the mutt "she teased as I cringed "he died valiantly in battle"I said "oh I heard different I heard he was shot by a fallen with a holy bullet in the chest and it was laced with light a demon like him wouldn't live long with that in his body he would turn to ash tell me did he turn to ash"she asked "yes"I said as I drew his sword and shot but it missed "well I have a surprise for you guys HAHAHAHAHA"she said as a summoning circle formed and there stood demon wolf or should I say Clayton "oh my god"said kuroko as she stepped toward him "clay darling be a dear and kill them for me"she ordered "yes"he said S I launched a fire attack and I blocked it with a summoning circle"clay what are you doing we are your friends why are you taking orders from a healer"said kuroko as she dodged a fire attack and yuuno went to slash him but clay grabbed the sword and ignited his hand in flames and melted the blade and he scrunched his hand tightly and slammed his hand into the center of yuuno a chest and shattered his ribs and he fell coughing up blood he murmured words and looked at akano and snapped his fingers and I looked shocked as akano went up in flames as he said "burn"he said as she went up in flames and he raised his hands to make the flames grow higher and hotter soon she fell knocked out and soon it was not me and kuroko he drew his sword and looked at me he aimed and shot and i saw it was laced with light I quickly dodged it but he shot a paralysis and it his and I couldn't move "stay still I'll make this quick"he said evilly as he aimed another holy bullet laced with light and shot but soon I saw kuroko in front of me with a summoning circle to block the bullet but clay disappeared in a ball of fire and reappeared behind kuroko and blocked her spin kick and punched her in the guy and stabbed her with his sword and did a spin kick to knock both me and kuroko out cold but as I blacked out I saw both clay and the healer walk away and I murmured "clay"I said as I blacked out.
I woke up and I transported all of us back home and I healed everyone's injuries and suprisingly we didn't even lay a finger on clay he's that good he nearly killed me the first time we met I didn't even hit him once but he did serious damage he broke many limbs like my arm,leg,and jaw and I got major 3rd degree burns but luckily my team was there but they got hurt worse than me they got cuts and burns and major broken bones and major 3rd degree burns I was lucky to finally convince him to join us or we all would be dead but I don't understand how can he be against him again we are friends and he was dead how can she resurrect him he was nothing but ash how did she resurrect ash she must be a high level healer to resurrect ash remains from a person anyway we were at the house and we healed our wounds it took months to heal yuuno's broken ribs because clay broke all but the top three ribs I managed to repair all but four ribs it'll take another four days to fully repair the.
(Four days later)
Yunno's ribs were finally repaired and akeno was also fully healed we set out to find clay and that healer but I really shouldn't call him clay the real clay is dead that's no more than a puppet of clay it's not really him it can't be to be sure I dug up clays ashes and opened the jar that the ashes and saw them empty and I fell to my knees "if that's the real clay then why did he attack us and not the healer    We are friends why would he attack us and nearly kill us again the only reasonable explanation is that she hypnotized him and he's under her control I need to consult the wolf so I got into my meditation pose and went into my mind scape (kinda like naruto and kyuubi) "wolf I need you to find out what's happening to clay why is he attacking us and how long has he been alive its only been a four months since he died and four months since our first encounter with clay what's happening to him"I asked "he's alive alright and he can still use my powers he's being used there are no strings attached to him the healer had told him that you guys left him to die and portrayed him and you where the cause of his family's death and you personally killed his little sister which had the  angel wolf inside her but she has told him that you killed his little sister Crystal without mercy"he said as I stood shocked "I wouldn't I couldn't why would he believe her"I asked "because she had fake mental images of you doing it"he said and I stood shocked at what I'm hearing clay thinks me and the other killed his family why would he believe her I thought we were friends"thanks for the info in going to go find him I need to clear out name"I said "be carful he doesn't answer to reason you have to beat some sense into him but considering how weak you are and how badly beaten you were last time I'll give you some of my power"he said as I nodded "thanks"I said as I woke up and informed everyone and we set out to find clay.
((Days later))
I finally spotted him and he was with the healer and she spotted is and nudged clay he pushed himself off the wall that he was leaning on and walked toward us "clay"I said "oh so you wolf told you my name after I died you finally wondered what my real name was"he said angrily as his eyes turned into the slits "you will die and I will avenge what I couldn't save all those years ago"he said as issei got in front of my "get out of the way issei or I will punch right threw you"he threatened but he still refused to move "I'm keeping my promise to you clay I'm protecting your friends till the day I di-"he was unable to finish his sentence because clay had his fist right threw his stomach "ISSEI"I shouted as he fell in a pool of blood akeno shot lighting but clay was to fast he dodged them with ease and clay kicked her in the jaw and knocked her out he dodged yuuno's swing and sliced him with his own sword in the stomach and stabbed him and kicked him off the blade and he fell all my friends where falling again it was only me and kuroko and she couldn't even move out of fear he walked passed her and pressed his blade to my throat "I will avenge my family"he said in a demonic voice as I froze "clay you told me once never to stop fighting till I dropped dead I will keep that promise"I said as I tried to uppercut him but he leaned backwards to avoid the hit and stepped back "well don't worry you will join your friends in death soon enough"he said "clay stop playing around and kill her already"said the healer "fine"he said as he dashed over to me and he passed me with his sword drawn and I looked at my side and saw blood and I fell in a pool of blood and i saw that I had a deep gash in my side where clay had sliced me and I passed out.

I woke up and I saw I was home and I saw all my friends but akano and I finally saw her and she came over to me "issei is Ina critical condition because of that hit he took to the stomach"she said as I nodded as I meditated and I was in my mind scape "wolf is there a way to resurrect his sister"I asked "yes there is but you must find her body first"he said "where is it"I asked "it's in his old home it's near here just head east and you'll see it its a mansion and her body is in the back yard it's the only tombstone there clay had to eat his parents to live and then he went onto the streets because he lost his home"he said as I nodded and headed east I went east for five miles until I saw a massive mansion and I made my way to the back until I saw the grave and I dug her up and I opened the coffin and I brought out the body "ok now what"I asked "now you chant this" please lord of the under world please give thy soul back to the living please resurrect this one undead soul""he said as I said just that and a light shone over the body and she was brought back and she opened her golden eyes and her white hair shone "who are you what happened here"she asked "you lost your parents and the house and your brother died and was read resurrected as a demon and died but was revived by someone evil and now he thinks I killed you"I explained as she nodded her little head "will you come with me and I'll take you to him"I said as she nodded and I set out to find him luckily I found him and I told Crystal to hide somewhere until I have the signal "clay I didn't kill your sister why do you believe her"I asked "I saw pictures of you doing it she had physical proof of you doing it I thought we were friends reias I guess I was wrong to trust you I never really trusted you you used me for my powers that's all you cared about you didn't care one bit about me and those tears you shed for me you knew you couldn't use my powers anymore now that I was dead"he said as my heart ached "your wrong clay I cared deeply for you you were my best friend I was scared of you that's why I didn't dig deeper I was scared of you because you nearly killed me the first time we met I didn't want you to think I was some stalker trying to dig every last little thing about you"I said "LIAR"he yelled as he shot a fire ball and I got hit and I flew into a tree "clay please I thought we were friends I thought you knew me better"I said weakly as tears dropped off my face and landed into the dirt "I thought so to but it under up you killed my family and put me into eh street and didn't even have the heart to even help me or give me a home your parents will die for this you and you family shall know my pain and my suffering when I take it form you the johnson family will be avenged and you will experience first hand what my sister felt when you took her life"he said evilly as he picked me up by my hair and I gave her the signal and she peered out "nee-san"she said lightly as he stopped and looked at her and he froze "no your pulling something my sister has been dead for years now"he said "nee-san it's me your little sister arnt you happy to see me"she asked as he dropped me and kicked my side and I fell over "brother stop she didn't kill me the healer that your with lied to you to make you wipe out the grimory's"she said as he shook his head "no she isn't I saw proof she's trying to make me go mad your not real my sister has been dead you resurrected her to torture me you bitch I'll kill you"he said as he picked me up again and activated his claws and slashed my stomach "AHHH clay I resurrected her for you so she can talk some sense into you"I said as he clawed my side again and I winced in pain "nee-san stop she didn't kill me she revived me please stop"she said as she ran over to him and hugged him tight "let go of me you fake"he said as he tried to shake her off but she wouldn't let go and she looked into his eyes and he froze "if your my sister prove it say or do something my sister only can or would do"he said as she murmured words and she turned into a white wolf pup with golden eyes and he froze and threw me aside and she turned back and he hugged her tight "Crystal if this isn't the real you I'll kill you"he said trying not to cry "nee-san it's really me reias resurrected me to talk some sense into you and I see you have her your demon "she said "I still have my demon she just has the clone of it when the healer resurrected me the soul of my demon came back in time he will fully return to me since I'm alive again"he said as I smiled "that's fine by me I was never able to control the power "I said weakly"healing fire"he said as a Green fire was healing me and I got up and he hugged his sister again "do you still want to go home your friends are waiting for you"I said as he nodded "nee-San give me a piggy back ride"Crystal said excited as clay nodded and she jumped on his back and he walked with her on his back.

Once we were home everyone embraced him

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