Once you're in the spotlight . . . . . chapter 3

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The door closed in my face and I understood. 'It's over' I thought to myself. I turned around and walked back down her driveway. I was staring at my feet. When I got to the end of the driveway I saw another pair of feet. With a pair of shoes I recognised. They were Hannah's feet. I looked up at her,she had her phone out. I didn't know what she was going to do until I heard her take the photo. She laughed.

"This is so going on Facebook"she said."Oh and don't excpect me to hang out with you after this".

I just sighed.I didn't care anymore. She walked off leaving me alone there. That's when I realised it wasn't going to be over. I wouldn't let it.

I knew what to expect before I got there.When I walked into school,I felt all eyes on me. Like there was a giant spotlight over my head. I hated the spotlight,I always had. It's lonely.I also heard the whispering and the laughing.I  hadn't checked to see what she'd put on facebook. But I didn't really care. I walked through the halls to my locker. It wasn't 'till I got there that I looked up. Darragh was standing there. Just seeing the look on his face made my eyes start to tear up. He just looked do pitiful. He dragged me close to him,and just hugged me .He just let me stand there and cry on his shoulder. He was my only real friend left. I heard the bell go and the feet around us start to move,but I just stood there and cried. When I finished crying I sniffed and looked up at Darragh.He said it all with his eyes.I sighed.I sat down in the floor and patted the space beside me.He sat down beside me.I started with me walking past the bookshop.He just listened,without saying anything.When I finished he hugged me again. I leaned against him and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up at the wall opposite.There was a poster up there,one that hadn't been there before.I got up and looked at it.It was advertising the school Talent show.I had completley forgotten that was coming up.I turned around and grinned at Darragh. l knew exactly what I was going to do.

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